Brandon Young Has Been Accepted At Hogwarts!

meet brandon young:
NAME Brandon Young
Mr. Know-It-all - Snape's nickname for Brandon because Brandon never follows the instructions given, thinking he can come up with better solutions when mixing potions
Mr. Aphrodisiac - because his ultimate goal is to come up with the best love potion recipe on the planet.
The Merchant - Selling all kinds of funny potions that even can be used as intoxicant replacement... oh yeah, the kids will love him when they hit a certain age. 

BIRTHPLACE Tallahassee, Florida, USA
HOMETOWN Cambridge, England

BLOOD STATUS Parents are both wizards
English - Fluent - It's his Mothertongue but since he's from the US, he does have a different accent than the majority of Hogwarts students.

APPEARANCE Starting as very small bean when he enters Hogwarts, there's something that'll never change. His messy hair. Combing isn't his favorite past-time, so he'll cover his hair with a beanie or just look as messy as always. Even though he's smaller than most others at the age of 11, he's going to tower over most of his fellow students once puberty kicks in and he'll have his growth spurt, that'll push him to around 187cm around the age of 15/16.

FASHION Simple Jeans and some plain shirts, comfortable sneakers and he's good to go. When it's cold, add a black, red, grey or blue hoodie and this child is a happy camper.
Don't judge on what you see:
TROUBLEMAKER, stubborn, rebellious, bold, outgoing, passionate, team player, empathetic, oh, and he's a klutz.

Hauling from the sunny Florida, Brandon is exactly what some people refer to as the typical "surfer type". Messy but still somewhat styled looking hair, a cheeky grin on his lips and blue eyes that make you fall for his lame excuses for why he caused the latest chaos with his friends. He's of the communicative kind, good with words when his ' safety depends on it and very much in love with sunny days and sunny personalities which are as outgoing as him. He brightens your rainy days with super lame jokes that sometimes happen to be a little insensitive, but rest assured, he never means to harm you in any way. He's just... a little helpless when it comes to showing a little tactfulness.
Nevertheless, Brandon also is someone that if you find yourself on the warpath with him, will be a pain in the for you. He's not very modest, overdoes it a lot of times and is overly stubborn, trying to convince everyone of his opinions (which most of the time are very strong) and if he can't succeed, he'll still stick to them and go the way he finds is the right one. Except for if 99,9% of his squad are going the other direction. Then he'll tag along, frowning the entire time and reminding them of how his idea was a lot better. Yet, he'll follow. He's a team player and loyal to his friends. Gonna be a salty sunshine then, but have you ever tried salted caramel ice-cream? Just imagine him as some salted sundae.
Brandon's rebellious and doesn't give a damn about authorities and rules. If they make no sense for him or if he needs them to just go the f away for a moment to have some fun, he'll totally do whatever he wants. If you try to reprimand him, he'll just look at you, roll his eyes and give you the boldest answer ever that makes you want to slap him in the face and make the rest of his days grounded days.
Some hate him, some love him, but one thing both parties will agree on: this boy is hella passionate. If there's something he loves, then he'll love it wholeheartedly and give his everything to it. Potions? He loves them. So. Much. Dragons? He loves them. So. Much. Girls? He loves them. But ain't nobody ruin the boys' fun, no no.
Despite being the epitome of a klutz, dropping one brick after another and breaking multiple things during his curious attempts to find out more and more about magic and the fascinating world they're living in, he has a very soft core, showing much empathy when others are hurt or troubled. He'll always lend them a shoulder to cry on and will be by his friends' side during good and bad times.
Last, but not least: Brandon is a troublemaker like noone in Hogwarts has ever seen. He's sneaking out at nights, his bringing himself a lot of time into dangerous situations, running into the forests or finding secret chambers in the castle that hide beasts inside that young wizards should not meet and also he's an intoxicant mixer that sells his potions like candies in the dark corners of the hallways. He builds potion bombs, he mixes toxic, hallucinogenic and narcotic potions and he comes up with even more to bother the teachers when the day is long. Mommy and Daddy would be proud of him. Not.

Brandon spent his entire childhood in the US, enjoying the sun and looking forwards to his days in Ilvermorny. Thanks to his family, known as mostly wizards with one or two muggles showing up in the family tree, he already heard a lot of fun stories of the great magician school in the states. However, shortly before his time to attend Ilvermorny came, his parents divorced and he had to follow his father to Cambridge and instead of Ilvermorny visit Hogwarts.
His father, Richard, left his wife Amelia because she was taking her fascination for dangerous potions, plants and experiments way too far, almost killing their muggle neighbours once and which almost got her senteced and jailed up by the MACUSA. She was classified as a threat for others, and also herself, Richard tried to talk it out of her but failed and issued an ultimatum. She'd either give up on her crazy experiments or he'd leave her and would make sure that Brandon would be handed to him. And that's pretty much what happened. They divorced, Richard won the custody and the two Young men moved to England.
Brandon misses his home country and the sunny days, as much as his mother, a lot. Yet, he can't do anything about it... the family court of Magicians decided that his mother can not be entrusted with a child alone.

- Brandon hates bullies. And he'll not stand still if he sees people being bullied. No matter if his head is going to end up in a toilet bowl as a possible outcome as well.
- he loves dragons. They're amazing. If he could, he'd turn his owl "Buddy" into a dragon. He's not going to try out, though. Doesn't want to produce fried owl by accident. Won't change the fact that he might try to transform some other birds on the school ground into dragons.
- he develops a liking for girls very early but is scared to bond in any way (so when the students hit puberty, he'll be one to brag about how many girls like him or have his crushes being praised by him on a daily basis but he probably never starts dating a girl for real. He's into the kind of very diligent and courageous girls, though).
- he HATES snitches. Probably because he's a troublemaker.
- very distant descendant of Elladora Ketteridge.
Those who shape me:

Father, Richard Young, 42, pretty much a pureblood, Hit Wizard, all time worried, wannabe strict but then again way too soft daddy.

Richard's family lives in England, the reason he returned to Cambridge when he divorced his wife Amelia. He's a rather soft person even though he's working as a Hit Wizard. He rarely is at home and even if, he's rather taciturn and leaves the talking to others. Most of the time he's worried about how he raises his son and thinks he fails, as he knows what kind of troublemaker Brandon is, but he's too soft to give his child a hard time. After all he blames himself for tearing Brandon out of the life he knew before the divorce. 

Mother, Amelia Felicia Young (born Ketteridge), pureblood, Herbologist, lives in her very own world, very chaotic, very determined and an overall very forgetful mother.

Amelia is... special. She has her own head, having it stuck in the clouds, thinking about multiple herbs and the wonders of life. She used to be a healer but because she's a tad too chaotic and causes more accidents than actual helping others, she had to go back to being a herbologist only. She forgets most of the things she has to do, yet is very dedicated and determined when it comes to things that interest her. Such as potions. Brandon might have inheritted that from his mother, like all the other troublemaker characteristics, but hey - he is a chip off the old block.

Richard and Amelia are both the reason for why Brandon has some issues regarding long-time bonding with girls and for why Brandon wants to be a love potion expert at the same time. He thinks that maybe he manages he can bring his parents back together one day. He just needs the perfect potion for it, to remind them why they loved each other when they got married.


Since Brandon moved to Britain very recently, he hasn't been able to make any friends. Nevertheless, he won't have a lot of difficulties making new ones thanks to his very outgoing personality. Doesn't change the fact that he still might piss off a lot of people by mentioning Ilvermorny pretty often.


Snape will very likely hate Brandon. Even though Brandon's very much into potions, he'll always try to find his own way to mix what Snape tells them to produce and not seldomly it'll go not very well. Explosions, weird smell, even toxic fluids and the most exotic consistencies are going to bother the potion teacher whenever he takes a short glance into Brandon's kettle. Nevertheless, Snape should be able to see all the potential that lies within the boy... and just piss Snape off even more because the potential seems to be wasted because this child is just too stubborn to listen.
A new adventure:
ARE YOU EXCITED ABOUT GOING TO HOGWARTS? Can I say no and go to Ilvermorny instead? No? Well... I guess... then... yes?

WHICH HOUSE DO YOU WANT TO GET INTO? Actually... no clue. I just don't want to end up with the bunch of bullies. Or the ones being bullied. Nah, not having any of that. Rather kick and be the hero of the day. That sounds good.

IS THERE A HOUSE YOU DON'T WANT TO BE IN? The bully squad. Simple. 

WHICH CLASS ARE YOU MOST LOOKING FORWARD TO? Potions. And of course herbology and care of Magical Creatures. You gotta know where your ingredients come from and where to get them after all. Besides that... I guess flying and DADA are pretty cool, too.


ARE YOU BRINGING A PET? Of course! I'm bringing my buddy... well, his name is "Buddy". Anyway, it's my northern saw whet owl.

ANY THOUGHTS ON HE-WHO-MUST-NOT-BE-NAMED OR HIS FOLLOWERS? He . My grandpa died fighting against death eaters. Am I still angry? Who wouldn't be?

IS THERE ANYTHING ELSE YOU'D LIKE TO ADD? Hey, my name is Brandon Young and I'll invent the best love potion on earth. Girls, you can get a number before the line gets long, if you want to /winks
Any last words:
COMMENTS: I know, Brandon isn't the best of the children I came up with but he still somewhat is endearing to me. Anyhow, I hope you had at least a little fun reading this app and yupp... I'll go back into my corner, praying the meteor shower isn't going to hit me too soon x'D


PASSWORD: I'd say... Gryffindor.
Brandon young
"So...I heard we're
sneaking out tonight?"
Width = 150; Face Claim
jey-chan    jey


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