name Moon sejin
other names
— N/A
moonjin : A nickname that eventually become her stage name. Coincidentally, her surname is Moon, which fits in the theme that Moonlight Entertainment has, so everyone began to call her this. Sejin didn't have the resolve to correct this and just went along with it.
specs/ four-eyes : A mocking nickname that the more resentful and hostile members of Eclipse refer to her as, since she wears glasses.
fortjin : A combination of the word fortune and the latter of her name, Jin. This correlates with her "hidden talent" which is expanded on in the trivia section. (Also, it's funny how "Fortjin" and fortune sound similar.)
birthdate April 30th, 1993
age   18
birthplace  London, England
hometown Seoul, South Korea
ethnicity Korean
nationality Korean

Korean : 100% : Both of her parents are Korean and she's mostly grown up in Korea.
English : 70% : Her parents' work requires them to travel a lot, mostly to America or England, which is why she has a pretty good knowledge of English. Her English is also British-accented.
face claim Girl's Day Minah     
backup face claim baek sumin/ yuko

height  166 CM
weight  49 KG

appearance  Sejin is most notably known to have a cute, girl-next-door appearance and vibe. Her eye-smile is her best feature and makes her easily identifiable amongst the members. Also, unlike most idols, Sejin has monolids and would never go under the knife to change that. She has fair skin, like most, and long hair that varies in color. Sejin is at a pretty decent height with good proportions. She has rather long legs, making her appear taller, and a surprisingly good, slender figure.
fashion She adores oversized shirts or hoodies- the bigger, the better. If not oversized, then t-shirts will do, and Sejin has a preference for denim. Sejin loves to wear Pusheen cat shirts and other cartoon animal shirts. She also wears glasses, much to the displeasure of her parents, since her deteriorated eyesight was caused by playing too many games. At the dorm and for practice, she wears pants or shorts 24/7. however, in public, she has a cuter and more feminine style with dresses, pretty blouses, and skirts. heels, however, at all times are just an all-round discomfort. Walking in them was tolerable for a set number of minutes, but wearing heels and dancing in them? A complete nightmare. She'd rather wear sneakers, but doesn't mind heeled boots or open-toed shoes.
other  Sejin wears glasses and can usually be found wearing them when Astral doesn't have any schedules or if they're traveling. 
positive: Hard-working, Persistent, Kind, Optimistic, Cheerful
neutral: Soft-spoken, Big-thinking, Organized(?)
negative: Naive, Childish, Blunt, Meddlesome, One-Track-Mind

personality  Moon Sejin is most definitely a hard worker, since pure talent will only get you so far without putting in the work. Her family doesn't comprise of natural geniuses, aside from being geniuses of hard work, of course. Thus, Sejin naturally puts all her effort into anything she does. Not only that, but she's quite persistent. Even if she makes a mistake, there's just room for improvement, and Sejin persists until she gets it right. Kindness is in her nature and she likes to help others when she can. She's polite and generally pleasant to be around, along with her optimistic nature. Sejin exudes positivity and always tries to look on the bright side, never feeling down for too long. She's a cheerful girl, usually seen with her signature eye smile, and is just generally bright and upbeat.

       Surprisingly, Sejin is rather soft-spoken, and speaks in a gentle and quiet tone. It's rare that she speaks loudly or even shouts in anger, since her temper is rather nonexistent. Sejin is also likes to think big and dreams big. It's no surprise that with her personality, she tends to aim for the stars that seem impossible. Sejin is surprisingly organized as well- err, more organized than most people, but decently tidy.

      Sejin is an incredibly naive girl who thinks that anyone can do anything if they put their minds to it and wears her heart on her sleeve for everyone to see. She views the world through rose-tinted lenses and can be much too trusting, which can undoubtedly lead to dangerous situations. Sejin is rather childish and tends to indulge herself in things for kids. She likes to collect plushies, flap her oversized sleeves, and dawdle on the arcade games. Sejin also quite blunt in a way that's just brutally honest, but coarse in delivery. At times, her tactless words can unfortunately wound sensitive people, but she doesn't actually mean to. Sejin just does everything in a straightforward manner, thus isn't very subtle. She's also rather meddlesome, as it's in her nature to want to help others, but it is also in her nature to be (annoyingly) persistent in other people's business. Sejin is also very one-track-minded and has a tendency to only focus on one task at a time, making her unfortunately oblivious at times as well as completely dense.

background On a rainy April 30th, 1993 in London, Moon Sejin was born as the youngest child of three. Her father works as a geoscientist and her mother a travel nurse around the world, thus having to travel around the world, never staying too long in one place. Sejin grew up in the shadow of her two other sisters, Chaejin and Yoojin, the former going into anesthesiology and the latter going into archaeology. Sejin wasn't the smartest student, but she did pretty okay. Trying to find something she enjoyed was difficult, but by fortune's hand, Sejin was street-casted to participate in a CF for Trombear. This marked the beginning of her career in 1999 at the age of 6. Later, she managed to grab a minor role in '01, and impressed her parents with her skill. Acting was where she excelled despite her parents' disappointment of her not going into a more prestigious career. Nevertheless, at least she excelled at something. Thus, Sejin delved into the art of acting, achieving high proficiency in all kinds. However, it stressed her- this was what she was good at, and she needed to be perfect in order not to disappoint her parents further.

      The stress of trying to be the best began to eat away at her until she met someone in America at the age of thirteen. Their fathers were business associates, leaving the two of them to socialize much to Sejin's apprehension at the prospect of social interaction. However, the older boy was nice, and introduced her to a stress-relieving activity- games. This did wonders to the young, stress-stricken Sejin, who turned to games as a comfort, and eventually deteriorated her eyesight, causing her to get glasses. Despite her parents' insistence that she stop playing games, Sejin couldn't, as it was the only thing that brought her comfort and relaxation, so she tended to play in private. 

       After returning to Korea, Sejin delved back into looking for roles with new vigor. She managed to grab a minor role in "Hwang Jini" and when she turned fourteen, her family decided to finally settle in South Korea after years of travel prior. 2007 became her golden year as a young actress as Sejin managed to land a role in the popular historical drama, "The King and I," and played a supporting role in the horror/thriller film, "Hansel and Gretel." In that time, Sejin was enamored by the K-pop groups that debuted as she passed them by at the broadcasting stations. It was like they were literal stars that shined and Sejin dreamed to be just like them, but alas, she had no talent for singing, dancing, or rapping. It was then that she decided to put her acting prowess to use and auditioned for Moonlight Entertainment to help her acquire acting roles with an agency to back her up, finding it fitting due to her surname (as well as hoping to get the chance to try her hand at becoming an idol... little did she know that her fortune led her to exactly that). Due to her exceptional skills in acting, she was accepted and entered the company as an actress in 2007.



Games // Mobile games, video games, and other kinds- it's a stress-relieving activity that Sejin got attached to when she was young. When she's not practicing, you can generally find her playing some kind of game.
Coconut // Sejin loves coconuts- drinks, desserts, and even the fragrance puts her in a happy mood.
Seafood // She absolutely loves seafood. Anytime she can have seafood, she'll order it over even fried chicken or pizza, which are well-loved delicacies in Korea. 
Praise // Her parents were very scarce with praise, but she receives a lot of it in this industry for her acting skills, which Sejin is thankful for. After all, it's something she's honed since she was but a small child.
Blankets // Sejin loves to wrap herself in a big, fluffy blanket when she's sleeping or just a leisure day. Her favorite blanket is white with dancing baby penguins in winter scarves.
Inspirational Quotes // Many shirts she wears have them, mostly because Sejin is an optimist at heart and loves encouragement- for herself and for others.
Pusheen the cat // Sejin absolutely adores Pusheen and its products. She owns a lot of Pusheen shirts and plushies.

Diets // Food is good, too good to be on a diet. Sejin would rather exercise diligently than go on a diet so she can eat what she wants.
Plagiarism // Sejin knows the difficulty and stress of what goes behind the scenes and for such hard work to be stolen is something she never wants people to experience, let alone her members. 
Disorganization // Sejin likes to have things clean and tidy, so it's no surprise that she takes it upon herself to clean the dorm and organize things.
Being compared // Sejin doesn't like it when the public compare her acting skills with others in the industry. It makes her apprehensive at the thought of not being on par with others at something she was supposed to excell at.
Bad actors and actresses // Is it really that hard to act? Sejin can't stand the people that dare call themselves actors/actresses when their "skills" are atrocious. It's an insult to the art itself!
Awkward silences // They remind her of her awkward family dinners where conversation is attempted, but unsuccessful with Sejin's blunt interjections that remind them that they aren't close like they're pretending to be.

Collecting Pusheen the cat products // Many of her t-shirts have the iconic cat on them and she has a lot of the plushies. Her favorite tends to change a lot, like a child, but she'll always be fond of the original.
Playing games // It's the way she relieves stress and she plays everyday, even if it's for a limited time. Sejin mostly plays JRPGs, but after 2011, she plays a lot of League of Legends when she can.
Cleaning // Sejin likes to clean up the dorm when she cans and eventually it became a hobby for her. It relieves some stress, but not like the way games can. Also, she swears she's not a clean freak.

— Sejin sleeps like she's dead. She is absolutely silent and doesn't even move except for her slow breathing.
— She always carries a portable gaming device with her to play with, even it's just a little. Sejin changes between her PSP (Vita) and (3)DS frequently.
— Sejin takes a deep breath right before she goes into her One-Track-Mind mode.
— When she's excited, Sejin will flap her oversized sleeves happily.
— Sejin loves hand sanitizer (coconut scented of course) and will sanitize her hands frequently. She carries a small, portable one that hangs from her belt loops, or it's in her bag somewhere.

Causing others to fail // What's worse than herself failing is causing others to fail alongside her. Sejin doesn't want to drag anyone down should she fall, else she'll never forgive herself. 
Small children // Well, more like fearing of being unable to look after them properly and make really horrible mistakes. Sejin will admire from a distance, but will be wrought with anxiousness should they come close.
Bees and hornets // She's relatively okay with other insects (Err, well...), but if anything with a stinger comes around...
Cockroaches, especially flying ones // Those THINGS are just monsters and they're unnatural and th-they're just! (probably why Sejin frequently cleans...)
Being alone // After befriending the members of Astral, Sejin had made friends for once, real live companions. For that, she has developed a fear of one day being separated from them and being alone again. 

— Sejin would like to try being a villain one day in a K-Drama
— When Sejin cleans the dorm, it faintly smells of coconuts.
— At the end of 2011, League of Legends was launched in South Korea. Intrigued by the game, Sejin tried it out and ended up becoming rather addicted to playing it. She plays any chance she gets and is surprisingly skilled at it. Sejin is currently a Diamond I tier player who mains support champions, usually Nami. Sometimes, when she's up for it, she'll play on the frontlines with Malzahar as a mage (or mess around as a AD Jungle). She isn't in Master or Challenger tier, mostly because she doesn't have the time to play as much as those people. Her username is AstralMoon.
— Sejin is part of a League of Legends pro team with friends she joined online in the beginning of 2012. Her team is called SK Moonlight, since Sejin had to make a compromise with the company to participate in tournaments during certain parts of the year. 
— Her luck is insanely good- almost lottery-winning and life-saving good. Her luck tends to help her (and the members sometimes) out of unfavorable situations. Things like luck with arcade machines, winning prizes, being nearly unbeatable at luck-based activites, is Sejin's hidden talent. You can even ask her what number you're thinking of between 1-1000 and she'll guess it right, just because she's that lucky. She's also unbeatable at rock-paper-scissors, oddly enough. On the other hand, her luck doesn't really transfer over to her being able to capture a lot of roles with ease or with music charts... at least, so easily. It tends to fluctuate unpredictably.
— Her favorite foods include all seafoods (especially shrimp or tuna), manduguk, tteokbokki, galbitang, and patbingsu (usually coconut or oreo).
— Sejin didn't get on social media until after her debut with Astral. She only has a twitter under the name @astralmoon where she interacts with fans. Most of the time, Sejin answers fan questions, sometimes even giving League of Legends advice. After a couple of years with Astral in 2013 or so, Sejin got a twich.tv account under the same name, AstralMoon, and streams her League of Legends matches during Astral's breaks.
— Sejin has a League of Legend smurf account (a.k.a. another account besides her main AstralMoon) by the name of MissFortjin (a pun on a champion/character in LoL, Miss Fortune). She uses this account to play with the fans and posts on social media when she'll be playing, as well as streaming on twitch.
— The fans gift her hats or League of Legends merch at fansignings, to which Sejin gladly and gratefully uses. They also like to gift her Pusheen plushies. She'll gradually have a mountain of them on (or in) her bed, but surprisingly organized.
— Sejin is allergic to cherries.
— Her favorite colors are all shades of blue and light pink. She doesn't really like orange or yellow.
— Sejin is extremely good at poker with both her insane luck and her really good poker face (since she is an actress after all). 
— She sanitizes her phone and gaming devices daily and offers to do the same for the other members.


— "guess i'm just lucky."
— "pick a number between 1 to 1000. now add a decimal to it. have it? let's see, your number is... ."
— "i'm not a clean freak i swear!"
— "Umma, umma!" (to Misaki)
— "let's try again!"
— "feeling lucky?"
— "looks like fortune's in our favor today!"
— "huh?" (snapped out of one-track-mind mode)
— "we can do this!"
— "don't worry about it! Don't mind, don't mind!"
— not particularly close to her family, unfortunately


               sk moonlight: kim minjun; seungho (mblaq)sk moonlight: sang sooyeon; lizzy (after school)sk moonlight: jang joonyoung; hyungsik (zea)

sk moonlight member : kim minjun : 24 : pianist : The leader of SK Moonlight who also works as a locally acknowledged pianist. Minjun is a cool and confident figure that undoubtedly keeps his team calm like a true leader. He first began the pro team with three other people that would eventually become SK Moonlight and invited Sejin to join. Minjun often offers advice to Sejin and is a brotherly figure to the rest of the team, being the eldest. He's the team's top laner (secondary ADC) and mains Darius, or Cho'Gath and his username is Minzart (a play on words on Mozart, since he's a pianist)
Face claim: Mblaq Seungho

sk moonlight member : sang sooyeon : 19 : college student, computer science major : A bright and energetic college student that is Sejin's good friend. Since they're similar in age and personality- as well as being the only females on the team, it's easy for them to converse comfortably and be themselves. Many times, if Sejin wants someone to talk to if not the members of Astral, it's usually Sooyeon, whose energy is very contagious. She's frequently referred to as SK Moonlight's vitamin and energizer. Sooyeon is the team's jungler (secondary top laner) and mains Kha'zix, or Rengar and her username is Sciyeonce (a combination of science, Sooyeon, and Beyonce)
Face claim: After school LIzzy

sk moonlight member : jang joonyoung : 20 : writer : A sly and sarcastic young man that takes control of the tactics in the team. While he can be a bit abrasive with his sarcasm, Joonyoung cares deeply for his team members, since they are his only friends outside his home, but shows it rarely since he's a bit of a tsundere. He's an action-adventure fantasy novel writer, while not world-famous, is locally acknowledged, but likes to play games more. Joonyoung, to Sejin, is like the annoying older brother she never had, but nevertheless appreciates. He is the team's mid laner (secondary jungler) and mains Orianna, or Ahri and his username is Tsunyoung (Sooyeon chose it for him- a combination of tsundere and his name)
Face claim: zea Hyungsik

sk moonlight member : song taehyun : 22 : businessman : Expanded in love interest section

astral member : amari misaki : 21 : composer/lyricist : Sejin looks to the eldest unnie for vocal advice... a lot. Her relationship with her own sisters isn't close and they rarely speak to each other, so Sejin sees Misaki as a true older sister figure or even a mother figure. Sejin is also one of the members that frequently refer to Misaki as Umma without shame. She is also one of the members that praises her endlessly and because of her honest nature, they are genuine compliments as well.
Manager/producer : Shin Minho : 26 : manager/producer of astral : sejin looks up to minho like a big brother figure, maybe even a father figure that she never really got to have. she finds his silly jokes funny and listens to his orders obediently. 
— members : astral : varies : idols  : the members, considering face-to-face interaction. Her childhood was rather lonely, since her sisters didn't try to be close to her, and Sejin spent her time working as a child actress. However, Astral are like... real friends- friends she never really got to experience. Sejin can't help but feel attached to them. She frequently asks the Dancer and the Rapper to help her improve her skills along with asking Misaki.
would you please introduce yourself? "Hi, I'm Moon Sejin, born in 1993, and I'm part of Moonlight Entertainment's newest group Astral. Glad to be here!"
who is an artist you look up to? "When I frequented the broadcasting stations, I saw Shinhwa-sunbaenim a lot. They have been together for many years and have achieved so many things together. I hope that Astral can follow in their footsteps in the near future."
when did you start getting interested in music? "Hmm.. when I was younger, I passed by many idols at the broadcasting stations, and I couldn't help but be amazed. They're like actual stars in the sky! It was then that I wanted to be like that too, so i started to listen to more and more music."
is there anything you'd like to do in the future? "I'd like to do more acting in the future, maybe even try a villain role. For now, though, I'm going to keep working on my performance skills so that I won't burden the other members."
what are your goals in life? "Right now and for, I hope, a long time, I just want to be with Astral and succeed."
any final words? "I'll do my best to improve my skills and we'll all work really hard to show a great performance. Thank you for supporting us."
the actress.
stage name  Moonjin
stage persona Sejin doesn't act that much differently from her own personality, just comfortable to be herself. Although, you can always find her smiling and typically in a good mood. As an idol, Sejin always wants to send positivity and "shine" like a star, which is why she is always cheerful, even when she's not. She is an actress after all. although, she does do a lot more aegyo, mostly because she's asked to.

trainee years One Year at Moonlight
trainee life A naive child she is, Sejin believed everything would be better now that she was part of a company. However, she didn't expect the company to put her on the back-burner and instead, focus on their idols. Sejin didn't let that get her down, though, and tried auditions, but competition between child actors was difficult. She barely nabbed a supporting role in 2008, a year after she entered the company, and even then it was only because her insane luck put her ahead of the competition. Sejin faced many rejections after that and would glance at the trainees and Starlight with wonder. Could she try to be a trainee- to become an idol? The rest of 2008 was faced with rejections due to the fact that she lacked prestige- that she wasn't a "big name" unlike other child actors who have made a name for themselves, but Sejin kept hope and kept trying. She managed to take a spot as a secondary lead in a horror film due to her past experience in "Hansel and Gretel." However, "Living Death" was a horror film, not exactly something Sejin could get her "big break" in. While the film received pretty good marks, most of the focus went to the director of the film, not the actors. Sejin began to feel anxious about her future, despite her attempts to be optimistic. Is this where it ends? Her reputation in the acting industry made her out as a "horror actress" due to her most identifiable roles were horror films. Many directors soon formed a paradigm that Sejin was suited for only horror/thriller and thus, believed she wouldn't perform as well in other genres. As the years had passed, Moonlight Entertainment was disappointed by Sejin's lack of popularity, and thus her contract was questioned, putting Sejin on the edge. So, when Minho and Misaki approached her about being in a group, Sejin took the chance, hoping to change everyone's mind about her image and also, maybe even fulfill her little dream of being an idol. However, she was in over her head when reality came by to remind her why she didn't try earlier. When training began, Sejin was sorely lacking, and every minute was more grueling than the one before. Moon Sejin was no quitter though and worked harder than she ever did as an actress. The other members were kind, encouraging even, and Sejin soon became attached to them, never really having anyone to call "friends" until now. Not wanting everyone's hard work and generosity to be in vain, Sejin worked extra hard to keep up, and didn't take on any roles in 2010 to focus on her training.

talent twins.
vocal Sonamoo Nahyun (Kim Sohye)
rap Kim Sohye (BESTie's Hyeyeon)
dance Kim Sohye (Sonamoo Minjae)
variety Astro's Eunwoo (Infinite's Dongwoo)

song examples 
— n/A

— 1999-2001 : CF for Trombear 
— 2001 : "Piano" - plays young Han Joo-hee, minor role
— 2006 : "Hwang Jini" - plays young Hwang Jini, minor role
— 2007 : "The King and I" - plays young Queen Gonghye, minor role
— 2007 : "Hansel and Gretel" - plays Kim Younghee, supporting role
— 2008 : "La Dolce Vita" - plays Ha Nari, supporting role
— 2009 : "Living Death" - plays Sojin, first major role (secondary lead)
— 2010 : predebut cover of "Without words" originally sung by park shinhye from the drama "you're beautiful" to generate interest in astral

future activites
— 2011 // "Heartstrings" - plays Lee Junghyun (Lee Shin's sister), supporting role
— 2012 // "Moon Embracing the Sun" - plays Bae Noori, supporting role
— 2014 // "Liar Game" - plays Nam Dajung, major role (lead)
— 2015 // "Who Are You: School 2015" - plays Cha Songjoo, supporting role
— 2016 // "Cheese in the Trap" - plays Hong Seol, major role (lead)

news stories
— t : astra's moonjin is a gamer (2012) : Playing online with her username "AstralMoon" was probably the biggest indicator. League of Legends is pretty big amongst the gaming community in South Korea and some of the fans encountered her in a few matches. After all, having a social media account under the same name was enough proof. Fortunately, she received a lot of respect from the gaming community for being a Diamond I tier player, but some criticism as well for wasting her time playing games rather than working on her skills.
— f : Astral's Moonjin dating a chaebol? (2012) : It didn't really help that Taehyun escorted her to SK Moonlight's meeting place in a suit and into Constellations' main building. There were pictures of them together, but it showed no evidence of intimacy whatsoever and afterwards, they released pictures that revealed that it was a meeting of Moonjin's pro LoL team, showing all five of them together. With that, the rumor was completely shot down.
— t : Astral's Moonjin shows off acting skills in new TV series (2014) : Having been acting for the majority of her life, Moonjin's performance has certainly cemented her into one of the more respected idol-actresses in the industry. Although, there are still some netizens out there who like to pretend to be acting coaches... but other than that, the response was well-received.
— t : Astral's Moonjin wins pro gaming tournament (2015) : SK Moonlight, after many losses, finally wins first place at the Spring 2015 tournament. Unfortunately (or fortunately?), this was also her team's last tournament. Many congratulations are given... although you still have "those" people.
— t : Astral's Moonjin's wardrobe malfunction (2016) : During one of their performances, the left sleeve of Sejin's stage outfit had ripped apart, but she didn't notice due to the fact she was focusing on performing her best. Fortunately, she had worn a strapless undergarment that day and the strap didn't scandalously show, but there still was a lot of skin shown, almost revealing her undergarment but not quite. Sejin was even accused of ripping her outfit on purpose since she didn't even try covering herself during the performance, but this was quickly defended by the fans and an official statement was put out in her defense.
face claim: yoon doojoon (beast/highlight)
name song taehyun
byul (byul-oppa, byullie-oppa) : Sejin thought taehyun should have a space-themed nickname too, like how she's called moonjin, so she calls him byul (star).
birthdate October 27th, 1989
age 22 (as of 2011)
face claim Yoon doojoon (Beast/highlight)

positive: Shrewd, Mature, Well-Mannered
neutral: Private, Subtle, Competitive
negative: Cautious/Cynical, Cowardly, Cold

personality Taehyun is quite shrewd, being in control of the team's tactics alongside Joonyoung. His perceptiveness and overall intelligence is fitting for someone of his caliber and his status as a businessman. He tends to easily pick up any signs of discontent, discomfort, anger, and many more as well as predict others' reactions. Taehyun is more on the mature side, unlike Sejin, and takes on a wiser and more collected stance on situations. He is capable of seeing through other perspectives with an open mind and doesn't allow himself to be driven by impulse or, in more extreme cases, anger. He's also well-mannered and polite to those he meets, as expected of a fine gentleman. Taehyun is also noticeably kind to Sejin more than anyone else on many occasions, but will extend his politeness to others nevertheless. Also unlike Sejin, Taehyun is quite the private person, and prefers not to reveal much about himself despite knowing the other members of the team extensively. Thus, his private life is still relatively unknown to the others, even Sejin. He withholds information about himself rather tightly- luckily, the others don't really mind. Taehyun is also more subtle and isn't the type to tell his feelings in a straightforward manner. Thus, his roundabout way of expressing his feelings in small gestures tends to go completely unnoticed by Sejin. Taehyun is also competitive- if he's playing, then he's playing to win. While he tries to show that he's not a sore loser, he secretly dislikes losing on the inside. Growing up in high society has made Taehyun cautious about others. He was conditioned to trust no one and be detached in order to run his father's company in the future, thus he has difficulty trusting others. He rarely lets his guard down and frequently doubts that the actions of others are genuine, but does not show it and gives a fake smile. Along with his cynical nature, to make matters worse, he's rather cowardly. Taehyun does not wish to know if such actions- mostly by the team- are genuine or fake, in fear of it being the latter. One can tell there's a certain distance he puts between himself and others, even his family, for fear that in the end, the moments he treasured were all lies. His feelings towards Sejin especially, he keeps a tight lid on them, afraid that she would not feel the same, yet unable to move on fearing he will never find anyone else who wears her heart on her sleeve as much as she. Although he tries to keep an open mind and try to control his temper or irritation, Taehyun frequently goes cold, and even his manners are executed in a very icy and frigid manner, especially if his suspicions on others' lack of genuity are correct or if his sore spots are touched upon. His cold/aloof nature is mostly shown against other businessmen or people of similar caliber.
background Born in October 27th, 1989, Song Taehyun is the only son of Song Yoonyoung, the owner of Constellations, a chain of resorts around the world, and thus, is the sole heir to his father's empire. As a result, he grew up surrounded by tutors and adults who would try and get on his father's good side through fabrications. Much like Sejin, he also traveled very frequently, except on a much larger scale due to Constellations' resorts being spread across the world. In order to check on all of them, he and his father traveled often. His mother, on the other hand, had passed away after childbirth, leaving her son in the hands of various nannies and caretakers. Taehyun grew up cynical as well as intelligent, going through his studies with flying colors as expected. However, as the stress of trying to be the prodigy that his father wanted began to burden him, one of Taehyun's caretakers introduced him to games in order to de-stress. Unfortunately or perhaps fortunately, Taehyun was able to de-stress, but at the cost of becoming nearly addicted to them. They were an escape from reality that offered both entertainment and at times, degrees of deep thinking and philosophies. He attached himself to various characters, as attaching himself to real people was unthinkable at the time, but game characters weren't real- and they would not betray you. Although he has been chastised on his gaming hobby, his studies went along more nicely, thus they would simply drop the subject. Around the time he was seventeen, his father was thinking of building another resort in America to add to the other ones, and set up a meeting with a geoscientist by the name of Moon Donghoon in order to choose the best spot. His father mentioned that the man's youngest daughter, Moon Sejin, was a child actress of some sort, and Taehyun was to keep the girl company while the adults were talking. At first, he felt a bit irritated to be on babysitting duty, but when they had met face-to-face, she had caught him off-guard. As young as she was, the child actress looked completely stress-stricken and exhausted. She had even brought her script to read over and in a way, Taehyun could see his past self projected on her- trying to be the best, to be the prodigy your parent(s) want you to be. So, he offered her a chance to escape reality and relieve stress the best way he knew how- games. He introduced her to some of his childhood favorites, to which she enjoyed greatly without restraint. Even in their short time together, Taehyun observed how honest Sejin was in each of her actions and reactions. Almost foolishly, she wore her heart on her sleeve for everyone to see and take advantage of, yet it comforted him to see someone so naive- someone trustworthy for once. Before he was able to engage in a deeper conversation, it was regretfully already time for her to take her leave. But he never forgot her, even if he was the one forgotten. Taehyun followed her acting roles religiously whenever he had time, as he had began working in the company once he turned eighteen. He never missed a single one and looked forward to the day he would cross paths with her again. In the meantime, Taehyun and his father settled back in Korea around early 2009. By chance, he encountered Kim Minjun while searching for a last minute pianist to perform at one of his father's resorts. Minjun had done extremely well that night, thus Taehyun employed him as the resort's professional pianist. They also found common ground on their fondness for games and through time, Taehyun found himself enjoying the elder's company while still holding tight to his private information and distance, not that Minjun pried. The two of them would get together to play games sometimes and they encountered Jang Joonyoung at a game store, looking for something new to play. Coincidentally, Joonyoung happened to be a family friend of Minjun's, and is a younger brother figure of his. Despite the younger man's abrasive nature, Taehyun also knew that he was cut from the same cloth as Minjun by witnessing the "dere" part of Joonyoung's tsundere personality. Naturally, Joonyoung became a part of their little group before Taehyun knew it. At the end of 2010, Sang Sooyeon was added to their group. She was Joonyoung's hoobae back in high school and they were acquainted over mutual friends. After meeting again, it wasn't long until Joonyoung and Sooyeon began to date. Now came 2011 and Astral's debut, surprising Taehyun greatly seeing Sejin debut as an idol instead of a new role in a film or a television series.

— likes Games // The only method of relieving stress that works for him as well as being a source of entertainment. 
— likes Coffee // Preferably black with no milk or sugar added- the bitterness has grown on him.
— likes Gummy Bears // A very deep, dark, and delicious secret that only Sejin knows- only because she was the one who had him try them. 
—likes Suits // Probably makes up 80% of his closet- they look sophisticated and professional and he could just remove his blazer and loosen his tie if he felt stuffy while still looking perfectly presentable. 
— dislikes Liars/Lies // It's worse when they do it so easily without blinking an eye. Taehyun is quite sick of lies, coming from a line of work where they are relatively common in order to make a profit. 
— dislikes Losing // He grew up with a high intelligence as well as pride- losing is something that the heir to Constellations should not be doing.
— dislikes Sunny days // In his opinion, the sun is a bit of an annoyance with the way it shines so brightly, hurting his eyes. The heat that comes with it is also irritating. He prefers cloudy or rainy days.
— dislikes when People are taller than him // It's a bit childish, but Taehyun doesn't like it when people are taller than he is. It makes him feel like he was to cower before them.
— dislikes Crowds // Just being around tons of people puts him on edge added to the fact that it's also terribly loud.
— Taehyun's height is 184 cm and while it is rare that he finds someone taller than he is, it is truly a moment he dreads when it does happen.
— He pays for everything in cash- he doesn't like using cards. Since there's a physical attachment to cash, it's easier to save money that way.
—His LoL username is Songstellation (combination of his surname and the company name) and his position in SK Moonlight is ADC (secondary Support) and mains Varus, or Graves.
— Taehyun doesn't drink alcohol because who knows what kind of reckless things he'll do when he's drunk and definitely doesn't want to find out.
— He favors neutral colors and dark shades of blue, sometimes red. Other than that, he doesn't like any other color (on himself that is).

—  2007 : first meeting in america : is described in sejin's and taehyun's background
— 2012 : "Reunion" in League of legends : Sejin joins the team redubbed SK Moonlight
— 2012 : "First" meeting in person at one of Constellations' buildings in Seoul, Moonjin's dating rumor with Taehyun 
— rest of 2012 (Random intervals) : Sejin and Taehyun join up online to play LoL to "synergize"
— Spring 2013 : SK Moonlight ends up in second place, losing against MVP Ozone in the pro tournament
— 2013-2014 Winter : SK Moonlight ends up in second place again, losing against the Summer champions SK Telecom T1 K
— 2014 : Sejin is casted for "Liar Game" and Taehyun (along with other SK Moonlight members) pick her up after filmings for meals or snacks
— Spring 2015 : SK Moonlight's last tournament due to Minjun's marriage. Sejin finds out that she and Taehyun met each other long before.
— 2016-2017 : Private chats and gatherings with SK Moonlight

love story  While following Sejin's activities closely, Taehyun has also made note of her social media name- AstralMoon, a name he has also seen around the LoL servers. By a of Fortjin, she filled the last slot on his team in a match as the Support. The match was overwhelmingly in their favor and their teamwork was almost perfectly in sync that the opponents had no choice but to surrender. After the match, everyone sent a friend request to her, which she naively accepted. After discussing it briefly, they decided to invite her to the team after a few matches altogther. Sejin decided "why not" and accepted their invite, only to find that their team is aiming to be a pro team and participate in tournaments. The time of the tournaments, however, occur both in spring and fall, which may interfere with Sejin's schedules with Astral. In a straightforward manner, Sejin discussed the matter with both the company and Minho and Misaki, to which they came to a compromise as it can be a way to promote Astral to a certain community. As the team didn't have an official name, it was agreed that it would become SK Moonlight. To prepare for the spring tournament and set a schedule to play, they all agreed to meet in person, which resulted in Moonjin's dating rumor, but fortunately it blew over. With the team gathered together in person in its entirety, they managed to put together a schedule of when and where to play that fit everyone's circumstances. They all exchanged numbers with Sejin as well.

Eventually, Taehyun comes up with an excuse to spend time with Sejin by saying that they need to play together more often in order to fully get used to each other's playing styles (since they will always be working together in matches). Innocently, Sejin goes along with his suggestion, and whenever they can, the two join up and play. Through subtle questioning, Taehyun learns more about Sejin, and ends up growing more fond of her. Sejin also feels more comfortable speaking with him.

In the Spring of 2013, SK Moonlight enters the pro tournament with Sejin and Taehyun's synergy taking their opponents by storm. However, Sooyeon had suffered a hand injury after playing basketball with some college friends, ending in their inevitable defeat in a close match against MVP Ozone. Although Sejin was dejected, Taehyun treated her to patbingsu (and by extension, the rest of the team in order not to generate misunderstandings). Throughout the rest of the year, they still practiced with vigor from time to time.

At the end of 2013 to the beginning of 2014, SK Moonlight ended up coming short against SK Telecom T1 K, who had won the Summer tournament. Although it ended in loss, they all had fun and are still acknowledged as a powerhouse team, coming up second place for the second time. They all go out for dinner.

For the rest of 2014, it is filled with Sejin's activities with Astral and her newest acting role in the TV series "Liar Game" as the main character. After some filmings, Taehyun (along with some members of SK Moonlight, varying from time to time) surprises her with her favorite treats. Throughout the rest of the year, the two of them text more often as well.

In 2015, Minjun reveals that he will be getting married to his significant other of 5 years. The Spring tournament will be his last due to focus on his marriage and family. Everyone in the team respects his decision and agree to still play with each other from time to time for fun. They managed to emerge as the Spring champions in their last tournament, beating out their rival SK Telecom T1 in the closest match of the tournament. After the tournament, SK Moonlight attends Minjun's wedding. Sejin and Taehyun speak about the past after the reception, with Taehyun revealing that they knew each other in the past. Sejin was astonished by this realization, but thanks him honestly for changing her life and introducing her to games, the one stress-relieving activity that works for her. That night, Taehyun also drops off Joonyoung, Sooyeon, and Sejin to their respective homes, being the designated driver due to his abstinence of alcohol. Throughout the rest of the year, their private video-chats end up revealing more about their respective pasts. 

For 2016 and 2017, SK Moonlight would meet every now and then for fun. Throughout the year, Sejin and Taehyun would have private video-chats or calls, eventually reaching the point of knowing all there is to each other. Although they are definitely more than friends at this point, Sejin considers Taehyun to be her precious best(?) friend, having never thought of him more than that before. On the other hand, Sejin has become special to Taehyun, as she is the only one who truly knows him. As much as he would prefer to spend more time with her personally, he also (smartly) considers her career and refrains from confessing until her "no-dating" clause expires.

ending  Years into the future after 2017, Taehyun manages to confess in person with the help of the members of SK Moonlight. However, Sejin had never thought of Taehyun as other than a friend, but had become confused about her feelings after his confession. Did she feel the same way? So, she asks for more time to consider, to which Taehyun reluctantly agrees, as it's still not a flat-out rejection and there's still a chance. After a discussion with her group members and Sooyeon, Sejin will-
Either come to the realization that she too has feelings for him
Friend-zone him :(
Completely up to the author~

status  friends to close friends (Then determinant)

any last words?  Trying to find all those pre-debut roles was the hardest thing I have ever done for an app XD like holy crap, where are the roles that fit with her age in that specific time period? Also, I hope I didn't go too crazy with future activities, but it felt weird not to have at least something without super large intervals. Also, the love interest section is just a mess~ I had such a wonderful idea, but after coming back to the app after some time I had just completely lost it and rushed it so bad. Hopefully, this is acceptable, and I really did want to leave it up to you whether Sejin will accept or reject Taehyun, because it honestly could go either way. So, I guess, depending on if you're feeling the pairing or not, because I don't know if I can form any coherent thought anymore XD Anyway, if there's anything wrong, I'll try to get it fized as soon as possible! Hope you enjoyed!

scene requests
— Astral (or some of the members) being overprotective of Sejin when they meet Taehyun and Sejin is incredibly dense, not sensing the tension
— Sejin's luck confirmation at Weekly Idol with different (all to somewhat) luck-based games (rock-paper-scissors, card games, etc.) to which her luck shines through and the fandom officially nicknames her "Fortjin"
— Sejin sanitizing the dorm and electronic devices, but swears she isn't a clean freak or has OCD
— A member has trouble completing a level on a game. Sejin clears it in no time XD
— Sejin is hopelessly naive and cannot comprehend some jokes

song suggestions
— n/a (can't think of anything at the moment...)

— happy together?
— return of superman?  (Oh crap, Sejin having to face her fear of children XD)

don't forget the password(s)!
stainglass : s.glass


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Hey S.Glass! Thanks for applying~ I really enjoyed reading about Sejin :) I think you’d be right to put “Organized” in the neutral category, since it’s something that fluctuates between low key and very over the top. Just out of curiosity, when did they officially move to Seoul? Or is Seoul just their “home base” that they come back to every once in awhile. I really liked the inclusion of the professional gaming! It ties in really well and could eventually help bring more attention to the group as a whole. I also really like how she and Taehyun are connected by their love for LOL. If Sejin is chosen I’m going to have to do some research, because most of the terms related to LOL went completely over my head lmao. I also enjoyed how her love of games tied into her background. Her good luck could bring some interesting concepts into the story. Her pre-debut activities are pretty interesting, especially with the horror movies. Her relationship with Moonlight Entertainment is interesting. I don’t think that she’s naïve for expecting the company to do their job lmao. Her nickname for Taehyun is really cute – their relationship overall is really cute, and I’m a er for the friends to lovers troupe.

I’m kind of surprised that you had trouble finding roles, but I guess maybe it’s after 2011 where those kinds of roles started picking up? I think that the amount of future activities is fine, they might not all get used (depending on the plans for the year) but it doesn’t hurt to have a lot to work with. I totally understand the feeling of losing an idea, but I still really enjoyed her love story, so maybe it worked out in the end? Lmao either way, I don’t see anything wrong with your application so Sejin is accepted.