I LOVE BLOGGING MORE THAN UPDATING MY FANFICS YAAAAAY blogpost is inspired by throwingpineapple's comment on our language (by the way that biar macet betis berotot percuma agak ngotot thing is from a radio station here in indo lmao)

i literally just asked my dad to go out of my room because i thought i was going to be writing a chapter but instead i'm doing THIS AHAHHAH anywayyyy since today is indonesia's independence day!!!  i shall present thou with several posts i like about out language.  btw i think only indonesians are gonna be fully able to understand this but anyway i'm having a blast compiling this so why not

oke let me just HAHAHHAHAHAHHAH  

the title says, "who says english is simpler than indonesian??"

"SUMPE LO???"  is basically slang for "YOU SWEAR???" 

Nenek lu kiper!! is basically an insult to your grandma that is hard to explain lmao 

"INSYA ALLAH GUE DATENG!!" is basically 'by God's grace I will come' more or less saying that you won't haha!

RAPATNYA JAM 8 AHAHHAHAHAHHAHA basically this means "the meeting is at 8!!!"  which is how to get indonesians to come "15 minutes earlier" because we are always late to everything HAHAHAHAH

AND MATI GUA AHAHHA BOLEH GIORDANO-NYA KAAAK AHAHHAHAHHAHAHA aduh ngakak ok basically this is how shopkeepers yell out to you everytime you pass by their shops in like, lower-level shopping places??  i mean this doesn't happen in malls like plaza indonesia or grand indonesia but mangga 2... lmao.  and what they're basically saying is for you to come look at their stuff (they're using giordano as an example here haha)

 KIRIMIN MAMA PULSA MAMPUS HAHAHAHA!!!!!!   this says "transfer some data to your mom!!!"  it's not exactly data actually it's like... your phone balance you know call credits and that idk HAAHA basically it's how a lot of indonesians try to scam others for a few coins via text HAHAH

aduh i love i love "MAKSUD LO?????" which is "WDYM????"  but the very nyolot/sassy version WKAKAKAKA i'm having such a good time reading these

mati ini semua bener bgt HAHAHHAH 

btw to possible curious readers if you try to google translate these it won't make sense ok because these are like... inside country jokes lmao but this is so fun to share and read RAPATNYA JEM 8 MEN

PS this post is SARCASTIC ok 


HAHAHA jayus lu smua jayus suho jayus jin jayuuuus jayuuuus OH WAIT but i found this: 

15. Jayus: This word has circulated around the internet, with the false translation “a joke that is told so poorly that one cannot help but laugh.” Real story has it that there is a man named Jayus who was a politician that apparently would always say cheesy things. It pertains to the fact that a word is cheesy/corny, not the after effects of hearing the “joke.” (




basically kan is like "see" 

and we say it like, tuh kan!!  HAHAHHAHA  


Several Indonesian words/phrases I personally like: 

YA WE HAVE A WORD FOR THIS TOO!  pecicilan!!!   also i think... tengil.... tengil can mean the similar thing haha!!


another personal favourite of mine form our language is NYEMPIL

Nyempil: When there’s a thunderstorm and a kid gets scared, so he runs to the parents' bedroom slips in between them. ( 

Makes sense?  HAHA :D



literally cuci mata means "wash eyes", but in fact cuci mata actually means to go cute guy/girl watching HAHA.  Basically, it means to check good looking people out.  which is what my friends and i used to say about this cute guy in class a lot: lumayan lah sekolah bisa cuci mata (s'okay la we go to school there's that cute guy we can check out) HAHA



BASICALLY MEANS loss/not worth it/not getting the bang for your buck spend aka asians will use this a lot 

In english: if you had just waited a few more days until the discount began you could've saved quite a lot of money for the stuff you got, look it's on sale for a cheaper price now 

In indonesian:  rugi kan 

In english:  you should've come last night, it was such a shame you didn't!!

in indonesian:  rugi kan (ga dateng) 

in english: it was $3 for 3 there it's now $3 for 5 you should've just bought it here omg 

in indonesian: rugi deh 

can be used in conjunction with cipe which is basically cheap/cheapskate for eg: cipe dia, gamau rugi (more or less he's cheap, doesn't want it if it's not worth it)


lmao ok i got lazy searching for more.  there's still so, so many fun words like jomblo, baper, tulalit, teler, begah, ngeden, gaptek, curhat, ETC ETC and the last ones i picked out aren't very good and i'm tired ok there u go 


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anyeng gw baru liat ini wtf did I just read but really ur dad's genius damn om :(
parah gua baru tau asal usul jayus pas baca blog elu HAHAHA
I understand your blog eventho i'm not from indonesia ! Guess where i'm from ^^
Btw, Selamat Hari Kemerdekaan Indonesia !!
Sumpah ngakak banget
"kan" speaks thousand words
Lol, faedah ini
SELAMAT HARI MERDEKA TRISH! Hahaha~ Idk how Indonesian wish for this but let me wish y'all here in Malaysian. >.<
Lizzylex #8
This post made my day
that "kan" explanation tho HAHAHAHAHA aseeemmmm trish! kurang kata 'baper' tuh wkwkwk ntar bikin blog khusus buat maki-makian lagi lol

eh tiba-tiba keinget satu singkatan di post oa line (tau draftsms?), gue kasih tau boleh nggak? it's so funny tapi recehhhh lol jd ada yg ngirim draft sms ni cewe pacarnya lg dideketin sama orang lain gitu, terus dia blg mbaknya manja ya........

manis manis janc*k (ada emot ketawa nangis ntah kebaca apa nggak)
(ok gue sksd bgt tp tiba-tiba keinget terus pengen kasi tau) (excuse me i'll see my way out muah)
starandheart #10
OK I love learning languages so I read all of this...tbh this sounds so great?? Like convey everything you want to say in a shorter or simpler way??? Actually I don't know if it's only simpler for certain phrases like these or just the entire language in general, but based on this Indonesian sounds amazing!

** Also idk if I ever mentioned this but I love your blogs so much??? And just like the fact that you do so much blogging haha...because for me if I really like a story it's nice to get some insight into the author's personality too. Idk if that makes sense?? haha but tysm for all ur blogs they're a delight <3