Incredible Things Q&A

I'm doing this because I think a lot of y'all have questions about certain things going on in Incredible Things.  Leave your comments/questions here and if I get enough, I'll make a separate blog posts with all the answers.  If not, I'll try to reply to you directly.  


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Gongjumin #1
Will Jongguk have a new babysitter ?
Well, my questions are already been raise so i will not ask anymore haha. Oh wait. Can the kaiseul couple have a happy ending? Or the ? Hehehe
I certainly do have several questions! Lol but I'll try to keep them simple!

1. Is the creepy dude ( that was talking about Iseul a few chapters ago) the same mastermind attacking the HOC?
2. How will Jongguk react to Iseul being fired?
3. Did Exo watch the whole Kaiseul scene go down? How did they react?
4. What was Suzy thinking when she saw Iseul profess her love for Kai?
5. Is Kai's father still alive?
6. Will someone come after Iseul and threaten her safety?
7. Will Mark somehow get involved with the Hoc? I have a feeling that both him and Iseul might end up in trouble!
What is Suzy's motive for breaking them up? Coz she wanna safeguard the clan or for purely selfish reason (is she secretly in love w Kai?)
What does the rest of EXO think of the whole Iseul-Suzy saga?
Will Iseul be staying in that area still or is she going back to her mom's or is she going to accept help by staying in the safehouse?
1 : Does actually suzy loves jongin ?
2 : can iseul survive after this ?
3 : what will happen to jongin's son ?
4: what will happen to HOC after this AND MORE IMPORTANTLY JONGIN ?!
leechoding #6
Is Suzy trying to tear Iseul and Jongin apart because she somehow developed some type of feelings for her cousin?
sisasha #7
Suzy,what do you feel for Jongin is it more than a childfriend should, or you feel like crossing the line, the more than friend line?