Enigma ﴾¿﴿ Wonderland ﴾?﴿ Shin Hyunwook



nickname: hYunniE — Personal nickname by those who are close to him
nickname: Mr HatS — Due to the large amount of hats he has, most people in CARDS call him by this nickname. 
NICKNAME: EARL GREY — His favourite type of tea; he drinks so much of it that Sanghyuk claims it's turning his complexion the colour of tea (even though Hyunwook insisted the opposite; his complexion is extremely healthy, thank you) 
NICKNAME: sunshine — Referring to his bright smile whenever things turn his way, as well as mocking the grin he puts on whenever he gets serious during a fight 
NICKNAME: kid — As he is one of the younger members of Wonderland, he gets called that a lot. And Hyunwook hates it with every inch of his fibre, because he's the smartest of them all. ("Without me you all bastards will be dead already. Shut up.")
NICKNAME: fluffball — An endearing nickname used only by Sanghyuk because in his eyes Hyunwook is just a big ball of fluff. ("I'll murder you, you motherer - ")

birthday — 04.01.1996
age— 21

birth place — Busan, South Korea
hometown —Goyang, Gyeonggi-do

ethnicity — Korean-Japanese 
nationality — Korean 

language spoken: Korean — His mother tongue, plus his father is Korean, so he's fluent. 
language spoken: Japanese — His mother is Japanese, so he grew up learning Japanese as well. Fluent.  
language spoken: mandarin — He belongs to the Beijing sub-branch of CARDS, so he is fluent in order to communicate there. 
language spoken: english — Required at school. Plus his professor speaks English most of the time even though his university is in Korea. Fluent. 

occupation — "A very busy and slightly crazy third-year graphic design student who's struggling through university and trying to save the world"      

codename — Mad Hatter              


character quote — Oh...hey, I'm just over here chilling, you know, waiting for the world to end in a burst of flames while drinking tea. Best pastime, ever.   


Shin Hyunwook

by Suhyo07


face claim — Yoo Youngjae (link to gallery)

height — 178cm
weight — 63kg

Hyunwook has short black hair swept to a side which he had always wanted to dye into different colours, but is splattered with vibrant colours due to his graphic design classes ("Which saved me a lot of money, so shut up"). He also has mischevious, dancing bright eyes the shape of almonds which he often claim is just the trick of light. Hyunwook's skin is also quite pale, with plump red lips, and visible collarbones. He has slender and long limbs, small hands with long fingers and a slim frame with slight shoulders. 

fashion style

On normal days when he has to attend class, Hyunwook wears loose clothes secured with a belt, and tight pants that show off his long legs, coupled with black combat boots. On hot days, the loose shirt is swapped for tighter T-shirts of vibrant colours and bizarre patterns, but when he decides to be sober, it becomes a mere gray or even black. In winter, Hyunwook opts for a turtleneck with long trench coats, usually with taller boots that adds 2cm more to his height (giving the illusion that he is 180cm when in fact he isn't). He adds a scarf to his outfit sometimes as well, so he looks like a bundled up snowman ("One more word-").

Whenever he goes back to the Bejing sub-branch of CARDS, also known as Diamantes, Hyunwook's appearance undergoes a drastic change. He never appears anywhere without his signature top-hat or fedora, which is decorated with different accessories every time. While his signature tight pants are still on show, he wears a dress shirt instead of merely a loose one, and sometimes add a dress jacket on top. Others describe his fashion style as 'ridiculous' ("as all of humankind is"), but he counters every remark with a snide one himself, and choose to hold his head high up and continue walking. 

When he fights though, his outfit becomes a cross between the two - a dress shirt with, of course, a hat on his head, tight black pants, his combat boots as well as a long jacket that goes down to his knees. Hyunwook insist on his clothing to be light when in combat, so even in the cold he barely changes (unless of course he decides to be sane for one day and throw on a scarf). 

Hyunwook has his own accessory collection as well. He adores putting things around his slender neck, ranging from chokers to ribbons which he remembers to tie on. He also has a special affection for watches, the current one he owns being a silver Gucci one which he claims to be a gift from some rich relative. 


positive traits: cheerful, energetic, determined, confident, friendly, wise

neutral traits: dramatic, daring, unpredictable

negative traits: foul-mouthed/rude, irritable, sarcastic, hot-tempered, rebellious, slightly arrogant

Hyunwook is an odd individual, a boy who has split personalities, or at least it was how it seems. He displays different sides of himself to different people, and suffering from mood swings as well, his emotions aren't really stable. 

Normally, when he's in a mood, it lasts for the whole day, and is more often than not decided by the weather; if it rains, he becomes withdrawn. If the sun is shining, Hyunwook instantly is more sociable.

When he is in sunshine mode, Hyunwook becomes all cheerful and friendly, helping out those in need, a confident aura seeping off him which causes those studying in the same university as him look at him in awe. He doesn't give a about the bad things happening around him; instead he is optimistic and looks on the bright side. Hyunwook is also easy-going, making jokes to lighten things up when the situation becomes tense, and he accepts any challenge thrown at him without as much of a complain, and laughs a lost away. 

However, when the other side of him appears, Hyunwook becomes a moody person who doesn't socialise, snaps easily, curses and hurtful remarks on the tip of his tongue and ready to be hurled at someone unfortunate to be in his way. People usually stay away when he's in this mood if they treasure their lives. 

In reality, his personality is a mix of both, both sides of him are merely masks. When in CARDS, Hyunwook jokes easily, throwing in both snide remarks and funny jokes. When people ignore him, he puts on a slight show, revealing the dramatic side of him (he had taken theatre in high school, after all) and maybe throwing a fit or two. He's also pretty rude, cursing everywhere except in front of Alice. Hyunwook doesn't give a flying about rules either, and follows his own, obeying Alice's and Carroll's orders only. He respects those older than him, oh yes, though the mind path he's walking down is entirely different from the others', and he's not afraid to show it. 

On the battlefield, regardless of being on the front-lines or in the shadows, he remains calm and rarely snaps, unless someone pisses him off, or the situation is extremely tense. Hyunwook becomes extremely concentrated, and comes up with plans to try to ensure victory for Wonderland. When he is on the battlefield, the calm exterior maintains, except he becomes a little bonkers, actions such as laughing out of the blue, smiling sadistically and goodness knows what else. 

When Hyunwook is particularly stressed, he snaps easily, causing in another wave of snide remarks and cursings. His pride sometimes gets the better of him, so he doesn't apologise even if he's wrong, and engages in cold wars until the other gives out. One more thing; he never forgets. 

On the rare event that Hyunwook is none of these things, he becomes quiet and shuts down, slowly winding down by engaging in long conversations on some rooftop with a person he fully trusts. He also offers advice to Alice when he sees the leader being particularly stressed, which is more often than not extremely useful. One of the things Sanghyuk likes the most about Hyunwook is his smile, which reveals itself when the younger's plans are going accordingly, and nothing gloomy happened that day. 


Hyunwook is born to a Japanese artist and a Korean musician who crossed paths in France, both searching foolishly for love (As his parents love to go on and on about the story) in Goyang, and had a childhood showered with love by both of his parents, until at the age of five the Sight appeared to him.

At first, both parents thought that their little boy is only making things up - that the fairies he had tried to grab at in walks at the park and pointed ears of elves he claimed to see are make-believe and nothing but part of a child's fantasy. One day, when they were attending church, they heard the priest and one of the nuns talking about this condition, and immediately consulted them.

While both parents are avid Catholics, his mother refused to believe the existence of the Sight and brought Hyunwook to a psychiatrist, who insisted the boy was perfectly fine save the strange light dancing in his eyes. Distraught, his mother continued to convince herself that her son has a condition, and that there must be a scientific explaination for it. Meanwhile, his father started to teach both of his sons music, which Hoseok displayed immediate interest in but Hyunwook had none. 

One day, Hyunwook sneaked into his mother's studio, where she was sitting in front of a blank canvas, paints scattered everywhere. He picks up a brush, and started painting on a white sheet of paper; at first it was merely a childish picture of a field and sun, with birds chirping above and matchstick figures on green grass, but as he grew up, so does his interest for art. 

Putting aside her worry for her younger son's 'make-believe stories', she began to teach him art, and thus Hyunwook started to spend longer hours at her studio more than at his room. Unfortunately, things weren't going as well at school. 

At the sensitive age of twelve, Hyunwook started to get bullied by fellow classmates, as he often showed pictures of the Underworlders he had drawn, those he had seen. The others refused to believe his stories, and instead made fun of him, making him withdraw into soltitude, thus causing his paintings to be darker as well. Hoseok is the only person he can rely on. His older brother takes the time to accompany him in the small studio, bringing his guitar and playing tunes while Hyunwook paints, then cheers the younger up by showering praises on his paintings. 

Fast-track through middle school; Hyunwook was still bullied, but he started to stand up for himself after he witnessed Hoseok beating up his bullies at a dark corner of the school, believing that he should fight his own battles. The Sight grew stronger as well; not only does he sees the fairies, but also the vampires which lurk in the shadows, and the glimpse of a tail in murky waters. 

Hyunwook graduated high school with honours, and a scholarship for the most prestigious design university in South Korea. At the age of eighteen, he bumped into a CARDS scout who was hunting a demon; drawn to this boy who can see the winged creature, he brought Hyunwook back to CARDS, where he started to receive training. His mother insisted on St Martins in London, whose offer he finally accepted, but quit after a year because he couldn't stand the comments and looks of his foreign classmates. Since than, he puts on a mask the moment he wakes up, and shows most of his personality around those close to him and his fellow Wonderland members. 

And at the age of twenty, he was chosen to be in the elite squad of Wonderland, members whom Carroll had personally hand-picked. Even though Hyunwook preferred the battlefield, he agrees that his brain is stronger than his physical ability, and since then supported the members from the shadows. 


— likes

  • Painting. It takes things off his mind, and he can express himself freely through the of a brush. 
  • Tea, especially British Earl Grey and traditional green tea. He drinks tea 24/7, replaces tea with coffee. Hyunwook prefers iced in the day, and hot at night. However, he likes a cocoa at midnight. 
  • Cats. These mysterious beings fascinate him, and he loves the feeling of soft fur as he runs his fingers through it, loves the bright eyes each feline possess. 
  • Mysteries. Nothing like a good riddle to make him interested in whatever topic one is discussing. The Mad Hatter loves to get to the bottom of things. 
  • Nonsensical poetry (and poetry in general). Hyunwook has a huge book of poetry he collects, and loves to read them loudly in front of the members of Wonderland just to annoy them. 
  • Hats. Because why not? It is a fashion statement one must adopt (as he often proclaims), and there are several ways to decorate one's hat. 
  • Shortbread. His favourite type of food to accompany a nice cup of tea 

— dislikes

  • Dogs. Since he loves cats, the only natural answer would be to dislike dogs.  (or so he thinks) Besides, he hates their loud and enthusiastic natures, and prefers mysterious creatures like cats. 
  • Coffee. He hates the strong smell and bitter taste of it, and prefers tea. If he needs caffiene, he drinks tea instead. 
  • Bad poetry. Hyunwook adores literature, especially literature that has underlying meanings, and he thinks that such literature is just a waste of time. 
  • Silence. While he prefers it when he's stressed, Hyunwook normally isn't a big fan of silence and likes to be surrounded by the sounds of something 

— habits

  • Shooting snide remarks left and right when he feels like it. 
  • Twirling a paintbrush or pen when he's doing his graphic design homework 
  • Squinting slightly when he sees Underworlders
  • Flexing his fingers or fiddling with the hem of his shirt (discreetly) when he's nervous
  • Frowning whenever he's coming up with a plan 
  • Having countless cups of tea around wherever he goes 
  • Singing out of the blue, and recites nonsensical poetry when the silence is too loud 
  • Tips his hat as a sort of greeting, as well as a short bow 
  • Propping his feet on the table they usually gather around for meetings

— hobbies

  • Painting; the most free way to express himself, as well as a way to escape the real world 
  • Reading; he loves indulging himself in literature whenever he has the time 

— other trivia

  • His Japanese name (which his mother insisted upon) is Fujisaki Takuya, with his surname being his mother's maiden surname. 
  • Takes long walks in moonlight whenever he feels stressed 
  • Likes playing card games and chess 
  • Absolutely not a morning person 
  • He's biual
  • Can play the guitar because of his father, but stopped practicing when his mother decided to have her younger son take up art. The guitar lies in a dusty corner of his room now 
  • Most people think he's on drugs because of his peculiar personality, but he has never touched drugs, and despises it 
  • He has turned a corner of his room into a mock walk-in closet, and likes spending time on end there to choose the 'perfect' outfit (but this only happens on the days he doesn't have class so thankfully he isn't late for anything...much) 
  • Has stacks of books and collections of series in his room, both in CARDS and the dorm room in his university
  • Is a clean-freak, but at the same time hates moving his dumpster of a room, so he leaves it as it is even though he continuously makes promises to tidy it up 
  • His alarm clock is extremely loud, yet he's a deep sleeper so it gets Taemin up who kicks Hyunwook awake instead of serving its purpose 
  • Often switch between languages unconsciously, and thankfully for him, both Sanghyuk and Taemin speak at least two of them 
  • Is a sadist
  • Has a huge collection of hats


older brother — Shin Hoseok // 24 // dancer // encouraging, brave, helpful // very human // He supports Hyunwook throughout his childhood, especially the rocky times when his Sight emerged and the times his younger brother is bullied. Unlike most brothers, Hoseok cares for Hyunwook deeply, and protects his younger brother fiercely when they're young. Even now, even though they're both adults, he checks on Hyunwook once a week despite his busy schedules as a performer. 

mother — Fujisaki Ayaka // 55 // artist // strict, caring, hardworking // human // She is strict on both of her sons, and though half of her wishes her sons follow both her and her husbands' footsteps, another half wishes they pave their own paths as well. And they did, in some sense. She develops a soft spot for Hyunwook after he shows his love of painting, and decides to nurture him into a wonderful painter. 

father — Shin Jongki // 57 // musician // distant, carefree, creative // very human as well // Jongki has his own way of showing love for his sons, ways that his wife sometimes have hard time comprehending. Because he was a travelling musician, the days of drifting around and performing still leaves vivid scenes on his mind, and now that his sons have grown up, he wishes for it again wistfully. Throughout his sons' childhoods, he had been somehwat distant because he wasn't sure how to care for his children. Luckily, he learns quickly, and spends time with the brothers when his wife is busy in her studio. 


best friend — Jung Daehyun // 22 // third-year performing arts student // cheerful, outgoing, slightly sarcastic // human // Hyunwook wasn't sure how he became best friends with him, and Daehyun truthfully wasn't either. They met accidentally in the hallway, Daehyun bumping into the other and knocking the art supplies out of his hands. They hit it off pretty quickly and became best friends, Daehyun one of the only people able to stand Hyunwook's peculiar moods. 

close friend — Park Junhee // 21 // third-year dance student // slightly shy, honest, friendly // 1/4 elf, 3/4 human (but Hyunwook doesn't know it) // Junhee was asked to help carry art supplies to a classroom two buildings over the same time Hyunwook's professor pleaded asked, so the two made trips back and forth, and somehow became close friends. 

roommate — Lee Taemin // 22 // dancer, third-year dance student // irritable, determined, sarcastic // human // At first, Hyunwook hated him because of their similar personalities, but they quickly grew closer once they realise they're stuck with each other for the rest of the year. Taemin is in Sanghyuk's class, as well as Hoseok's fellow dancer, so the two cross paths quite a lot. 

best friend — March Hare // ? // member of Wonderland // unknwon // human // The two are extremely close friends in Wonderland, with March Hare absolutely adoring Mad Hatter's snide remarks and nonsensical poetry. The two share a liking for a lot of things, among which includes tea, more tea, literature, more tea still, and goodness knows what else. 

ally — Dormouse // ? // member of Wonderland // unknown // human // The unfortunate subject of the Mad Hatter and March Hare's bullying. Even though Dormouse claims they don't mind, the Mad Hatter knows, and Hyunwook tries to make up for it. 


pet cat — Athena // 2 // err...cat? // haughty, mischievous, playful// Hyunwook's pet that he once brought to CARDS, but she wrecked harvoc so she was off-limits forever. She likes to curl up in people's laps and nap there, and is generally friendly to everyone, except those who pet her without permission. Then she scratches them. Athena is a siberian cat and is named after the Greek goddess of wisdom and warfare. 


mad hatter

— "good morning, ladies and gentleman. would you perhaps fancy a cup of tea?" 

tactician — Hyunwook is trained in both physical combat and tactics, so he's not one to be underestimated. To be picked by Carroll to be in Wonderland is an immense honor, especially when he's still in his second year of training, and he knows it. Since then, he became one of the largest subjects of gossip in the lengthy corridors, to which he holds his head high up and ignores everything (as he always do). However, his skill as a tactician is not to be underestimated, and he loves making plans that tortures the enemy as much as possible, revealing the sadist side of him. 

player — His combat ability is not enough to raise his rank to that of a General's, but he's a powerful Player with the combinations of his brain and quick reflexes. Even though he's a player, people respect him due to him being a member of Wonderland. Hyunwook cannot say he doesn't like the attention, but he catches the hatred directed at him and embraces it fully. After all, criticism is bound to happen with such a high position, and he's willing to pay such a price. 

Diamantes — Located in Beijing, China, Diamantes is like Hyunwook's second home; he crashes there whenever he needs to, and just plops his there when he's bored, and on standby. His room is a messy dump, similar to the one he sleeps in at his college. There's an extremely large bed pushed to one of the walls, with bedclothes that he couldn't be bothered to change, a wardrobe with some of his outfits stowed in case of emergencies (i.e. fashion days on which he wants to show off), as well as contains his extra combat outfits. There's a desk, on which he puts 'work' - which basically means he tries to finish but never does. Hyunwook also has a mini-fridge and quite a huge snack stash in his room, so he could binge-eat. There's finally quite a large television for late-night Netflix, and huge soft cushions literally everywhere - so someone could just fall and not hurt themselves. There's also a huge towering bookcase stuffed with novels and a few chessboards here and there. Hyunwook also have quite a few empty teacups balanced dangerously on stuff - the only clean place in the room is a small space at the back of the wardrobe where he places his hat collection. Oh, let's not forget the handles embedded into his midnight blue walls for his weapons. 

weaponry — While Hyunwook stays in the shadows most of the time, he can fight as well, and exceptionally good too. He mostly uses firearms to fight, though utlises a sword as well. Though his brain is the most powerful weapon of all. 

fighting style — Hyunwook can fight both long-range and short-range, though prefers long range as he dislikes leaping into battle directly himself, claiming it's a messy affair. (he'll do it though, when he has to) He uses his twin caliber autorevolvers to shoot, as they are easy to reload after every shot. He likes taking down enemies from a distance, and operates in the shadows. As for bullets, they somehow materialises when he needs them (others suspect they might be hidden under his hats). 

For short-range, he engages the enemy in sword fights, slashing and attacking without remorse or hesitation, going in directly for the kill, though he rarely starts a fight using the sword alone, and instead shoots to make sure the coast is clear. 

As for his tactics, they couldn't be more deadly; plans that involve several hidden points that only him is aware of, escape routes and tricks that would catch the enemy with surprise. He shows no mercy for the enemy, insisting that they be defeated at all costs.  

abilities— His remarkable brain, his skill with firearms, and sleighs of hand to 'conjure' things, an ability he discovered at the age of sixteen. He has no idea from whom he inherited it from, because his whole lineage is full of humans, but he supposes it's a blessing, (It's actually from some distant cousin ten times removed whose relative was visited supposedly by Hermes in the past, who granted them the power) He could also travel through shadows; literally, like melting into a shadow with a destination pictured clearly in his mind where he wants to go. 

equipment — A belt to strap his guns to, an earring which serves as a form of walkie-talkie for communication, flask of tea, playing cards for some reason 

strengths — As Hyunwook is a tactician, his brain and powerful mind is one of his biggest assets, something that is hard for someone to defeat. He remains deathly calm on the battlefield, and is hardly jolted unless something major happens. His ability to sneak amongst the shadows also helps a lot, so another strength would be his stealth. 

weaknesses — While he's deathly calm, sometimes he becomes extremely unpredictable and his sanity spirals down to his slightly 'mad' side, causing him to do things he doesn't mean to or, if he's lucky, make a lot of noise, giving away his strength of stealth. His aim is not perfect, and sometimes a stray bullet hits something unfortunate. 


last comment — None

scene requests — here

password — here (that's for you to find ;) 

han sanghyuk

birthday —  05.07.1995
age — 22
hometown — Daejeon, South Korea
occupation — third-year university dance student

personality — Sanghyuk is generally a very calm individual who knows how to have fun. He is quite reserved as well, hiding his deepest feelings and burying them deep inside so as not to let people see who he truly is. 

At school, he's carefree and lively, living the life of a college student, he isn't as tense as he normally would be in CARDS, and socialises a lot more, as well as is more cheerful and optimistic. 

He remains calm in most situations, a drastic difference from his boyfriend's dramatic personality. Sanghyuk is more of an onlooker than someone who joins in, so one of his habits is to sit and watch Hyunwook's show unfurl in front of him. He has a sarcastic side to him as well, sometimes joining in Hyunwook's snide remarks, and chuckles quietly when he finds something amusing. 

However, around those he's comfortable with, Sanghyuk lets loose easily, socialising and showing his more cheerful side. He also shows his vulnerable side, something he hides from the world and displays only around Hyunwook. 

Like Hyunwook, he's a prideful person and won't be the first one to forgive someone, or to admit he's in the wrong. He also snaps easily, though he can hold it back most of the time unlike his boyfriend who has a harder time controlling his temper. 

Because he holds back his fustrated and angered feelings most of the time, it takes a toll on both his physical and psychological well-being. Thus, he enjoys going for walks in the dead of the night, similar to Hyunwook, except he prefers to be alone most of the time. However, he won't turn down his boyfriend for anything in the world. 

On the battlefield, Sanghyuk doesn't undergo a drastic personality change, but he does become more bloodthirsty, willing to cut down and fight everyone who stands in his path. He shows no remorse for the enemy, nor believe that he should. Since he's the ace of the group, a large amount of trust lies on him, though he seems unaffected by it. 

appearance — He has messy dyed brown hair parted in the middle of his forehead, the back of which looks like he just rolled out of bed. Sanghyuk rarely bothers to comb it, mostly because he has poor time management and rarely gets up in time for anything. He has sharp eyes that has fires inside, burning with determination, and thin red lips. He has a slim frame, lithe figure and slender limbs, all thanks to his many dance practices. 

gallery — Han Sanghyuk (link)

fashion style — Sanghyuk doesn't give much thought to his daily clothing, on hot days wearing comfortable shirts and sweatpants which allows him to move freely around, mostly due to his dance classes. He wears a wifebeater underneath his shirt, which he takes off whenever he feels too hot. On colder days, he wears a long-sleeved shirt with a thin windbreaker on top, claiming he never really feels the cold. The sweatpants are swapped for track pants, made of a warmer material. He wears sneakers all-year round. 

However, when he is back at CARDS or Diamantes, Sanghyuk opts for a loose dress shirt and tight leather pants which show off his long legs, as well as short boots similar to Hyunwook's. He also wears fingerless gloves. 

On the battlefield, his outfit doesn't change much from his outfit in CARDS, except he wears a belt which he puts his weapons on, as well as a bomber jacket to stuff his hands into. Sanghyuk likes clothing that is easy to move in when he fights, so sometimes he swap his tight pants for looser pants.  

background (brief) — Sanghyuk is born on the fifth of July in Daejeon, and having been raised by his grandmother, knows loneliness and independence. Since his grandmother has trouble with her eyesight, Sanghyuk does most of the work around the house. At the age of ten, he sees Underworlders for the first time, a leprechaun which tries to trick him and failed. For years, he kept this information to himself, until at the age of sixteen, he tells his grandmother on her deathbed, who in turn gives him information about the 'real' world and CARDS. 

Sanghyuk then decides to fulfill his dreams, and went to Seoul to study dancing, where he meets Hyunwook. He was also encountered by a CARDS fighter who was tracking down a rogue vampire, who brought him to Diamantes, the nearest sub-branch where he soon became a member of. 


white rabbit

— "huh? Oh , i'm late." 

magician — Even though Sanghyuk is an all-rounder, he prefers the magician position the most. While he doesn't know it (yet suspects), one of his ancestors had been visited by Hecate, and thus the dark magic had passed down from generation to generation. It is usually the strongest after two generations, so his grandmother was the strongest holder of such magic, and thus teaches him how to use his abilities. 

general He joined CARDS at the age of seventeen, and having displayed superior ability in both magic and other types of combat, was raised to the ranks of General. He shows dislike for CARDS HQ, and doesn't appear unless necessary. Sanghyuk is also in the Council of Diamantes, bearing the card Seven of Diamonds. 

diamantes — Like his boyfriend, the branch of CARDS located in Beijing is pratically his second home, even more than Hyunwook. Even though he despises the HQ, he actually likes Diamantes because he claims it's more cosy and 'homely'. His room is, of course, tidier than his boyfriend's. Sanghyuk's room consists of a bed pushed against the middle of the light blue (his favourite colour) walls, a desk next to it, a wardrobe and a few cabinets here and there. There aren't many things on the desk, a few books and documents with stationary placed neatly on it, and the clothes in the wardrobe are all folded neatly. Different things are placed in and on the cabinet; for instance, photographs, trinkets and the like, just things precious to him. There's also a weapons rack in the side of the wall, and a large handle which he can slide his scythe into. 

weaponry — Sanghyuk fights with an assortment of blades, mostly carrying around small knives or daggers. His fighting style is similar to Hyunwook's, except he uses a bow and arrows instead of firearms. However, his most famous weapon is a war scythe; a lunar scythe with a dark wood, the staff wrapped in a cloth with runes patterned on, and the blade deadly sharp, often gleaming under the moonlight with his enemies' blood dirtying it. On the top of the scythe sits an eerie skull, rumoured to be one of his enemies'. It can appear and disappear in will. 

fighting style — Sanghyuk prefers to use his magic on the battlefield instead of his weapons, as he claims it's easier to control. He likes using Hecate's power to trick his enemies, (Hecate is the goddess of crossroads, magic, witchcraft, light, sorcery and necromancy) weaving illusions to confuse them and go in for the kill with his blades. 

He excels in hand-to-hand combat as well, even though he rarely uses it, delivering swift blows to his enemy and jumping around agilely. 

abilities — Due to one of his ancestors having encountered Hecate, he can use dark magic, as well as conjuring illusions out of nowhere to confuse his enemies. His war scythe is a mystery as well, even to himself as it was originally his grandmother's. Sanghyuk is training himself to use it properly. 

equipment — Flask of water, war scythe, daggers and knives, bow and arrow (stored in quiver strapped across his back), an earring as a form of communication, pocket watch 

strengths — As Sanghyuk is a General, his combat abilities are not to be underestimated. His magical abilities are also stronger than that expected from his experience and age, so he's a formidable enemy. He is also able to keep his cool on the battlefield (most of the time), and his anger or fustration would not blind him like it does for Hyunwook. 

weaknesses — However, even though he is calm, on the instances which he snaps, his emotions go berserk and he loses control of his powers. When that happens, the skull on the top of his scythe breaks apart, and his illusions either backfires, making him see things, or affects everyone within a twenty meter radius. 


relationship — Hyunwook and Sanghyuk is an unusual pair, that's for sure. However, they are the very definition of 'opposites attract'. When Hyunwook goes slightly bonkers, Sanghyuk is always there to pull him back to sanity, and to keep him on his feet. 

On campus, the two seems like the best of friends, especially when the sun is shining and Hyunwook's cheerful side comes into play. They fool around and have fun easily, living a carefree life. Since Taemin is Sanghyuk's classmate, Hyunwook's boyfriend often go over with such an excuse until Taemin couldn't stand the both of them and surrenders the room to the couple. 

Even when it pours, Sanghyuk can lift Hyunwook's spirits by the both of them playing in the rain, something the Mad Hatter absolutely adores. They live like there's no tomorrow, and treats the school as their playground. 

In CARDS though, both of their personalities undergo a change, and Sanghyuk remains quiet while Hyunwook causes a fuss everywhere. Their relationship is unknown to most people, as a General and Player seeing each other would cause a lot of eyebrow raising and questions to arise, something both of them would like to avoid.

Instead, they see each other in secret, especially on their secret walks, where they pour out their honest feelings where no one can see them together. They're careful to keep everything secret, though it's somewhat obvious when Sanghyuk is the only one who can calm Hyunwook down when he's on a roll. 

history — Hyunwook first met Sanghyuk when he was chasing down Athena, who was running around causing trouble trying to look for Taemin, who was at Sanghyuk's door asking for something. Taemin quickly made the introductions, which was their first meeting. The two didn't hit it off at first, but Hyunwook started seeing Sanghyuk a lot, especially as his roommate is the other's dance partner.  

One day, the art supplies Hyunwook asked Taemin to buy for him were left in the dance practice room. Since Taemin was busy, Hyunwook went to get them himself, where Sanghyuk was still practicing, his movements making Hyunwook entranced. 

Since it's dark, and they're headed in the same direction, Sanghyuk brought Hyunwook back to the dorms, where Taemin immediately teased the two of them. Sanghyuk decided to follow his dance partner's normally useless advice, and started to go out with Hyunwook, who was shy about this relationship at first.

The two kept their true indentities from each other at first, until Hyunwook was back at Diamantes and bumped into a stony-faced person who resembles Sanghyuk, and who turned out to be Sanghyuk. The two stayed away from each other for a few weeks, until Hyunwook bumped into Sanhyuk once more in the hallways, and they talked, clearing up the situation. 

Back in CARDS, Lewis ordered the seven of them to CARDS HQ, where the two of them were chosen for Wonderland, coincidentally. Since then, Hyunwook had used Sanghyuk as the trump card of the group, and thrown him into the face of danger, because they have to win this war. 

other trivia 

  • Hyunwook usually tells Sanghyuk to meet at some place an hour earlier because he has a tendency to be late
  • They like arguing about stupid things
  • Sanghyuk originally drinks coffee, but stopped when Athena kept knocking his mugs down. Hyunwook 'explains' that she doesn't like the smell of coffee either, so he switched to tea 
  • Sanghyuk is the only person besides Daehyun to have Hyunwook's permission to enter his studio 
  • Hyunwook visits Sanghyuk at his dance practices whenever he has the time
  • Sanghyuk loves making up nicknames for Hyunwook, and the only one he permits is 'Fluffball'
  • Sanghyuk rarely refuses anything for Hyunwook, so luckily the younger isn't a demanding person 
  • The two sneak gazes at each other in CARDS 
  • Hyunseok is a protective and possessive little piece of when it comes to his boyfriend


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