I seriously want to laugh [a post about Incredible Things]

Lmao seriously you guys are the best.  You guys are the best at making up theories I tell you I think you're better off writing the story than I am (JK YOU'RE NOT) (DOUBLE JK I MEAN I'M JUST NOT LETTING ANYONE WRITE THIS BESIDES MYSELF AKA PLS DON'T TAKE IT PERSONALLY) (that was a bad joke it was kinda mean i admit lmao sorry)

But seriously.  Seriously.  Nothing is as complicated as you guys think it is~~~~  you guys were so sure Changmin killed Sooman but now that Changmin's dead you're second guessing again~~~ and you're thinking of betrayers and traitors and so you're being freaked out all by your own self when it's actually so easy already~~~~ :D  it's so obvious already people come on~~~ 

Lmao ok maybe it's not that obvious because i like to forget to foreshadow (HAHAHAHAHA) and on top of that my foreshadowing skills too (HAHAHAHAHA) or are they great because they are in fact, subtle?  hrmmm hrrm.  i do not know!  whatever, just think of the namessss~~~ 

Am I spoiling things for you already?  Yes.  

But spoiling is fun!  And spoiling is great.  Spoiling gives you peace of mind sometimes :))) let's just live life easily~~~~~

:) :) 

So do you get what I'm saying? :) ~~~~~using squiggles is so fun~~~~~ 


^that was creepy 

ON A MORE SERIOUS NOTE THO  really when the snitch appeared and someone died and suddenly people started speculating about traitors and, God forbid, even suspected Luhan, while reading everything I'm literally just sitting there going


Just because he's a horndog who made Kai do ??  HAHSHAHA no you can live in peace guys it's not going to be that complicated :)

I'm conpletely spoiling it already come on any ideas now?  If you have a serious speculation or you think you know who it is now, please just pm me or keep it to yourself ok don't let others see~~~~

OH AND I ALSO LOVE IT HOW you guys say Kaiseul's love is so strong and that you hope they'll always be together and all that.  HAHAHAHAH :) 


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Yooora #1
hi neonflowers! :) I don't know how to message you so I decided to comment here
I've been reading your stories for a long time now ( another fan here! XD )
So in order to show my support to you I decided to make a poster for your story 'Incredible Things'
I hope you like it :D It's ok if you don't use it, I just want you to see it
here's the link btw (http://imgur.com/oiIDdgo)
anyways FIGHTING! don't worry about updating, we will always patiently wait for you
P.S. your works are AMAZING and you don't write . If that's what you call , you haven't read my college essays then XD
Lollipopies #2
You know.. I was actually suspecting Suzy but then again she cant be the one who kill her own father. Right?! Idk tho.. I don't wanna think.. I'll just let you decide how the story should continue. Btw love you~
The biggest plot twist would be if Suzy killed her own father :oo because nobody would've expected her lol but I don't think it's her! It wouldn't make sense :o lmao (Posted this speculation because I myself think it's not very plausible!) man, the suspense is killing me! I feel like I'm gonna be very shocked to know who it is! I love this story! <333 Keep doing YOU! Lol
can i guess?? i think its mark...am i right or am i wrong?? lolz cant wait for your next update~
Seriously Trish, I enjoy your story more than any other K-dramas so far. Your writing is simply one of the best ever existed in my life and they make my day every day, no matter they are the same chapters that I have read more than 100 times or new chapter that you just updated. So, don't feel so strange if some people starts to make up theories because I personally thought that after EXO, you are my UB.
