20 NEW questions I found (for authors!)

Wheeeew man at the rate I'm writing blogs now I could just convert into a blogger and stop writing fics forever HAHA jk anyway here's a couple stuff I found from tumblr that I haven't seen here before.  EVERYONE IS TAGGED BUT CREDIT IF YOU TOOK IT FROM ME.  (Cr: mysticmoonhigh.tumblr.com)

Also if you read till the bottom you might might miiiight just catch a teeny little spoiler for Incredible Things, depending on how well you remember what I've written so far c: (which is a lot :D)

1. Describe yourself how you would describe a character you’re introducing

The question is, how do I even introduce my characters?  They're always just... doing something or thinking something when they first appear in the fic.  Is that what's called an intro?  Lol whatev let's just give this a try. 

I'm sitting in my second-row seat at a 9:00 a.m. class, and I'm wondering why my Physics teacher attempt to illustrate relativity looks like someone about to jump off the edge.  Of something.  I don't even know if that's a building or a number 7, so if that doesn't tell you how his drawing is, then I have no idea what will.  Why is the guy about to kill himself anyway?  Is it because he's just a sad little stick figure with a dented circle for a head-- a circle that doesn't even close all the way back together?  Is it because he knows he's trapped inside the most boring analogy of relativity ever made? 

Or is he like me, simply just done with life?

Whatever.  I now have 40 minutes of Physics left to waste, and I'm probably spending it by thinking of more nonsense. 

"Yah!"  Someone whispers to my side.  I turn and see my best guy friend, also known as former crush, more specifically known as former unrequited crush, staring at me like he wants to throttle me.  "Are you asleep again?"

I blink. "Are my eyes closed?"

Former Unrequited Crush gives me a look.  "Fine.  Then did you get what he just said?"  He asks, nodding at our teacher.  

"He said something?"  is my stupid response, and I swear if Former Unrequited Crush didn't still need his brain for his Computer Science undergrad program, he would've banged his head on his table hard enough to crack it open.  Like a walnut.  Or is it a pistachio?  36 minutes now!

"I really don't know how you managed to survive all these years without ever getting a single remedial."  He scowls, probably still annoyed at how I always manage to do well at anything graded in the end.  "How long have you been out daydreaming for?"

"I don't know, 5 minutes?"

"5 minutes?  Yah, I'm sure you were like that for at least an hour." 

I grin at him.  "Relativity, right?" 

And yeah, simply put, he'd feel like I've been daydreaming longer than I have actually been doing it because of relativity, really.  I'm pretty proud of that ^^^^^  I just made it up on the spot because it is actually sort of based on my life and it really shows how I am and how my mind works.  As a student, at least.  As you can tell after just 3 months out of it I'm missing high school again!!  

 2. Is there any specific ritual you go through while/before/after your writing?

 I just have to be in a comfortable state of mind hahaha not under pressure or any extreme emotions or anything or else everything I write will be .

3. What is your absolute favorite kind of fic to write?

Absolutely oneshots.  They're so easy!!! and fun!!! to write, and you don't even have to commit to it!  Will you update a sequel?  Another bonus chapter?  Who knows!  But you're not obligated to! :D so fun tbh

4. Are there any other fic writers you admire? If so, who and why?

huntress because only her fics have kept me reading and still enjoying it to the end.  Cos she's funny as hell.  Her english isn't the best her plot and humor is really my styleeee lmao I love her so much!! <3 <3  and the author who wrote On The Booze With Brahms (Baekyeol).  I don't like, particularly enjoy reading boyxboy, but this fic snatched my wig ok her writing is just A++ my aspiration right there.

5. How many words can you write if you sit down and concentrate intensely for an hour?

 dEPENDS.  DUH.  If I'm writing an easy part, I can easily write thousands of words in that time frame.  3000 is possible, I believe?  I think I can do more though??  But I don't know I've never timed myself hhaha if you don't think 3000 is realistic then maybe 2000+.  If the current part is hard and I take more time to write and rewrite, then around 1000.  Maybe a little less, maybe a little more.

6. First fic/pairing you wrote for? (If no pairing, describe the plot)

SuhoxOC?  I only write either KaiXOC or SuhoXOC so far haha

7. Inspiration, time, or motivation. Choose two.

Inspiration and time.   With inspiration and time, motivation will surely follow.

8. Why do you choose to write?

 Because it's fun, I can make anything happen when I write, and it's a good way to destress on chill days!  Also to develop my English!

9. Do you ever have plans to write anything other than fic?

I'm open to anything.  I used to want to write in a travel magazine because that'd be two of my most favourite things combined, traveling and writing.  And if I ever get any idea that's deep and worthy enough to be written and published into the book, I'm already game for all the all-nighters I might have to pull for that.

10. What inspires you the most?

 Stuff I read and see on the internet ahhaha including memes!!!!!1!

11. Weirdest thing you’ve ever written/thought about writing/etc.?

 My own nonexistent love life LMAO I'M DISCARDING THAT IDEA ALREADY

12. A fix you wish you had written better, and why?

 eVERYTHINGGG I wrote on my early days here in AFF, because in retrospect everything I wrote then COULD'VE BEEN BETTER OK LIKE PLS it's so different from how I write now!  Like oh my Goddddd in my opinion my early writing is so juvenile and unrefined and so unprofessional and I'm sure my writing now is a lot better!!!  I want to change everything to how I would've written it today!!! 

13. Favorite fic from another author?

 Mobster for Rent, Knot this Guy, On the Booze with Brahms  

14. Your favorite side pairings to put in?

I don't have one.  They always change, they just depend on my story.  If sides aren't necessary then I won't even put one.

15. Your guilty writing pleasure?


16.  Do you have structured ideas of how your story is supposed to go, or make it up as you write?

I just have like the sort of overall plot when I start to write haha detailed ideas will come to me as I type~

17. Would you describe yourself as a fast writer?

Yes especially when I'm in the zone

BUTTT the reason why I take so long to update is because once I stop it's so hard for me to get back to writing hahaha I always put it off.

18. How old were you when you started writing?

14 (do you see why I want to rewrite now at 17? :)))

19. Why did you start writing?

I don't remember but I think it was because I needed to get away from the next day's Physics final for a while.  I'm like, this.  I want to write () HAHAHA.  

Also, huntress's fics have also inspired me to write! :) 

 20. 4 sentences from your work that you’re proud of

how am i supposed to REMEMBER MAN ok I'm just gonna put 4 that I like (titles are clickable! :D) 

His voice.  It's silk.  It sounds like silk and it feels like silk— the kind of silk you want tying your hands above your head, binding your ankles to the bedpost, and covering your eyes as a blindfold.  -  Rumour Has It 

“Jesus, take a chill pill old man!  I don’t do threesomes, remember?  If I want to disappoint two people at once, I can just go have dinner with my parents!”  He sashays out of the room like the diva he is, but before he actually exits— - Baekhyun in Incredible Things 

"Y-yah!!"  I yell, trying to sound mad, but it's excruciatingly difficult when the prettiest girl in the world is standing here giggling right next to me.  - Kai in Incredible Things.  

I should've known.  Iseul is an emotional wreck, but Kai's just better at holding it in.  -- Incredible Things :) :) :)  

So these probably aren't the best I've written, but they're just the ones that stood out to me.  I like the first one for sure, dunno why.  I like what Baek said in the second one, the dinner with his parents part HAHA.  I like how the third one shows how Kai is always is with Iseul (I SHIP THEM YES I SHIP MY OWN FICTIONAL COUPLE I SHIP SHIP SHIP)  and I like the fourth one because that's basically a perfect comparison of how Kai and Iseul are haha idk 



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starandheart #1
Aww these are so cute! AND YES BRIDE OF HABAEK I WATCH THAT TOO and im also currently watching School 2017 it helps me get over missing high school lol