"Your balls sound like 3 year old girls!!"

(This is actually gonna be a happy blogpost where I won't rant!!!1!11!1!!!)  

LMAO OK SO.  Today I went out with a couple of friends again and we had lunch and all that, gelato, then we decided to go see a movie.  Someone suggested Baywatch and we're like, ok, cool.  So we drove to the mall and got the cinema, went to get the tickets but as soon as we were in front of the counter the girl was like, 

"This move is 21 and above." 

We're like *blink blink* "what?" 

"21 above."  *points at the screen behind her* "look, ." 

AND FOR SOME REASON, FOR SOME STUPID REASON, none of us had it in our brains to say something like, "but we're 21!  Don't we look 21?  Huh??  Do we actually look 17 to you?!"  Or something of similar effect because after all the stress school put on us and these  eyebags that developed as a result, there is no way we still look 17.  So because we got tongue-tied, all we said was... 

"Oh... okay." 

And left!


Then girl 1 said "ok let's just go to another mall!"

So we went to another mall.  My friend drove like Vin friggin Diesel, basically honking all the way and not stopping at anything, because the movie was in like 15 minutes.  Finally we got to the mall, me and my friend hopped out of the car, girl 1 parked, and at the cinema I tried to do the buying first.  We decided to try and buy one by one because in case person 1 fails and gets put in the child seat again then we have back up.  

So here I managed to walk right up to the counter with my "I've got a straight face because I'm 21 and so done with life's already so you better just give me my en tickets", picked out seats, but then the ticket lady suspiciously asks,

"You do know this movie is right?" 

And I'm like, "Ya."  *hands over money*  *takes the tickets*  "Thanks."

HAHA so then we successfully got our tickets and went inside Studio 4 haha that's where Baywatch was playing.  We were watching the trailers when suddenly someone comes over with tickets of their own, asking for our seat number. 

We were like, no we're right here, row D is one row below this and the guy was like no this is row D YOU should be one row above this and it TURNSSSS OUTTT we were in the wrong seat after so embarrassing we really don't seem 21 haha 

THEN THE MOVIE STARTED AND IT WAS SO HILARIOUS I'M SURE QUITE A LOT OF IT WAS CENSORED AND CUT OUT?? I THINK??  Because Indonesia???  But it was still so funny omg I think I've upped my swearing game :""D 

The title of this blog is actually a line from the movie HAHA so dwayne johnson was saying something like

"My balls tell me we should get over there and investigate." 

And zac efron's like, "well my balls tellin me to stay here and turn this over to the cops!" 

Then dwaynes like "why does your balls sound like 3 yr old girls?" 

"I don't know man!  That's just how they talk!  But they are wise."

And then I don't remember the rest so I have to say that that wasn't really funny BUTTTTTT THE MOVIE IS OK I JUST DUNNO HOW TO RETELL SCENES.  There was this morgue scene that was also so cringey but funny at the same time, then basically scene with the Ronnie guy was funny as well.   OK Seriously I was cracking up the whole time so what I'm saying ISSS  even tho you're underaged like I am lmao and  have to go to another cinema to get ur tix cos of age restrictions like they do here in Indonesia never give up ok man let yourself have a good laugh :o)  learn some next level swearing and comebacks especially if you're a non-native like me! :D 



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Omg now im curious how you look like since both of them told you the movie is '' HAHAHAHAHA and aw glad that you got to watch it! XD dang imma watch that movie later lmao
This whole episode sounds hilarious! Go go girl, go shove it to their face how done you are with school and all that crap!
Also haven't watched the movie yet but I'll definitely will!
LMAOOOO BAYWATCH IS THE BEST! In California you're allowed to buy a ticket if you're 17 to a rated R movie
Lmfao I watched Baywatch with my nine year old sister and none of the workers said a thing :')))
I died during the morgue scene lmao. XD
I always experience the same thing . I need to bring my ID along because people will never believe me that I'm a legal adult ><
Exo_soso #7
The movie here in The Netherlands is 12+