the best day

today was one of the best days i've had in a while.  

today was a REALLY good day. 

i think i've realized why i've been so easily triggered and stressed these past few days, or even weeks-- it's because i'm not socializing with other people enough.  i'm not having enough fun with my friends and that's how i usually cope with everything!  like, i text my friends and all but i mostly just stay huddled up in my room watching korean dramas and writing fanfics because my friends and i are at making plans (we always say we need to see each other a$aprocky but never ending up doing it), i'm also actually really lazy, and most of them are busy in this musical project thing that i absolutely want no part of lmao.  but i don't actually go out to see them and talk to them and eat with them, and there's a difference between socializing face to face and simply replying with whatever every few hours from behind a screen.  

so anyway today i finally FINALLY got to meet up with my Grade 9 girl friends!  we were tight back then and we always had a blast but from grade 9-10 lots of people moved, the ones who didn't got separated between natural science and social science concentration in school, so we basically haven't had a good sit-down-and-just-talk kind of thing in a long time.  magically, after a plan finalized at precisely 20.38 last night, today we met at Grand Indonesia which is basically a huge shopping mall in Jakarta that stands for its name and wow man

I love my friends!!!!!1!!!111!!

since school ended i haven't been socializing as much and really i just realized how much i miss just sitting around with these people for a whole day and talk about all the nonsense in the world.  

ok so imma make up some names here real quick-- in case imma be needin any names.  today i went with valentino, shook, destinh, spongebob, and new brows.  like literally we met at 12 for lunch and planned to head back at 4ish, or 5, but ended up actually going back at 8.40ish and not even the crazy traffic that made me arrive home at 10 can kill my mood like omg today was so fun!!  we were probably that group of girls who talked and laughed obnoxiously loud, even in the middle of the mall, at the restaurant, at the escalator, in the toilets.... omg if you saw us you'd probably want to punch us in the face.  we just had so much to gossip about, cos omg, so many interesting happened now that my class has graduated and are prolly feeling a lot more free, which leads them to doing so so so many gossip-worthy things.... and we just talked about all that happened during the whole day!  most of the stories are so funny and stupid, like who the hell does that pointing-fingers-come-to-me dance thing that UB (not initials, not ultimate bias) does to try to attract men when she gets drunk???  don't the guys usually approach the girls?!  how the did three security guards end up in their hotel room?!  why the did they even call security guards for?!  so how far did EB (not a typo, diff name) go that night?!  everything was somehow funny for us and we were laughing so hard at all the roasting until we actually got SHUSHED OMG like the hell that dude behind the counter straight up just went SSSSHHHH!!!  cos basically our voices filled up the entire dessert place!! :'''')))))  of course that didn't work lmao.  idk why but things were especially exciting in that dessert place and if the brow bar hadn't called about shook's brow appointment (which then inspired new brows to do her brows too, hence her name) we probably woulda stayed there till like... idk. till the mall closed, maybe.  what made things so exciting was because the tea was so hot because two of the girls, spongebob and shook, were actually there too when all of it happened like she knew what was going on in that club when EB and UB did all that like omg TALKING ABOUT IT ALL WAS SO FUN BECAUSE SPONGEBOB AND SHOOK WERE THERE TO SPILL ALL THE T-E-A TEA THAT GOT ME SHOOK TOO TBH like whew man people you see in school everyday really have different sides to them :/ 

ok i know i'm not making much sense now but all in all i'm just stupidly happy today i'm so glad i spent the whole day with them and i'm probably still high on all the endorphin my brain released today from all that laughing i just live for days like these and i'm so glad to have them all in my life.  i'm glad i'm friends with all these wicked, funny, loud people that relieves me from everything for a while and it makes me sad to remember how i'm leaving in just a little over a month and that days like these willl be even harder to come by :( i miss all my school friends so much omg i don't think you'd understand how much


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we're somewhat the same,I have a lot of friends but I don't like going out much,but everytime I go out with friends it's a really happy moment,like I'll say,im going to go out more with them because like what you said interacting personally is more fun,it's a different feeling :-)
Mixconceptions #2
I am so glad you're happy and you figured out why! yay for you
I'm glad you feel better and your happy.
later it will be skype meet up :((( glad that you enjoy the day.
starandheart #5
I miss my friends from high school so much too :( I thought I would be unconsolable when college started. But now the few times we get to meet, it's still like no time passed at all and its amazing. And I love my college friends too. But glad to hear that you had fun :)
it's a good thing u figured it out and believe me I understand how bad is it to miss ur friends....I only get to see them at school and I'm all by myself during society I live in
zangsia1 #7
Glad u feel better now authornim