A Question for Incredible Things Readers

Quick question:  would you rather I update one chapter at a time at my normal updating pace (10-14 days max)  or do double updates but with longer breaks between each double update?  I just want to know what you guys prefer because lately I've been double updating like several times (OK WHO AM I KIDDING I've only done it like, twice) and I wonder if you guys enjoy double updates more or something idk.  Ok so comment below! :)


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I prefer one chapter update at a time
I prefer double updates to be a surprise like once per fic so single chapter updating is more familiar I guess to me???! ...I'm weird
one chapter at a time :-)
jsjjj_ #4
i'd prefer one chapter update but if you'd be kind enough to grace us with two chapters update every time, i'd be happy.
Yoloyoloyoyo #5
Heartz_Ilayda #6
Maybe single....dont know
Putripranata #7
I prefer single chapter.. Hehe. Your story really make me uo and down.. And sooman... Why hes die... I feel bad for suzy
I like single chapter updates more since it keeps me excitedly for what's to happen next and there's no long break so lol
kazukikaori #9
Both are fine. But I prefer single update more :) your story is sooo awesome!
neonflowers #10
single update it is for all you people HAHA
I think its more thrilling and exciting if you update 1 at a time. Even though it has long break before it will updated again, i think the wait is worth it. But it is still up to you
Mixconceptions #12
honestly I can never wait for an update but i'd stick to a single update with shorter breaks? but whatever suits you will do!
Double updates are nice but sticking to them is not easy job and it's a lot of work!
I think the single one more doable both for you to write and for us to go crazy about your story ;)
One chapter at a time~ double updates are good but for readers like me woth little free time, i prefer one chap at a time bc i can squeeze it still in my time :)