BTS FF Recomendations for: July


Greetings Readers!!!

Sorry this is a few days late—I like to post my reviews during the first week of each month—but it’s summer and I’ve been spending time with friends and family...while enjoying the sun and beautiful weather!

So, without further’s my BTS FanFiction recommended reading list for July!!!

Summertime was made for reading and these are some fantastically amazing stories I’ve had the pleasure to read—and, of course, cheerzzz to all these talented writers...and Thank You for sharing your beautiful works of art with the fandom!



1.  Title: Pull Me Closer

Ship: Yoonmin

Author: by Willow_Odessa2333


Summary: College!AU where Jimin can’t sleep without listening to a *certain someone’s* channel, and then hears someone in the library that sounds JUST like him, but brushes it off until..... Or in which Jimin meets Yoongi, the voice behind the anonymous live stream host he kind of fell in love with.

My Review: I’m starting you out with a sugary delight that’s so sweet it’ll give you cavities—so remember to brush after reading, lol! But seriously, this is Yoonmin at their most romantic—full of fluff and feels galore—and it’s sure to bring a smile to your, enjoy!


2.  Title: Butterfingers

Ship: Yoonmin

Author: by ohdizzy


Summary: Jimin's life is no fairytale. But if it was, it'd go something like this. (Or: the AU in which Jimin is cursed to drop whatever he’s holding every time he sees the person he loves)

My Review: Here’s another Yoonmin gem where Jimin’s lost his creative edge and has a painting project due. Taehyung decides he needs a muse—enter barista Min Yoongi, covered in tattoos. The plot is pure love, the twist is Jimin’s cursed by the gods to drop things around the person he loves because he hates love and the friends to lovers ending is predictably cliché but beautifully done!


3.  Title: Come First

Ship: Yoonjin

Author: by jinified


Summary: “You could go in there, you know.” Hoseok suggests offhandedly. “No,” Seokjin says immediately with a dismissive shake of his head, “he told me to never interrupt him when he’s in there.”


“I’m serious! We have an established boundary zone because—”

“Please don’t.”

“—we’re roommates.”

or: Yoongi has been in the studio too long and Seokjin tries to persuade him to leave. It doesn't go quite according to plan.

My Review: This shorty is pure Yoonjin and fun while the simplistic plot only adds to the air of humor and believability—I can actually see this happening...oh yes!


4.  Title: Dahlia

Ship: Yoonseok | Sope

Author: by signifying_nothing


Summary: witchchild jeongguk accidentally summons a pair of demons

My Review: I find the summary on this fic a little misleading because it’s actually quite a soulful piece of work. There’s a lot of meat to this one so don’t be surprised by the plot depth and fully developed characters. Make sure you’re heart, mind and soul are open when you read this one because there’s a ton of good questions that are sparked by this basic angel-demon theme. I loved this story a lot and those of you who like to read unusual story lines will too!!!


5.  Title: Daily Smoothies

Ship: Taekook | Vkook

Author: by Missmozzie


Summary: Taehyung likes smoothies, and so does Jeongguk.

My Review: I love awkward Taekook and this is a really cute college au with an added Yoonmin flare...enjoy!


6.  Title: Eternal

Ship: Jikook

Author: by staycute1234


Summary: Jungkook has been chasing Jimin for centuries.

My Review: This story spans a few hundred centuries following the vampire, Jungkook, as he waits for his soulmate, Jimin, to be continually reborn so they can be together for another human lifetime. There is blood and in this story but it’s sensual and not gore—however, if you’re the squeamish sort you might want to refrain from reading this one. For all you vamp-lovers, this is a fabulous story and a great read!


7.  Title: Finally

Ship: Vmin

Author: by rosiex


Summary: In which Jimin and Taehyung finally share their first kiss.

My Review: I adore this story—it’s quick but thorough! We follow Jimin’s thought process surrounding his first kiss with Taehyung...which is also his first time kissing a boy. Jimin’s mental dialog is genuine and detailed as he leads the reader through the physical and mental aspects that change his relationship status of his best friend from friend to lover. This is a great little story with a big emotional footprint!


8.  Title: Homefront

Ship: Namji | Minjoon

Author: by ACatWhoWrites


Summary: There were times Jimin felt a lot and didn't feel at all. Times before he was a dad that he'd rather never forget and times he'd rather never think of again. Times when he was alone and choking on ash and slipping in mud made of blood and exposed dirt. Times before dancing with his daughter to animated guitar music and planning dates to pick flowers in the park.

My Review: I don’t normally read fictions that portray BTS members are parents (not my thing) but this one grabbed my heart. This is a multi-layered piece that surrounds a soldier (Jimin) who’s past and military obligations overlap with his life as a single father. I love the underlying theme of finding love when and where you least expect it...because it reminds the reader there’s always hope!


9.  Title: Insanity (in G minor)

Ship: Yoonmin

Author: by neatospiffy


Summary: Yoongi is a pianist who runs a music shop in a small town. Jimin is his unlikely studentroommate? the music!au that nobody asked for tbqh heavily inspired by Yoongi's First Love, the piano version of Butterfly, and several Yoonmin fics I've read in the past.

My Review: I have a hard time reading plots about or with child abuse—however, since it was implied, not graphically depicted, I got through it fine. Most of the fiction revolves around how Jimin comes to live with his piano instructor and how their bond forms over a love of music...eventually, they fall into a romantic relationship. This is a very touching Yoonmin story that deserves your attention and will reward you with a happy heart in the end!


10.  Title: Meet The Parents

Ship: Yoonjin

Author: by rosiex


Summary: Yoongi predicts that meeting Seokjin's parents will be a disaster. He was right.

My Review: An honest and cringe-worthy account of meeting your partner’s parents and knowing they instantly hate you. I found this story both funny and sad as I suffered through second-hand embarrassment and dreaded the ride home and ensuing fight that had the potential to rip them apart, but doesn’t—with an ending that’s pure least in my mind.


11.  Title: Never Judge a Book by its Cover

Ship: Jikook

Author: by whenIseeUsmile


Summary: Thanks to Jungkook's idiot best friend, he drowned the books he borrowed from the library. Now, he has to work there to work off his debt. He doesn't really like the job but that one boy that always has his nose buried in his books makes his days much better. Or in which Jungkook meets bookworm Jimin and falls harder than he thought he would.

My Review: This story is fabulous! It has a generous amount of fluff and feels along with a well-structured plot that flows easily, making it a great read—and it doesn’t hurt to that there’s a healthy dose of side Taegi either...can I get an Hell Yeah!


12.  Title: Passengers

Ship: Yoonmin

Author: by unclassified_senpai


Summary: The spacecraft Starship Avalon is traveling to a distant colony planet, Homestead II, a journey that will take 120 years to complete. The colonists and the entire crew are in Hibernation Pods, but a malfunction awakens one passenger, mechanical engineer Min Yoongi, 90 years too soon. A YoonMin PassengersAU.

My Review: You all know I’m Yoonmin trash (she said proudly) and this is Yoonmin in epic proportion! This is a must read!!! And, if you’re a stalker (like me) you can go read the comments I made throughout the story however, here’s a section of my last comment...

“Seriously, you did a spectacular job on this story and the research you put into it (behind-the-scenes) shows immensely! I love Yoonmin but in this setting...I don't know, there was just something so beautifully quiet and peaceful about the Yoonmin ship that I haven't found in any of my other reading travels. The characters were so truthful and exactly how I see them in my own mind, including all their pain and insecurities--somehow you managed to keep this same quiet echo through the entire series...which is a feat in and of itself. And Namjoon killed me--every chapter watching his body fade and fail was done with honest and painful simplicity...I cried more for Joonie than I did when Yoonmin separated after their misunderstanding.”


13.  Title: The 8 by 8 Rule

Ship: Taekook | Vkook

Author: by Rix


Summary: Jungkook drinks a lot of water. Taehyung's into it.

My Review: This is another story that won’t be to everyone’s liking so READ the TAGS! I laughed and blushed my way through this one because Rix’s scenes are off the MF hook! I enjoyed reading this one—but again, I love me some bottom Jungkookie so yeah...don’t read this one in church, lmfao!


14.  Title: sidereal

Ship: Vmin

Author: by darling


Summary: Here we observe the Earth and the Sun in their natural habitat: each other.

My Review: This story is another with the theme of domestic abuse—it’s heart-wrenching and bittersweet—with a happy ending but I caution you all to READ the TAGS for triggers! Darling is one of my favorite authors because of the unique perspective, style and I highly encourage you to read this or any other piece by this fantastic writer!


15.  Title: you have 1 new message

Ship: Namjin

Author: by bazooka



r u n c h r a n d a.

, this is going to sound like the weirdest . okay look i used ur selcas to catfish and this older dude is gonna buy me stuff but i have to send him a selca with a peace sign

~ * ~ pingkeu jin ~ * ~

hahahahahahaha wtf

Review: This is a long one however, don’t be afraid—it’s written in a texting format so it’s a very fast-paced read. It’s Namjin centric with the other members contributing here and there but the plot spirals into a suspenseful thriller and has a great ending...that’s sure to put a dimple in your smile! ;)


16.  Title: Figuring It Out as We Go

Ship: Jikook

Author: by peppermint_wind


Summary: Jungkook never thought this would happen to him; eighteen years old and questioning everything he used to know. Staying up late watching gay music videos with wide-eyes, phone tucked to his chest, probably isn't helping him much, either, but what is he supposed to do when he realizes seeing two men together makes his whole body ache?

**Based off of Jungkook covering Troye Sivan's, "Fools."

"Jimin’s breathing begins to even, and Jungkook watches his chest rise and fall, steady and slow, like how waves wash up on Busan beaches."

My Review: A very sweet coming of age story about Jungkook discovering and accepting that he’s gay and has feelings for Jimin. The feels in this story are deep and intense—it’ll make your heart beat faster, ngl!


17.  Title: breathing underwater

Ship: Taekook | Vkook

Author: by parallels


Summary: Taehyung meets Jungkook on an impromptu summer road trip to Busan.

Review: This is an odd little gem that I really love—it’s very poetic and beautiful. I will mention that Taehyung almost drowns and Jungkook saves him so if this is a trigger for you please be careful as drowning is described with great feeling.


18.  Title: describe your ideal type here

Ship: Sugakookie

Author: by fruitily


Summary: he means well. this is what jungkook tells himself when taehyung shoves a sheet of paper in his face at eight in the morning when he’s mechanically shoveling cereal into his mouth at the kitchen table in sort of a dissociative state. TAEHYUNG’S MATCHMAKING SERVICES, it reads at the top in taehyung’s glaring handwriting. jungkook doesn’t even want to read the rest of it. or: taehyung makes a business out of matchmaking. yoongi smiles at jungkook at a coffee shop and it's really a downwards spiral from there on. both jungkook and yoongi probably need new roommates.

My Review: This story is wonderful! Sugakookie done well is always a good time but honestly, I absolutely loved Vmin in this one. The fact that you never know for sure if Vmin is a couple through the entire story is delightful and fun! Definitely read this one!!!


19.  Title: Good Job (with a G and a J)

Ship: Namseok

Author: by taetaetiger (yvanillatiger)


Summary: “Good, Hoseok," Namjoon says. "That’s exactly right. Very good.” Oh. Oh, Hoseok thinks. Oh, he feels crawling down his spine. Oh, he sits higher in his seat. Oh, he tightens his legs together and feels a rush through his stomach, through the insides of his thighs, through his groin. Oh.

My Review: A college au story with brilliant Namjoon tutoring Hoseok at Seokjin’s request. This story is cute, funny and all-around a good read so add it to your summer reading list!


20.  Title: when the lights go out (run away with me)

Ship: Sugamon

Author: by JemKay


Summary: Yoongi’s soft when he’s tipsy, softer when he’s cold, and softest when Namjoon says “I love you.”

My Review: God this story is “Chick-flick-central” and so worth your time an effort—Namjoon is precious and Yoongi is his spitfire-self that melts in Joonie’s hands—this is a beautiful love check it out!


Alright, that wraps up my listing for July—it’s a long one because it’s summer and most of you have extra free time on your hands...I know I do!!! So, hope these keep a smile on your face during daylight hours by the pool, lake or beach!

As always, let me know if you’ve fallen in love with a certain story and send me the link so I can check it out!!!

Happy Reading and see you all next month!

^___^ PJ




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Aw, thanks!!! They are good reads so whenever you get around to them you won't be disappointed! Even if the links to the stories change--find the story through the author--sometimes they rearrange from a work into a series so the link I use is bad. The thing I like about Ao3 is you can download the stories in pdf and read them at your leisure without having to eat up your online time. I read things on AFF and Wattpad but very seldom...I just like the formatting of Ao3. ;)

Happy Reading GC!!! ^__^
I don't have time to check these out rnrnrn and I haven't been up on aff for a longgg time, but I'm ready to check them out soon!! (I wish I could rn tho T-T your recs are always so good XDD)
( ・ω・)ノ" I wrote Homefront, and it's crossposted right here on AFF:
