I sort of miss school now wtf

I KINDA REALLY LOWKEY MISS HIGHSCHOOL NOW.  Like... damn would my parents punch me in thr face if they ever read this because back when I was still in school studying all the time all I ever did was complain about it and wished for time to go faster.  But now that I'm back from my vacation, back at home for the nth day since April 13 which was my last official day of school (activites, since we had our last national exam that day) I really miss school lmao what am I even saying BUT YES I MISS SCHOOL??  

I don't miss waking up early every morning.  I just miss all the friendsssss D:  I miss all the noisy guys in our class who can turn everything into a dirty joke which girls don't usually understand, but because I have a guy friend who tells me everything I do!  I miss how they make fun of our supposedly gay teacher and whistle whenever he walks by (yes that is trashy but IT IS ALSO FUNNY OK HAHA).  I miss how there's this guy who always makes shooting hoops motions whenever the teacher has his back turned to the class!  Like, he'd go up to the second row of tables and randomly "shoot some hoops" maybe it's cos he's our star basketball player (who is also frickin hot and was my 7th grade crush who I never really got over until the 8th lmao all he did till 12th grade is just get hotter ok).  I miss the teachers waking people up HAHA I MISS SLEEPING IN CLASS???  I miss watching star basketball player steal loose leaf paper from his ex who sat in front of them and they'd get into the most childish fight ever because then the ex would sit with her bag hugged to her chest and the basketball player would make funny faces at me (just cos I was seated next to him).  I miss arguing about maths problems with my guy best friend who turned into Albert Einstein over just a year and then getting them right!!  I miss going to the Biology, Chemistry, and Physics lab for lab activities and getting into groups and aaaah the labs are always so cold and such a nice place to sleep.  I miss the hustle, the taking out books from our lockers in a hurry 3 minutes before the bell rings because we always forgot.  I miss walking to the school buses with my friends, I miss laughing out loud about whatever during those walks, I miss waiting for my friends outside their classes to walk home and I miss seeing them outside my class waiting for me!  I miss waiting for 3.30pm each day, believe it or not D:  I miss BUYING CANTEEN FOODDDD KKK I MISS MY FAV FOOD SO MUCHHHH I have an unfillable void in my heart BECAUSE OF THAT D""":  I miss all my loud friends I miss all the studying together I miss going to sweet 17's because now everyone is past 17 already and I miss dressing up for sweet 17's AISH I MISS A LOTTTTT I miss asking for notes and giving them too sometimes, I miss going to the toilet just to pass time.  I miss the school toilet wtf I miss fixing my hair in the mirror!  I miss the hustle life basically and I miss high school like right now I'm gonna cry. 

Btw here's one of the best conversations-- I had that I remember-- with the cute basketball guy/ex-crush lmao.  So we were working on this Bahasa Indonesia thing together and the teacher came up to us at a point when we actually had no idea what we were doing.  It went a little something like:

Teach:  you guys okay over here? 

Me:  um-- 

Dude:  yeah, everything's going great!  /big, star basketball player slash womanizer smile/ 

Teach:  really?? 

Dude:  yeah! 

Teach:  you sure you gonna get a good  score on this one? 

Cos the previous exercises people got marks

Dude:  yeah, of course!  Don't worry teach we got this!  /blinding colgate smile/ 

So the teacher leaves us after patting our backs, and once she goes around our table and away from it, this cute basketball guy grins mischievously,  leans in to my ear, and whispers:

"That's how you ." >:D 

And i just lost it HAHAHA omg i miss that guy he was always such a jerk :")



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I also really miss high school!!!! our high school finished at 10 grade.Now I am an 11th grader and I really really miss high school and my old school!!
fangurlsxx #2
Hahahah lol me too...I miss my friends but i'm still not ready to face the fact that I'm gonna be 12th grader... once school starts.... Ugghhh. Btw I'm curious, so you're gonna enter university rightt? Where uni will you go to? ((I'm also Indonesian btw ;;))
Aw u make me miss my school life D: the last one had me dying lmaooo XD
mrsJAE_tvxqJYJ #4
Haha that conversation tho "that's how u "...he's a funny guy! :)
Yeah, high school time is the best in life...friends,crush(s),secret admirers,corridor(where I pretend going to toilet when I mean is sneak peak of my crush in his class haha), fav teacher,teacher that u don't like, diary (write all things that happen between me and my crush, the conversation,the gesture, the flirt) and all the fun at that moment....i miss it all :)