OK SO because I'm always a sleepy-assed idiot with ambitions, I accidentally swallowed my teeth whitening strips because I fell asleep with them on HAHAHAHA KKK like, they're plastic strips on both my upper and lower teeth with some kind of gel on them (probably something acidic cos teeth whitening), and the package explicitly stated do not swallow and do not wear overnight-- I did both!!  Now I'm midkey worried about what'll happen to me because??  The plastic inside me??  But I don't feel anything so maybe that's a good sign, but then again those strips ARE packed with whitening chemicals that are probably... harsh?  Like what if they do to the walls of my stomach??   But then I feel fine so idk HAHAHA omg I still can't believe I swallowed my Crest 3D whitening strips jeez!!

So if I randomly stopped updating Incredible Things then y'all know what happened to me ok :)


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mrsxoxo #1
X.x hope you'll be fine
*claps* well done
x169618x #3
Lmao I'm not sure how to react? Like i want to laugh cz this is so silly but then I'm worried what will happen to you, cz you know incredible things haven't finished yet XD kidding
Anyway someone mentioned on the comments that it's safe tho, but don't do it again next time
fangurlsxx #4
HAHAHAHwtf sorry, why this is so funny yet scary......i don't even know how to deal with this..but thank you for making me laugh lol xD this is too silly :(( but I hope it won't do any harm... Im not letting you to leave before you finish "incredible things" HAHAHjk
Mixconceptions #5
mrsmlegver #6
Its okay but before you die pls update incredible things first then you can die


I love you pls dont die lol
ok so now it reacts with HCl inside your lambung that we dont know if it's gonna be destroyed or nah and im sorry to remind you with chemistry *despacito*
Oh My God sistah, be careful next time jaebal!!!
Rinaliane #9
Oh god, im panicking just from reading this but have you tried to search for it on google? Maybe someone had a similar experience and created a forum of sorts for it but um yeah i hope nothing serious happens tho.! And are you still in LA? If you are, i hope that you are having fun!!!!