




No one tagged me 。・゚・(ノД`)・゚・。 but I'm doing this anyways because I don't want to be left out! Huhu...



Confession 1: Have you ever broken a law before? And how?


Yessss *laughs nervously* too many times… doing naughty, naughty things I shouldn't have (⌒ヮ⌒;) I was even arrested once, but the charges against me were later dropped (yay~)


Confession 2: Have you been caught in an awkward situation?


Ugh, yes! I'm such a derp!!! I think the one that happens most often is I'm writing something in my head, and then I realize that I'm reacting to it... and also that I'm not alone... and that the other person is watching me make these funny faces for no reason (that they know of anyways) and AWKWARD!!!!

 I mean, really (⌒_⌒;) how do you explain to someone, without sounding totally freaking crazy, that two imaginary people were having a conversation with each other in your head, and you found it funny? ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌ You can't. It's impossible.


Confession 3: Any romantic happenings in your life?


Only the ones being made up in my head *sigh* Thank goodness for all the hot boys I can ship together! .·´¯`(⌒ヮ⌒)´¯`·.


Confession 4: Most embarrassing moment:


Uhhh, I have two lol and I'm going to go with the PG one since I don't want to have to rate this post mature (⌒_⌒;) lol

When I was about 14, two friends came over to eat at my house, and just happened to bring their extremely hot older brother (that I totally had a crush on) with them. We decided to eat outside but forgot napkins, so I set my plate of spaghetti on my chair and ran inside to get some. After handing them out, I sat back down in my chair… and onto my plate of spaghetti (ノ_・。) Oh, did I mention I was wearing white shorts? (一_一)

Ugh! The hot brother laughed every time he saw me for months. It was awful, and totally killed my crush on him!


Confession 5: Weirdest thing you've ever done:


I was into acting as a teen, and then suddenly out of the blue one day I began developing stage fright... but not the normal kind (because like I could ever do anything the normal way ^^;). I didn't get it on stage or even in front of the cameras. Nope. I got it during the additions. It got so bad that I suddenly began hysterically crying and hyperventilating in the middle of one and had to be taken to the hospital to be given a sedative. That was the last audition I even went to and definitely the weirdest thing I've ever done (⌒ . ⌒;)



I tag everyone who reads this!!! v(>ヮ<)v




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liquorandice #1
I'm bookmarking this and making one another day, promise
Owhhh! Poor youu about the stage fright
You are one of a kind (in a cute and hilarious way of course) dear authornim....
Love you for being just you <3 <3
RIP mine are gonna be boring af xD
Zelomy1004 #5
Oh my god that is embarrassing
1: You little rebel. I can't believe you actually got arrested. I've done lots of illegal things, but I've never gotten caught so it's not really a big deal. The things I did aren't arrest worthy though, if I was caught I'd probably just be fined for doing it. ^^'
2: I do that a lot, too. I've been caught in lots of awkward situations, but the most common one is me spacing out and staring at someone until people start assuming I have a crush or that I hate the person. Also, I've almost sat down in someone's lap before which was really embarrassing because I don't even normally hug him. I didn't mean to, I just wasn't paying attention and he was sitting in my seat. My other friends warned me which is how I didn't actually end up sitting in his lap. >///<
3: Same! Shipping people is the only action I get. Also, a little flirting with my friends just for fun. ;)
4: I have no idea what my most embarrassing moment was, but one really embarrassing time was when I was back hugged by one of my older sister's classmates. They saw me from behind and thought it was my sister. My friends who didn't hear our conversation but saw the hug started teasing me about something "romantic" happening.
5: The weirdest thing I've done is also hard to pinpoint, but one of my many many weird moments is when I walked like a duck for apparently no reason at all and my entire grade could have seen me if they had turned around and looked at where I was.
Hahahahaha omg that's cute somehow and it can be lil dangerous too... Actually u can bee dangerous too;)

Lol can I tell an embarrassment moment? I know no one asked but i like to share it here ;
Last week I was heading back to home happily when i reached a street which was blocked because of a party I think. The whole pedestrian was full of couples and some bad booyyys u know... I acted so calm and collected till my mom called and told me she is out too and we should meet in an alley . When I entered the alley I said : thanks God there's no jerks here! But i jumped when someone whispered to me hey baby girl . I felt cold sweat u can't believe it . I picked my phone suddenly and I called my mom but guess what I said: where the heck are u? U are ruining our date! Then the boy said oh she has boyfriend and I smiled but I froze when i saw my mom in front of me with a phone in her hand . My mother said: why u told nonsenses? Which date?! I really tired to signal her but it didn't work u know.... And the boy laughed his head off.. The most embarrassing moment i guesss, sorrryyyyyyyyyy for speaking to much but I really feel comfortable with ur blogs.
JoySummer77 #8
I enjoy reading this. Kekeke
Hehehehe I had fun reading this
alliesalice #10
Hahahahaha i was laughing so hard at the last confession. Sorry tho. I hope you are okay now
I'm so curious about the law you broke and the mature embarrassing moment...
the first confession had me stop and check again if it was really you hahaha wow badass queen
Woo. This sounds interesting and I'll do this when I get back home from my vacation. ^^ Anyway, finally I found someone who enjoyed emoticons like me. BELLO FRIENDS. :))
like you broke a government rule????? the most I've done is break almost, if not actually over than half of our school rules............ Welp take note, I'm actually supposed to be part of the star sectionXD