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Kang-keo jaemin is the dormouse.

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BIRTHNAME : Kang-Keo Vatsana Jaemin (English Name: Vallen Kang-Keo)

Jae / Sana / Val — Since she has so many names, it's only natural to have a shortened version of each name. The first is her nickname in Korea among her classmates/peers, friends, and the members. The second is the shorter version of her Laotian name, Vatsana, which her family mostly uses. The third is for public broadcast and amongst the fans.

Kuroko — The nickname the fans gave her because within the members, it seems like she has no presence and always seems to disappear on camera because the other members tend to overhadow her. This is a reference to Kuroko no Basuke, where the protagonist Kuroko has absolutely no presence and is one of his biggest traits. 

DATE OF BIRTH : January 3rd, 1997
BIRTHPLACE : Dallas, Texas, United States
ETHNICITY : Korean-Laotian

English— Fluent // Jaemin was born in the United States and lived there until she was fourteen, so it's only natural that she's fluent in English.

Korean— Semi-Fluent // While some slang and satoori don't really register, Jaemin can speak and comprehend Korean very well thanks to her father and her move to South Korea when she was fourteen.

Laos — Conversational (Almost Basic) // Since Jaemin spent more time learning Korean, she can only carry a simple conversation in Laos, but nothing too advanced.

FACE CLAIM : Blackpink's Jennie
BACK-UP FACE CLAIM : Jung Chaeyeon
HEIGHT & WEIGHT : 161 cm and 46.5 kg

Jaemin is a lot shorter than most in her age line, but she doesn't really mind that much. With lightly tanned skin, she has a slim figure and a tiny waist with average proportions. Nearly everything about her is dainty, from her hands to her feet, but she has surprisingly strong legs from her years of sports. Her charismatic eyes are startlingly clear and are a deep onyx that sparkle, but can usually be seen in a cool gaze. Her smile itself is quite pleasant, especially her wider ones, but her shy and introverted nature prevents her from comfortably smiling. 


She prefers things to be simple, casual, and feminine over the flashy and fancy. She likes anything denim and oversized sweaters that seem to swallow her whole as well as hoodies. The notion of showing skin is okay, but Jaemin would prefer not to unless it's the stylist's decision or it was just practice. She doesn't mind mini skirts or shorts though, since she used to wear a lot of sports shorts back in the United States. She doesn't have much of a preference for footwear, but if she's wearing heels then they better have a platform. Jaemin does have a preference for lighter colors like white, cream, and softer pastel hues as well.







The Star :                        Compassionate, Mature, Hard-Working, Patient, Innocent
The Middle Ground :    Courteous, Quiet, Filial, Competitive, Ambitious
The Imperfections :       Timid, Self-critical/self-deprecating, Possessive, Repressed, Disorganized, Oblivious

PERSONALITY : Jaemin has always been rather compassionate, or rather selfless due to her upbringing. She's always ready to lend a helping hand or a shoulder to cry on and is very respectful of the environment and other people. Jaemin is also quite mature for her age, never taking her frustrations out on others, always listening first before seeking to be understood, and is well versed in the art of acceptance. Jaemin, most of all, is extremely hard-working. If she makes a mistake, it's guaranteed that she'll stop at nothing to learn from her mistakes and improve. Even the tiniest of imperfections will make her practice harder on her music skills. She's the kind of person who puts her best effort in nearly everything and will never take anything less than perfection from herself. Jaemin is a very patient person as well. She's good at waiting and doesn't get annoyed easily at problems. She's also good at dealing with the antics of certain members and doesn't get angry at all. Jaemin is also rather innocent (or naive) and tries to see the good in people. Things like inappropriate jokes (mostly from the March Hare) completely fly over her head and she doesn't really get them. This also makes her completely vulnerable to the antics of the Mad Hatter and Cheshire Cat, not that she really notices. 

Jaemin is always unfailingly polite to everyone. From even the smallest of children to the staff and elderly, she is courteous and respectful. Unless given specified permission, Jaemin would never speak informally with anyone. Unsurprisingly, Jaemin is a quiet person and isn't the talkative type. She's naturally a listener and it's one of the main reasons she has "no presence." Jaemin is a filial young woman and spends some of her free time writing letters to her parents and older brother in the United States. Not many know this about her, but Jaemin is secretly a very competitive person. She was a rhythmic gymnast back in the United States, so it sparked a competitive streak within her. When it comes to games or sports, Jaemin plays to win. She is also very ambitious and has a lot of goals she's determined to reach, especially in music. Jaemin likes to keep the bar high and the feeling of achievement.

While many aspects of Jaemin are regarded positive, there are still imperfections that can't be erased. She's a very timid person and has a hard time opening up to people. Jaemin is also rather submissive when it comes to accomodating others. She's a real doormat and tends to let herself go along with what everyone else says rather than fighting for her own opinion on how things should be. Her silence mostly comes from her timidness and it has prevented her from things like simply making friends. Jaemin is also very self-critical of herself and berates herself over the littlest mistakes. She will spend hours perfecting the tiniest little problem of her own, which results in Jaemin gaining very little sleep and is a big reason to why she's tired nearly 24/7. Also, surprisingly, she's quite possessive with a certain someone. She's easily jealous when attractive females are... affectionate with that certain someone and likes to keep that certain someone close. Jaemin also dislikes it when others touch or take her things without permission and tends to hide her precious objects away so that the members won't find them. Jaemin is the type to keep her feelings under lock and key. Each and every negative feeling is repressed, only to be released when she's alone. She pretends that everything is okay, even when it's not. She doesn't share her worries or problems with others and instead, opts to deal with her problems alone, not wanting to bother anyone. Jaemin is also terribly disorganized with her belongings and papers. However, if she tries to organize them, then she won't be able to find anything. Jaemin is, unfortunately, quite an oblivious person. Due to her lack of sleep and innocence, she is unable to register the fact that she gets picked on and doesn't pay too much attention to her surroundings. This also causes her to trip or bump into things that she could have easily avoided if she just paid attention. 

BACKGROUND : She was born as Kang-Keo Vatsana Jaemin on January 3, 1997 in Dallas, Texas, United States. Jaemin was given an English name to make it easier and was dubbed "Vallen" as her new first name. She had always been a shy child and she didn't really have any friends except for her older brother. Her father worked a lot and only came back late at night, so Jaemin rarely ever saw him. The only person she really had a connection with was her elder brother, Jaehyung, who would spend time playing with her and encouraging her with anything she set her mind to. When she was a toddler, Jaemin wanted to try tumbling, but her parents were worried she would get injured. In secret, Jaehyung supported and helped her with her tumbling, which she had a surprising talent for. He also was the reason why Jaemin took a chance and got into gymnastics when she turned five with the permission of their parents who reluctantly agreed since Jaehyung asked. Jaemin had a natural talent and flexibility for gymnastics, so she quickly climbed up the ranks in her class, making the other kids envious and distant.

When Jaemin entered school, the kids would about her heritage and mock her "small eyes." Needless to say, she couldn't understand why they could say such mean things and it only solidified her wallflower nature. Jaemin wasn't exactly the smartest kid either, but still managed to make A's. However, they weren't the perfect 100's or near perfect scores her mother wanted, so she had to endure her mother's disappointment and lectures. Despite her mother's disappointment and the teasing, Jaemin still had her older brother and gymnastics to hold onto. When she turned eight, Jaemin was already a level 8 gymnast and eventually expressed her interest in rhythmic gymnastics as well. At the age of nine, Jaemin had already reached level 8 for rhythmic gymnastics. As the years went by, she became notorious for gymnastics throughout Texas, winning her first state championship when she was ten.

When Jaemin turned twelve, she stumbled upon lots of K-Pop videos and articles, which ignited her dream and newfound love for music. She became a fan of the older generation idols and... well, idolized them. She would memorize their dance routines, even the boy group ones, and would sing along. Jaemin fell in love with music and decided that this was it, this was what she wanted to do for the rest of her life. However, the only problem was her age, and parental permission. After turning fourteen, Jaemin had already been training secretly behind her parents' back. With a long and difficult conversation with her parents, it was Jaehyung who convinced them to give their consent. Thus, Jaemin sent her application to JYP and was granted an audition. She flew to Korea with her brother and met with their aunt who offered to take care of Jaemin while she pursues her dream. Jaemin sang "Like Being Hit by a Bullet" by Baek Jiyoung and passed with flying colors. Her brother Jaehyung flew back to the United States and thus, began Jaemin's hard life as a trainee.


Music // Jaemin loves all genres of music, especially ballads.
Sports // She loves both playing and watching sports. Jaemin was a rhythmic gymnast, so she's very athletic and flexible, which helps in her dancing
Trying new things // Life's too short to not try new things, after all
Doing dance covers of her favorite idols // BEAST (now Highlight), Secret, f(x), 4minute, Infinite, B.A.P, VIXX, BTS, Monsta X, and Seventeen
Singing old ballads // Jaemin especially loves to sing Baek Jiyoung's songs
Practicing her singing // Practice makes perfect!
Desserts // It's hard to resist delicious sweets! Brownies, cheesecake, cupcakes, ice cream- it's a treat she gets once in a blue moon...
Cat plushies // Jaemin really likes stuffed animals, especially cats.


Failure // It's probably even a fear of hers. Due to her upbringing, failure isn't an option, so even the mention of the word makes Jaemin nervous.
The word "impossible" // Jaemin likes to believe that things are improbable, but not impossible. 
Coffee // The taste of coffee is much too bitter for her, even with all the sweetener in the world. She can't stand it.
Losing // Jaemin is a competitive person, so she secretly really doesn't like losing. She tries not to be a sore-loser... on the outside.
Sour foods // Jaemin is rather sensitive towards sour foods and they make her flinch. On the other hand, she really likes sour candy oddly enough.
Warm weather // Jaemin prefers colder weather since she tends to get warm easily and she dislikes getting too hot.
Sweating // While it is the result of hard work, the feeling of being warm and sticky is something she really doesn't like, but tolerates it since it's (unfortunately) only natural


Memorizing other idol groups' dances // Mostly boy group dances since they give her a challenge
Writing lyrics // She doesn't reveal this to anyone except Seungcheol (or Jihoon)
Rhythmic Gymnastics // She used to be competitive when she was younger, but nowadays it's more of a relaxing hobby... until the Idol Star Athletic Championships rolls around, then it becomes all out war
Writing letters to her parents, brother, and aunt // It feels like there's more meaning in writing a letter
Learning to play/practicing the piano // Jihoon has been teaching her since high school and she's gotten pretty decent at it


She sings in her sleep, oddly enough, but it's actually really soothing... most of the time. She sings a different song every time she sleeps.
Every time she needs to write something down, Jaemin writes it in English.
Her eyes easily water, so Jaemin is equally moved to tears whenever something slightly touching happens.
She puffs her cheeks whenever she's in thought.


Centipedes or any type of larvae // Those creatures make her shiver in fear at the mention of them.
The ocean or deep waters // Jaemin can't swim...
Failure // Kind of self-explanatory
Plastic surgery, or any surgery in general // The notion of being different with some parts being taken out and replaced compared to who you used to be is a scary idea...
Clowns // Honestly, they are so creepy, Jaemin doesn't know how people find them entertaining.
When a gymnastics move goes horribly wrong // Probably the most terrible thing that could happen considering it can be... fatal


Jaemin is a fast learner and has great memorization, which is especially helpful for learning dance routines. Although, this skill is mostly used for cooking and memorizing recipes since Jaemin is (or one of) the designated chefs within Wonderland. She's actually pretty decent at cooking too.
She cries easily. Even if something is slightly touching, her eyes easily water and the members like to about it, especially Cheshire. Her eyes also water when her body temperature increases.
Some members who are light sleepers are likely to be woken by Jaemin's sleep singing. To solve this, Jaemin has to wear duct-tape over sometimes so they can sleep.
Jaemin has a lot of favorite foods, which include: manduguk (dumpling soup), kimchi jjigae, khao piak (a Laos dish that is a type of rice porridge), and pho (a rice noodle soup that originated in Vietnam).
She didn't get a social media account until after her debut with Wonderland since she's on the shy side and well, not the most social person. After her debut, Jaemin got an account to interact with the fans. Her only account is with Twitter and is @jaevallen97
Her favorite colors are specifically light pink, cream, black, white, and lilac. She also likes other pastel colors. 
Her ideal type is someone warm-hearted, hard-working, and outgoing since she's shy. It would also be nice to have someone who respects her profession and supports her as well.
Jaemin's Laotian middle name "Vatsana" means star in Laos. Her mother's maiden name "Keo" means precious, glass, or gem and her English name "Vallen" means strength.
Due to her experience in gymnastics, Jaemin is very athletic and is surprisingly decent at all sports... except golf, any water sport, skiing, horse riding, any kind of skating, football/rugby, any racquet sport (tennis, badminton, etc), and snowboarding. She's exceptional at rhythmic gymnastics and surprisingly track and field. Jaemin can also do tumbling and acrobatics very well. 
When she was a rhythmic gymnast, Jaemin specialized in hoops and ribbons. Her competition outfits were usually dark purples or blues to contrast with her lilac or soft blue hoops/ribbons. Also, even though she did rhythmic gymnastics in the United States, her teacher was actually from Russia and a retired professional after a devastating injury that's forbidden to mention.
If Jaemin didn't fall in love with singing and Korean music, then she would have become a professional gymnast.
After meeting her friend Yoonsun, Jaemin got inspired to write her own lyrics, but she doesn't show them to anyone (except Seungcheol or Jihoon). She secretly hopes that one day she can write her own song.
Interestingly enough, her stage presence is probably one of the best out of Wonderland despite having a lack of it outside the stage. This may be because off stage she's a lot more timid, but on stage she turns into a different person- kind of like putting on a mask. This also may be because of her experience in rhythmic gymnastics when she was younger, allowing her to cultivate a stage presence from a young age.
After being dubbed "Kuroko" by Wonderland's fans, Jaemin researched the origins and ended up becoming a fan of Kuroko no Basuke, along with other sports anime/manga like Haikyuu and Eyeshield 21.
Her favorite ballad singer is Baek Jiyoung. Her favorite idol groups, however, are a tie between VIXX, Seventeen, and B.A.P in terms of music. Her favorite songs from VIXX are "Fantasy" and "Beautiful Liar" by VIXX LR along with the entire Chained Up album. From B.A.P she likes "Young, Wild & Free" along with "Skydive" and the entire First Sensibility album. As for Seventeen, Jaemin loves all their songs, but frequently listens to Jihoon's solo song "Simple"
Out of all the members of Wonderland, Jaemin feels the closest to Alice because she greatly values and appreciates the maknae's sincere hard work and tends to dote on her (albeit subtly). On the other hand, Jaemin feels the most awkward around Chaeyeon not only because the Queen of Hearts is an intimidating seven years older, but also because of definite and large difference in their personalities. Everyone else in Wonderland is on relatively good terms with her, at least... that's what Jaemin feels.
Out of the staff at Bloom Entertainment, Jaemin feels a bit apprehensive around Ahn Shiwoo, but understands his work ethic. If he didn't feel so... unapproachable, then Jaemin could see herself being on good terms with him. Although for now, she chooses her words very carefully and tries to remain pleasant and patient. Perhaps he'll warm up to her sometime...




Elder Brother — Kang-Keo Jaehyung (26) | Financial Analyst | Loving, Calm, Eloquent
These two love each other dearly and Jaemin frequently keeps in contact with her brother. He was the reason why she got the courage to go into gymnastics and allowed her to pursue her dream of being a singer. Jaehyung was there to comfort her whenever she had gotten scolded or made fun of at school. He isn't just like an elder brother, but like a father to Jaemin.
(FC: CNBLUE Jonghyun)


Auntie — Kang Minhye (43) | Fashion Designer | Exuberant, Sassy, Supportive
Minhye is Jaemin's aunt on her father's side and is a fashion designer under a small company. They met when Jaemin was fourteen and Minhye immediately adored her, becoming her guardian while she is in Korea. Every now and then, whenever there's a "go back home" chance, Jaemin goes to visit Minhye. Due to Minhye's personality, Jaemin views her more like an older sister.
(FC: Uhm Junghwa)




Close Friend — Choi Yoonsun (Newsun) (19) | Idol (Sonamoo) | Cool, Witty, Playful
They were in the same class at Hanlim Multi Art School and it was because Jaemin overheard Yoonsun talking about TS Entertainment that she auditioned for it. They met at the agency after Jaemin was accepted and Yoonsun was a lot friendlier than she had thought. Due to the fact they're the same age, they easily became close and Yoonsun's playful and friendly personality got Jaemin to open up to her. After Yoonsun's debut, they don't speak as much as they used to, but they're still close. It's because of Yoonsun's passion for songwriting that inspired Jaemin to write her own lyrics as well.


That One Sunbaenim/Mentor — Lee Jihoon (Woozi) (20) | Idol/Producer (Seventeen) | Hard-Working, Calm, Cute (But Scary)
The two of them went to Hanlim Multi Art School and Jihoon is a year older than Jaemin, making him her sunbae. After discovering that many students at Hanlim play an instrument, Jaemin wanted to try to learn how to play one as well and chose the piano. However, when she was trying to teach herself, Jihoon had come by and heard the noise. Jaemin was doing okay for a beginner trying to teach herself, but he could tell that she needed help from an actual person. Although he was a bit on the shy side himself, Jihoon felt comfortable about the fact that Jaemin was invested into music like himself and before he knew it, he began teaching her how to play the piano. Even after Jihoon graduated Hanlim, he still gave her some tips on how to play and they have been somewhat friends ever since.

Fellow Gymnast & Protegé— Min Hyebin (17) | Student/Gymnast | Cheerful, Determined, Outgoing
Jaemin met Hyebin at the gymnastics gym when she was 16 and Hyebin was 14. At first, Jaemin didn't pay too much attention to her, and went on with her warm-ups and routine. After going through her routine, Jaemin noticed Hyebin was watching her with stars in her doe eyes. The younger girl was impressed by Jaemin's gymnastic ability and begged her for some help. Jaemin agreed and Hyebin has become her protegé. Since Jaemin can get busy with schedules, Hyebin sends her videos for her to critique and whenever the time works out, they meet up at the gym.
(FC: The Ark's Jane)




Tentative Friends — Park Caira (19) | Idol (Flower Girls) | Understanding, Outspoken, Strong-Willed | 6/10
Both Jaemin and Caira are similar, so it was a bit easier to open up. They are the same age, from the United States, and have similar personalities... except for the fact that Caira is much more outspoken. Despite the fact that Jaemin is technically the elder of the two, she can't help but look up to Caira for her optimism. They are on relatively good terms, although it may still be a bit too early to call them friends.


Motherly Figure/Vocal Trainer — Moon Jangmi (22) | Vocal Trainer | Motherly, Hard-Working, Insecure | 7.5/10
Jaemin had always been on the shy side and isn't the type to open up easily, but Jangmi's motherly nature had quickly broken some of her defenses. Jaemin's own mother hadn't exactly been the most affectionate and they haven't seen each other for nearly six years, so meeting Jangmi had felt like she had a mother. Not only that, but Jangmi also helped her improve her vocals. However, Jaemin still hasn't fully opened up, considering that they haven't known each other for long.



STAGE NAME :  Vallen

TRAINEE YEARS : Two Years at JYP (2011-2013), Two Years at TS (2013-2015), One Year at Bloom Entertainment (2016-Present)


        ▸Vocal & Dance - Mamamoo's Wheein (rap twin not included since that isn't her position)



Life in JYP was relatively okay at first, but it soon became clear that Jaemin didn't grow to fit the JYP image and style like they expected her to. It was clear that despite her timid nature, she wouldn't let them change her singing style or succumb to plastic surgery. Like many other trainees, Jaemin was eventually dropped when she was sixteen in 2013. 
After being thrown away from the only agency she knew, Jaemin refrained from telling anyone, not even her brother. At the school she currently attended, Hanlim Multi Art School, Jaemin overheard one of her classmates talk about their agency, TS Entertainment, and decided to audition for them. She managed to enter and met the very friendly trainees that eventually became friends with her. Originally, Jaemin was going to become part of Sonamoo, but was cut because there were already too many members. After the scandal with B.A.P, Jaemin was uncertain of whether to stay and train, but was dropped from the company at the end of 2015 because TS wanted to reduce expenses and felt that Jaemin was too plain to be able to make money for them. 
Being dropped from two companies had took a toll on Jaemin and she started to fear that her dream would come to an end like many others. However, she didn't want to end it and make all her hard work for nothing. Kang-Keo Vatsana Vallen Jaemin was no quitter, so she searched through all the entertainment agencies to find one that she knew would give her a chance. She stumbled upon Bloom Entertainment that was relatively small, but Jaemin knew it was her best option. So in the beginning of 2016, Jaemin auditioned for Bloom Entertainment, and has become their new lurker in the practice room.




2018  Wonderland's Vallen's Win at ISAC Due to Biased Judging? | False
After winning the gold medal for rhythmic gymnastics at the Idol Star Athletic Championships 2018, information was released that Vallen used to be a gymnast/rhythmic gymnast when she was younger and was even a state champion. This caused many netizens to speculate that the judging was biased because Vallen was a past gymnast and even some fans from other idols had demanded that she should be revoked of her medal due to "unfair" judging. Due to the fact that Vallen's score was shockingly high compared to the other competitors, many began to believe that the judging was biased. However, ISAC released a statement soon after stating that the professional judges had no prior information on Vallen before the competition and judged based on their performance alone. A couple days after, videos of Vallen's rhythmic gymnastics performance were posted, making the issue deflate and online netizens quiet at the evidence of her exceptional performance.
2019 — Wonderland's Vallen Thrown Out of Two Companies Before Debut? | True
This was leaked by one of the trainees that trained alongside Vallen and was jealous that she had gotten to debut. This caused many to speculate what had happened and it was revealed that JYP and TS Entertainment had dropped her. Many people spread rumors that it was because Vallen was a troublemaker and "it's always the quiet ones." However, the negativity was dropped when both JYP and TS released a statement that they did indeed release her from the company, but for different reasons. For JYP, it was because they had one too many trainees and Vallen didn't fit with the style. For TS, it was due to financial issues, which caused a backlash to the agency as some were reminded of the situation with B.A.P.




hello! could you please introduce yourself?

I give a polite smile the best I can and shake off the exhaustion, but I can tell it's awkward at best. "H-Hello, I'm Wonderland's lead vocalist Vallen."

what are your goals in life?

I instinctively puff my cheeks in thought, fingers fiddling together. "I-I'd like to write a song one day and maybe do some collaborations." An idea came to me and I clasped my hands together excitedly. "Oh, I would also like to participate in the Idol Star Athletic Championships." The interview raised a brow in confusion at that.

who is someone you look up to?

My eyes glittered as an image of my favorite singer passed through my mind. "I-I look up to Baek Jiyoung-sunbaenim. She's a wonderful singer and I hope to meet her someday." I couldn't help but let a smile widen on my face at the thought of meeting her someday. "I-I also look up to my brother."

any final words?

"Th-Thank you for the interview." I bow politely. "T-To our fans, thank you for supporting Wonderland." I puff my cheeks, thinking of what else to say before a light bulb brightens in my head."P-Please be careful on your way home as well. It looks like it will rain soon."

replace with love interest 80*80replace with love interest 80*80

LOVE INTEREST : Choi Seungcheol (S.Coups)
BACK UP LOVE INTEREST : Lee Jihoon (Woozi)


Despite his young age, Seungcheol has been appointed leader of Seventeen, a group with thirteen members, meaning he's in charge of twelve members. He's a responsible young man with a manly appearance, but Seungcheol is actually quite affectionate, mischievous, and passionate. He's competitive with a fragile heart inside and loves to have fun. Seungcheol is also quite outgoing and courteous. He's confident in athletics as well.


With Jaemin's shy nature, it's difficult for her to open up or even talk to people, so it's obvious she didn't make the first move. Like some others, Jaemin is a fan of Seventeen, especially their music, and she has slight bias towards Seungcheol (and Jihoon). Despite her idol status, Jaemin didn't have the courage to speak to him and whenever Seventeen would pass by, her greeting is extremely quiet and her bow very low. On the other hand, Seungcheol had secretly become her fan during her debut and would frequently monitor her performances. However, whenever Seventeen passed by Wonderland, he would try to find her, but couldn't because of tendency to disappear and lack of presence off stage. It wasn't until the 2018 Idol Star Athletic Championships that Seungcheol finally saw her in person. Jaemin competed in Rhythmic Gymnastics for the first time since she left the United States (she still did gymnastics, but not competitively) and wore a dark purple outfit with silver stones shaped like stars. She did an astonishing hoop routine with numerous tosses and high speed rotations, showcasing her gymnastics abilities, and coming out as the new dark horse of ISAC's Rhythmic Gymnastics portion. Jaemin ended up winning the gold for Wonderland and after the portion was over, many groups congratulated Jaemin on her win and praised her skills. Seungcheol, however, personally approached her after ISAC and congratulated her in private, now being able to easily spot her. Jaemin was speechless at the fact he could actually see her and that Seungcheol of Seventeen had come to personally congratulate her in private. She could only bow and let out a timid thank you. Fortunately, Seungcheol familiarized himself with her personality already and wasn't perturbed at all by her shy response. With a charming smile, he reveals to her that he's been a fan of Jaemin and would like to collab with her in the future, giving her a complete shock. They exchange numbers at Seungcheol's suggestion for future collaborations, but in reality he just wants to know her better and become closer. Whenever they can, they exchange messages and eventually, Jaemin begins to open up to him. 

RELATIONSHIP STATUS Definitely closer than friends, not quite lovers

ENDINGFinally dating (after a few years) and both of them are equally as possessive over one another (in a cute way). If the two of them are together, then they stick very close together and dislike being apart. Seungcheol, especially, tends to keep an arm around her and will outright tell Jaemin things like "you're mine" if he feels the need to and doesn't appreciate it when other males initiate skinship with her (as well as the other way around). Also, the members of Seventeen may monitor her performances with him and make comments like "she's pretty" which makes Seungcheol reply "no you can't watch" or "she's mine" with a pout. He's especially a bit more possessive when it comes to Jaemin's interactions with Jihoon and will tend to hang around "in case something happens." On the other hand, if anyone expresses interest in Seungcheol, Jaemin will have a hard time controlling her expression and gives a "look" (kind of a challenging pout). If the two are next to each other, then Jaemin will engage in skinship more than usual and even initiate it (not that Seungcheol minds, not at all). If Jaemin is feeling more "threatened" by a "challenger" than usual, then she'll unleash her final weapon: aegyo, and cement her place in his heart in front of her challenger.

Examples (Messages):

Seungcheol: You're really close to Jihoonie these days
Jaemin: ? 
Seungcheol: Don't forget that you're mine! <3
20 minutes later...
Jaemin: <3

Jaemin: That one idol... **** from ****** is pretty
Seungcheol: Jealous? :3
Jaemin: No...
Seungcheol: I love you ;)
30 minutes later...
Jaemin: I love you too

Stainglass : s.Glass

PASSWORD : In trivia and relationships (hopefully that's right)
LAST WORDS : So, I hope there isn't anything wrong or anything to be fixed... but there probably is somewhere hahaha. Well, hopefully it was a good read at least and if there's anything I need to fix, I'll get to it as soon as possible! ^^


"Finding Nemo/Dory" Parody, because the members of Wonderland can't find Jaemin ("Finding Vallen")
Weekly Idol and ISAC maybe?

turn in : story : cheatsheet


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