Mwoyeyo?    Mwoyeyo?    Ireumi mwoyeyo?


"Water. Earth. Fire. Air. Long ago the four nations lived together in harmony.
Then, everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked.
Only the Avatar, master of all four elements could stop them. But when the world needed him most... the genocide happened and the Avatar was killed.
100 years later, even though it's said that the Avatar cycle was broken,
people still rumor that the Avatar is living among them.
And one of those persons considered as the Avatar is...



A complete fool, idiot, , big mouth, omgwhyisheevenexisting?!


NAME  Kaska 
— Avatar Kaska - And this kid seriously is stupid enough to think he is the Avatar. Poor child.
— Annoying  - Guess why.

AGE Sweet, sweet 18

NATION Northern Watertribe

BIRTHPLACE It was a stormy night when in the depths of an ice cavern, Avatar Kaska for the first time saw the light of the day. Yet, he lost his parents to the cruel forces of the Fire Nation, the devils in this world, and was found by an old Water Tribe lady that showed mercy to that child that looked promising to her as it was surrounded by the warmth of fire, the steadiness of earth, the calmness of water and the lightness of the wind. 


Kaska is an orphan, true part of the story. But that's it. He was probably born close to the Northern Watertribe capital and his parents either died because they got attacked by some Fire Nation soldiers or wild animals. That's the end of the story.

FACE CLAIM (+BACKUP) It's me! V(ario)!!! (Backup?! The Avatar does not need a backup!!! Oh, he does?.... then let's go with... Exo's Baekhyun?)

APPEARANCE AND STYLE Like the ocean, like the deep blue ocean he wears the colors of his tribe with much pride, with grace and with what is called the endless love of Mother Moon. Nonsense. Kaska really wears the blue clothes of his tribe but that doesn't mean he honors them a lot. He's the first to get himself covered in mud, get his clothes ripped or similar. But his hair, his long dark brown hair needs to be perfect, if not he's going to spend the next 15 minutes fixing it (even during fights, if he's not running away, he'll be yelling "TIME OUT! TIME! OUT! NEED TO FIX MY HAIR!" /almost gets roasted by a fire bender "IIIIIKS! SON OF A BISON! I NEED PROTECTION! MAYDAY! MAYDAY! MY HAIR NEEDS PROTECTION!"). He's only 179cm tall and not very athletic (ain't nobody care about this .) but some people really consider him as pretty handsome, hence the reason random minor role girls will follow him around and he's totally gonna love it. 
Seriously, this boy will have the most fun going incognito. Playful as he is, he'll enjoy dressing up in other outfits and hide his identity. He'll even call out on the others if they don't look authentical (but where does HE even know from what is authentic? You see the problem?) Whatever happens, though, he's going for the hair accessories. And earrings. Because they're love, they're life. And nope, he's not gay. The Avatar is NOT gay!!! And also he is NOT feminine (that is partly a lie)!!! Just because he takes care of his looks and is a little much vain, doesn't mean he's a girl or that he's into guys! Still people often mistake him as a woman at first.


"What do you mean? I'm purdy, ain't I?! And manly! A purdy man! What?! This totally works!"


"His wisdom and maturity
will lead us the way
to a new era."

TRAITS A child at heart, easy to excite, naive, the typical idiot that doesn't get his together, clumsy to the extent that you'd say he's stupid, yet shifty lucky enough to somehow survive, but then again he's just as stupid to come up with the most dangerous ideas ever, so yupp, he's a troublemaker, oh! and noisy, heck, he's so noisy you won' get a quiet minute at all.


"They say his words are deep like the sea." And then he talks about Bison farts. When people talk about the wisdom of Avatar Kaska they have no idea what kind of stupid child he in reality is. There is no real depth in what he thinks, says or does, he's a person that acts before thinking and he is even celebrating the things that he does every single time, no matter how stupid. Even when he knows that what he did was plain idiocy, he will still try to whitewash the out of his actions and when, as so often, he's lucky and what he does actually has a good outcome he'll pretend he "totally knew this would happen, that's why he did it!". He's easy to excite, just like any other kid and loves to explore everything that is new to him. Most of the time the others will be on the search for Kaska because as so often he went missing in the blink of an eye... because he saw a pretty dragonfly and BOOM he's gone. Maybe he's pulling another kid act again and plays somewhere in the streets, getting to know other nations' (boyhood) cultures. Or he just got kidnapped AGAIN. If someone's has to be saved the entire time, it's definitely his. He just can't take care of himself and even follows strangers into dark side alleys just because they tell him they have cookies for him. Kaska is the eptiome of what it means to be naive. He's just not very smart and therefore believes in everything others tell him. Also, he's just another guy who stayed a kid at heart until now, who can blame him for being the idiot he is?

"Oh... he was NOT a friend...! Got it."

"With bravery and wisdom he will save us all." If you hear this, don't believe any of this. NEVER. If you didn't get it until now - Kaska is pretty stupid. And that's not even all of it. He's also very clumsy, he's going to destroy everything around him. He's like a bull in a china shop. You really take him to the market where they have super fine arts? He loves fine arts! But don't let him touch it, the chances that he will drop something are almost 100%! Also, don't expect him to be able to hide or sneak around. He just can't. He's the first to trip over something, trample on something or shrieking up because there was a gust of wind and he totally thought it was someone grabbing him. It's a real piece of art and skill for itself how he managed not to get killed yet. Especially since people think he might be the Avatar and are after him. Yet, this lucky dog somehow manages to get saved every single time. Until now. God forsake, he truely needs someone to protect him. Kaska's the first to chicken out whenever something happens but also he's the first to motivate everyone to go for the most suicidal missions on earth. Ain't nobody hold him down when such a glorious idea strikes him! But don't expect him to really do it. Because while everyone else gets prepared, he's on his way out, trying to run away. Oh! And don't expect him to ever save you in return. He won't manage. He barely even manages to keep his mouth shut when he gets captured and is asked about his accomplices and their hide-out. He's gonna spill the beans by accident. Yeah. Not even on purpose.


"I... don't know what you're talking about. I'm travelling alone.
I'm not travelling with an air nomad, a sandbender and XY... totally not!"

"His strength will defeat the Fire Nation!" Kaska's not only often getting kidnapped, not seldomly he gets a good beating from those who keep him hostage. Because he's going to annoy the out of them. He's noisy, he's talking a lot of nonsense when the day gets long and he has absolutely no sense of when to shut the f up. When he's with his companions, he's going to be the boldest kid among them, throwing cheeky insults at his opponents the entire time (if he's forced to stay and didn't manage to run and hide from combat first). But he's only a big mouth as long as he knows there's someone to rescue his pathetic, little . Once he's among enemies only the big mouth will turn to a whiny, little piece of trash that cries the entire time. He's a weenie, he just needs to get the slightest scratch and he'll act as if world is going down and he's about to die. So if he's getting beat up you know what's about to happen. He's going to cry. And the more he gets hit the more he'll complain, cry, scream, everything. He will never shut up. Even if you gag him, he'll wail like an abandoned puppy.

"Am I dead? This feels like I'm already dead. No?... and now? I am dead now, right?"

"The Great Avatar will be our hero!" Even though modesty or charity are foreign words to the boy who they consider as the reborn Avatar, he has a lot of empathy for what happens due to the lack of his skills. If people celebrate him as the Avatar he'll enjoy it a lot but he'll feel just as pressured and guilty when he obviously disappoint them and especially when people die because of him, he'll be a picture of misery. After all he really believes in what people say. He thinks he's the Avatar. And therefore he feels responsible for what happens around him. But only if bad things happen directly in front of his eyes (he's good at pretending nothing is wrong and ignore the misery in the world as long as he's not directly confronted with it. Living in your own world is a nice way to solve horrible issues, isn't it?).



The life of the Avatar is widely spread to be something great. From the cradle he's supposed to have a special life. But Kaska's life wasn't really great before the whole rumor of him being the Avatar came up. Growing up as an orphan in times like this isn't such a special thing. Being different however is. And from the very beginning Kaska was different. To start with, nobody knows where Kaska's coming from. They just some day found him and decided to keep him at the Water tribe, also he looks different. He's paler than most of the others which for a long time made other kids being extra cautious around him. After all, nobody was sure if he really was a water bender or not and until he actually started developing water bending skills nobody wanted to have a lot to do with him. Nevertheless, he distanced himself automatically from most of the others with no interest in learning about healing water bending techniques (because that's for girls, duh!) and also being absolutely terrible at fighting styles (no art! NO ART!) and therefore being unsuitable as a warrior. Oh and he was a troublemaker. The biggest troublemaker you could find at the Water tribe. If someone was disturbing classes and practices by acting like a giant ocotopus water monster, you can bet this was on Kaska. Someone let in a bunch of wild animals so the others had to take care of them first before using their time to teach and learn? Kaska. There are multiple disturbing sounds during classes? Also Kaska. Kaska learned water bending his entire life but was always only interested in the playful or artistic sides of bending, hence the reason he's not helpful during combat at all. But his unique interest eventually led to people believing he's the Avatar.

As Kaska was most of the time outcasted by others for his annoying and loud nature (and because he was also not very interested in playing warrior or being treated like a girl), he spent a lot of his time alone practicing the art of water bending in his very own way. Playing with forms and shapes of water and at some point understanding the composition of water and ice, he developed the (very useless) skill to move snowflakes to his desire. So during one of his solo training sessions in which he practiced moving streams of snowflakes without them forming an ugly fat mass of a snow cascade, every single flake remaining an individual, from afar some of the Water Tribe citizens (probably unknowing kids) watched him and misinterpreted his act as bending air to push away all the snowflakes. Kaska didn't even know people had observed him and when he got back, the rumor had already spread that he was able to bend air, that he was the Avatar who had returned and with it a row of other rumors appeared along this one big fat thing of a misinterpretion. The Avatar managed to escape during the genocide, lived a quiet life, died and then came back as a water bender - as Kaska. To most people it made sense as the next element in the row of reborn Avatars was supposed to be water. Also people misinterpreted Kaska practicing alone. They thought he practiced alone to keep him being able to bend air a secret. Then people started to tell each other the reason he was interrupting all of the classes and acting completely disturbing was because he was the Avatar. That he had tried to tell them without telling them openly. A lot of nonsense, so to say. But nonsense is the only thing that makes sense to Kaska. So when he heard all of those rumors, he suddenly started to believe that he did airbending himself. He thought that what he did wasn't doing art with water bending. He suddenly thought that he was born to do something really big, something meaningful.

But then the Fire Nation attacked the Northern Watertribe and he had to escape. Rumors spread easily and especially when they give new hope. So during the raid people from the Fire Nation were especially looking for him, too, but since he escaped they are searching for him everywhere. Bad for Kaska? No! Kaska loves the life as an undercover Avatar. He enjoys it greatly, I mean common... he's even more special like that. And the Watertribe was boring anyway.

"Welp...it is like it is." /fights urge to smirk



A Song of Ice and Water: The waterbending skills in combat that Kaska knows are super basic and heck, he's not going to use it like ever. If he ever tries, he'll get easily blocked, look at the enemy completely shook and then run away. Kaska's bending focuses more on the artsy and playful part. He can ride on water waves, act a water octopus and prank others with his bending but fighting has never been a part of his skill repertoire. He loves creating things out of water and ice, though. Yeah, he's literally Elsa building ice castles in the mountains while singing "Let it Go!". Kaska prefers ice and snow bending over the usage of simple water. If he has to bend dirty slump water he'll be super disgusted. 
Defensive to the Core: The only fighting style Kaska knows is how to defend himself. He'll build ice walls around him to fix his hair and then try to run away. And he's going to block any attempt of you setting him on fire. But if you break through his defense, he's absolutely ed.

My Big Mouthery One Day Will Save Your Asses: A big mouth needs to be of usage at some point, right? This is probably Kaska's biggest talent - he's pretty good in insulting opponents and attracting their attention. He'll be the one yelling from a far distanced corner, getting half of the enemies angry and rampant. And when they actually get to him, the gets really really real for him. That's what you get for making stupid joke about others during combat, you idiot. He won't stop anyway.

Who's Running?: Being good at running away isn't really a skill, rather a habit. Still. If there's something that Kaska is super bad at then it's combat since he's way too scared to actively participate in any kind of fight (verbal fights excluded, he's the king of throwing stupid lines at others). So there are enemies around the corner? Good luck guys, he's going to be far, far away and when he thinks he's safe he's going to help you with his noisy insults but that's pretty much it.


Animals Kaska loves animals. Animals are great. They are cute, fluffy and some of them you can ride on!
Art The most important content of his life, next to having fun of course. 
Earthbending Did you see the sculptures and buildings earthbender can create? This is beautiful! This is art!
'Being the Avatar' He is special thanks to this. Of course he loves it.
Cactus Juice "Oh honey, you look like a giant watermelon with the most beautiful face ever." /talks to random cactus in the desert
 Thieves The art of thievery is impressive and fascinating, isn't it?
Art What do you mean "Art is a Bang"?! Art is NOT a bang! Art is what Kaska says art is!
'Being the Avatar' Comes with big responsibilities. Gosh, he hates it.
Cactus Juice "OMG! OMG! THE CENTIPEDES ARE EVERYWHERE! NUUUUUU!" /idiotically rolls around in the sand


 Crushes easily on people: Chances are 99/1 if you're a young female that he's going to be into you. Miroku is a joke against him.
 Can't remember name's for God's sake and will come up with nicknames instead (for girls: Wifey One, Wifey Two, The fire Wifey, The Water Wifey, Wifey with short hair, Wifey with the cute mole, Nice Bootey Wifey, Be my Flying Bison Wifey etc.)
Whenever he thinks he's about to die he'll grab the hands of the closest girl around and tell her he loves her and ask her if she wants to get married on the spot. He doesn't want to die without getting married first. That's why. And because in that moment he really thinks he loves that girl (Oh, I just met you 5 minutes ago? So what, we're meant to be! ABSOLUTELY!)
Sometimes he gets hit on by guys because from the back he looks like a woman. He'll get mad but still just turns around, looks at them, opens his mouth and asks them "What?" with his super low voice and when they look at him all startled he'll be all "Didn't you want to ask me something?" Once the guys quickly walk away, he'll yell at them for being stupid enough to mistake him as a woman.

"You still want a cup of tea with me?"

Did they just both say they're the Avatar?"



  • Tsen | The one that takes away his spotlight.

    You can bet your on the fact that Kaska and Tsen will be bickering the entire time about who of them is the real Avatar. Yet, both of them will probably end up learning how to bend the different elements together and they will together fail. 

    What learning together could look like:

    Tsen and Kaska learning how to earthbend. Both strike a pose, nothing happens.

    Kaska: "HAH! Did you see that?! The stone moved a little!"
    Tsen: "That was ME bending the stone!"
    Kaska: "WTH NO, ME!"

    Both end up quarreling once again.

    Even though their relationship might be very tensed at some points, Kaska will probably start liking Tsen genuinely as a comrade and will even think at some point that it's possible that there can be two Avatars (because he's stupid and will believe in Tsen claiming she's the Avatar. Yet, he thinks he's the Avatar, too, so here's the conflict that will lead to him coming up with this idea - which of course is absolute nonsense.)
  • Yugoda | The one that raised him

    Master of healing Yugoda is the one who raised Kaska. They share a very close relationship as Kaska considers her as a grandmother in many aspects even though he knows they aren't biologically related. When Yugoda was told that Kaska was disturbing any kind of waterbending classes or fighting training, she decided to give it a try teaching him some healing techniques among her students, young water tribe girls. Kaska rejected learning anything to do with it since he didn't want to be seen as girly, he had to stay though and probably started developing his feminine traits thanks to this. Yugoda is one of the few people from the Water Tribe that don't believe that Kaska is the Avatar. But knowing that he thinks he is the Avatar and also that a lot of others do believe it, too, she sent Kaska away during the Fire Nation raid to save his life (which encouraged him in thinking that he's the reborn Avatar all the more).
love interest image
Matchmake the out of him!

(And while here's a lot of space, embrace yoself for another episode of ' Kaska Says')

"You! You totally look like the mother of my future kids!"

"What do you mean? I AM the Avatar, you go laugh at me but once I'm able to bend the four elements I'm gonna kick your 4-elements style!"

"Don't be so rude to Minor Role Wife No 5! Just because she's not important NOW in the story doesn't mean she's not going to be important later!"

"No,no,no! It goes like this!" /tries to earthbend "...well, yesterday that worked."

"Wouldn't this hair pin absolutely look pretty?! No, not on you... on me!"

"Yes, I'm a guy. Wanna see how a watertribe snake looks like?" /is about to drop his pants

/enemies show up
"Kaska, we need you for this!" "..." "...KASKA?!"
/surfes away on a giant wave
/from 500 metres away
"Good luck, guys!"
/waves at them
"I have cookies in my van, follow me!"
/follows instantly
2 minutes later...
"Wait... what's a van? Can I eat it?"

/gets captured
/enemy gets closer

/during combat
/runs away
/slaps his and sticks out tongue
"Oh snap, snap, snap! He's really coming! @)§!(§$§)@$(!!!!!!"

"I can already airbend a little!"
"See? I just turned normal air to hot, smelly air!"



"When Avatar Kaska arrives,
you will notice immediately just by the almighty aura surrounding him."



The boy who genuinely believed he was the Avatar... as the playful kid Kaska is, he'll be multiple times confronted by how his actions affect what is happening in this world, how cruel the world can actually be and that not every place is his personal playground. He'll (hopefully) grow into a mature young man at the end of the story, having fought all those times when the light in his eyes disappeared because he lost hope in the world as it is. But even then... if the story ends in any positive way, he'll totally pull a Gilderoy Lockhart and write a book about his adventures called 


aka the Avatar


QUESTIONS, COMMENTS, CONCERNS? Have another of my kids!
SCENE SUGGESTIONS Kaska and Tsen bickering. Pretty pleeeeeasu!!!
  What is blue and known as Avatar?

"Gotcha! Of course it's KASKAAAAAA!!!"




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oh lord i pissed myself reading this, kaska is such a fun character i love him already

nice bootey wifey, god protect him
Can I put him in the my character's list of "avatars to investigate"? XD
My newest child is a spiritual guru, so he goes to investigate the rummors about the avatar. XD