jey-chan    whatever u wanna call me    often enough kk 

"He who sacrifices his conscience to ambition
                            burns a picture to obtain the ashes."

NAME — Chen Bao Xue
Hand of God from the times back at the Circus he was always announced as the "Hand of God" as he was able to destroy thick stone walls with two fingers only.
Grumpy Idiot if you put him into a group with others, he'll definitely be referred to as a grumpy that isn't only a tactless smart aleck but also someone whose savagery and sarcasm often is interpreted as him casually hating life, human beings, the whole world, animals and plants. Stones are okay, tho. 
BaoBao there's always that one person in a group that gives the saltshaker of the group a cute name to make fun of him. This might be one of them. BaoBao sounds like a panda name, doesn't it?


AGE  22

NATION  Fire Nation

BIRTHPLACE  Fire Nation Capital



Circus Time
 During his time at the Circus he pretty much dresses like all the others working there. The common red outfits with golden accessories. He is rather pale, very tall (around 188cm) and has a well-trained and well-toned body. His hair is of a dark brown that at his roots looks almost pitch-black but the longer it gets the more it brightens up into a shade of apparent brown. What is the most significant about him is the tattoo around his left eye that resembles stitches around his eye as a sign and reminder of the fact that his family abandoned him for being a non-bender and everyone turned a blind eye to him being sent away as if he was a sick dog that nobody wanted to keep.

Once he leaves After leaving the Circus and to distance himself from the Fire Nation pride, Chen Bao prefers the color black when dressing himself. There's no attachment to the color, that's why. It doesn't help a lot staying incognito during daytime but during the night it shows to be very helpful every now and then. His clothes always allow him to move freely, you could compare his clothes to a Ninja suit. He never hides his face, nevertheless. Why should he? People would always recognize him thanks to his eye-tattoo anyway. Another distinguishing feature is Chen Bao carrying around a wooden stick that is of his hight and which he uses as a weapon, disguised as a hiking stick.

"Those who are hardest to love are usually the ones that need it the most."

TRAITS  Narrow-minded, savage, sceptical, sarcastic, ambitious, reckless, forever angry and forever dissatisfied, has a healthy mixture of "I hate you all and the world" and "But nobody's gonna kick my mates' asses other than me!" attitude.


"Tell me - I forget.
Show me - I remember.
Involve me - I understand."


If there's something that Chen Bao is, then it's sceptical. He doesn't believe in anything others tell him, he rather believes in what he knows, what he learned and what he experienced himself (he didn't spend so much time studying for nothing, you know?). To him the only truth is the truth he knows and came to know by himself. He won't buy without certain proof and if you tell him your father is a horse, he'll want you to prove it. You don't have legit proof? Then get the f out of his sight, he'll not believe you and might even beat you up for lying to him and wasting his precious time. Chen Bao doesn't trust others. He only trusts himself and also he doesn't like feeling attached to people. He's only felt attached once in his life and even that attachment wasn't strong enough to hold him back, leaving that certain person. He's very narrow-minded and stubborn. There's no way in holding him back if he set his opinion on doing something. Just let him do his thing, everything else might cost you your life. Really. Just don't interfere. He's not afraid to use his physical strength to get you out of his way, no matter if you're friend or enemy. His ambitions might be the best and the worst trait of him. He's going to fight until he dies for what he yearns for but also he'd walk over dead bodies to get what he wants. He might be a tad too reckless. Let's face it, yes, he is.

You're looking for someone to talk to? You rather not ask Chen Bao to be your conversation partner. He'll probably ignore you or hit you for pestering him. If he speaks, then it's either him letting his savagery rain on others because his annoyance limit was hit or sarcastic comments whenever he's questioning the decision of his companions. Dude...seriously, why are you even joining others' groups when you hate everything that is not a stone? That's a mystery... maybe he needs to be in touch with other human beings and just doesn't want to admit it. Probably. Maybe that's also the reason why he keeps his distance but if you're of value to him, he'll always rescue your little, pathetic if needed last minute. Maybe you're not even worth it... but another person that is to him is tearing chunks of hair out because he or she is worrying about your getting roasted. Or it's just Chen Bao feeling a little bit of responsibility. Who knows. But in the end there he is, getting you out of that situation... and you better not try to thank him somehow. He can't human if people actually treat him nicely. He'll be bitter, still. Because he doesn't know how to react. This snarky just doesn't know better. Yet, if you don't thank him at all, he'll kick your for being an ungrateful . You choose.

Talking about him being a jerk. Yes, he is. He just can't be friendly. Never. There is so much unsettled anger roaring inside of him, it's hard to not see the salt and grumpiness in his face. He gets mad and annoyed easily, he is super impatient with others and oh boy, he has trust issues  that start at the North Pole and go until Ba Sing Se. And he's resentful. So resentful. Chen Bao's the first to shout-out for revenge if something happens and not seldomly he's going alone for it if nobody wants to join him. He's a typical, messed up lone fighter. Somebody gotta save him. Somehow... After all he's just an angry, hateful child locked up inside of sadness until someone releases him from the pain that he calls his past.


"Have you ever heard of the Hand of God?" 

"You mean that dude that works at the Circus?
The guy that can destroy stone walls?"

"Yeah, the one with the half ruined face because of that tattoo.
I heard he is a member of the Xue family
and got abandoned because of being a non-bender."

"Wait...the Xues have a non-bender son?!"


The name of the Xues goes back far to the beginning of the Fire Nation, it's old to the extent that nobody know when the family actually was founded but what is for sure is that the whole family pride of the Xue clan lies in unexeptional being fire benders. They are noble men who work at the palace in upper positions, positions that are mainly inherited as they all enjoy high-class education and training. And they start young, very young. At the age of 3 Chen Bao was expected to start his training as a fire bender but when in comparisons to his siblings, he didn't manage to do anything related to fire, his family started worrying. But maybe he was a late bloomer, so his parents decided to wait until he was 6. At 6 his two smaller brothers both already started their training while he was still unable to do anything. Sandwiched between 2 older brothers, an older sister and two younger brothers who all already started mastering the art of bending, he was the black sheep in the family, even of the whole clan, that had no talent at all in doing what was considered natural among the family branches of the Xue. At age 8 he was prognosed to be a non-bender, a scandal regarding the family that was proud to be of bender blood only. Everyone started to point their fingers at each other, looking for who was responsible for this but in the end everyone was pointing at Chen Bao, cursing at him, spitting at him, in the end abandoning him. Chen Bao back then had tried to find the reason of his 'illness' of being not able to bend fire, the reason he came to be highly literate. He was looking for anything he could find in the history of benders, the Avatar and so much more. But nothing could save him from eventually being sent away at age 10.

More than half of his life Chen Bao spent at the Fire Nation Circus where he learned martial arts as much as Chi-Blocking and his speciality, the "Finding of the Breaking Point". As a son of the Xue he was always expected to be a warrior and not being able to defend himself with fire bending, he had to find other ways to keep himself safe and sound (more to that in the Skills section). The Circus gave him time to reflect on his life and understand why his family abandoned him, also he started questioning the sense of content of his existence as much as why non-benders and benders both exist and what makes the difference in them. He thought a lot and found that the Circus would never give him any answers to what he is looking for. 


Martial Arts: Chen Bao mastered Martial Arts and also is in a great physical shape. He's flexible, he has high bounce and a stunning agility, plus he has a strong enough will to shatter a mountain. He can turn basically everything into a weapon (no joke, he'd use leek to slap you to death) but prefers his stick as an extension of his arm, also to keep bent elements on a safe distance if possible. He doesn't want to end as fried chicken after all. Of all elements that can be bent, he's most scared of fire (the most helpless however against air as he at least knows how to handle fire benders). But let me tell you... if he uses his bare hands to fight you, you're in deep as .

Chi-Blocking: One of his special skills. He knows exactly which pressure points he needs to hit to disable his opponents to bend and knock them out. Benders, you rather keep some distance from this guy and his stick. He doesn't necessarily use his hands only to block your bending skills.

"Breaking Point Finding": A side effect skill he discovered and developed when he learned Chi-Blocking. Similar to the blocking, he finds the right spots in stone or wood to destroy it easy with a quick, powerful jab. You want to capture him in a stone prison? He'll be out pretty soon. Use metal and Chen Bao is at a loss, though. Same goes for sand. 

Erudition: As already mentioned Chen Bao spent his childhood reading about a ton of bending stuff and the Avatar. Hence the reason he knows a lot about history, human anatomy and more stuff that others find unneccessary or even annoying whenever he starts lecturing others about what he knows, what they do wrong or that they are stupid and he is not.

Teamwork: Hahahaha, good joke. No, he's absolutely not a team fighter. He's going to protect his mates if he really sees a sense in them staying alive but other than that he won't follow orders, he won't help others, he won't even talk or answer during fights. He always needs a good reason to cooperate with others.




Books Chen Bao knows how to appreciate some good literature. He doesn't like fiction or romance but he surely loves himself anything that educates him.
Nighttime Absolutely preferred. Nobody recognizes him during the night. It's rather calm, chill and even though in the darkness lies danger, he feels embraced and safe in it. 
Arguments He loves fighting others. Especially when it comes to intelligence. Or physical power. Welp, anything. But the most he still loves to argue with others and show them how stupid they are compared to him. If someone else is smarter than him? You better not let that happen, he's going to go rampant.
Water In comparison to fire that can only destroy, water heals. He likes that. It's somehow soothing and relaxing to think about it that way.
Silence If there's no need to talk, he won't talk. Chen Bao loves silence. Hence the reason he loves being alone, too.


Liars He doesn't believe in what others say anyway. If he uncovers your lies, he's going to beat the out of you, though. Oh, you say you're the Avatar? He's going to beat you up several times.
Gender differences Who cares that you're a woman? If you act a total , he's still gonna slap you in da face. Gender equality for everyone! 
Air benders If he ever meets one, he'll hate him or her to bits. Too jumpy, too windy, probably too cheeky as well. Plus the animals. Why all those animals. Egh. Who needs those fury, stinking things? Not a big fan. Nope.
His family Guess why. Too easy? Sorry, not sorry.
Fire Probably the thing he's got most respect for. As someone who's supposed to be able to bend it but who can't, he hates this element for making a fool out of him. Yeah, he feels like the fire rejected him and that's how he ended up a non-bender. U gonna regret, u stupid of an element!
He complains a lot If he takes the time to speak to you and suggest something, but you go for something else, be sure that he's going to be a nagging .
Bad at teaching stuff He loves to lecture and hold speeches about stuff he knows but practical teaching is nothing he can do. Because his impatience will drive him mad. And he'll be yelling. Oh, he'll be yelling. 
Has a ton of prejudices Let's be honest, he'll peg you as something if you want it or not. And he'll even tell you if you try talking to him. Just don't talk to him. Never. He's negative. Very negative.
Actually loves to play the hero in need But he'd never admit. And it's exhausting and annoying. Oh, soooo annoying (but the satisfaction still is real).
Vegetarian food He's not a picky eater, really. But if there's meat and you make him eat veggies only because everyone shares food and out of consideration the group's not adding meat to the dish, he'll throw a tantrum. Oh yeah, he's so much gonna throw a tantrum. 
六 He's envious of benders Of course he is! This is what makes it even worse for him...! He desperately wishes he could be one of them (but also it gives him so much satisfaction when he's Chi-Blocking and he sees those startled faces when people can't bend anymore. Oh yes, baby, EAT THIS!) Also he believes that maybe he is a bender but his powers just didn't get the right kickstart yet, so he's still practicing some bender techniques even though it's just a pathetic attempt and never works.


"When the winds of change blow, some people build walls and some people build windmills."


  • Ty Lee | Best Friend, born 85 AG , works at the circus, who doesn't know Ty Lee?

    Ty Lee is pretty much his family replacement. She's like a little sister to him and probably the only person he trusts in. However, he sets his priorities very differently from other people so when he left the Circus because he needed and wanted to he didn't consider what would happen to her once. So he left. With or without her. Ain't nobody hold him down. Not even a Ty Lee. And who says that he knows what it feels like to really feel attached to others?
  • Circus staffs | They're aight. But not that important to him.

    He didn't mind them being around. They took care of him. But they never showered him with a lot of affection, so no attachment to them. Plus, they got paid to take care of him anyway. Chen Bao is pretty sure his family paid them to let him somehow survive. Corrupt s.
  • The Xue Clan | A ton of ty, superficial s that he's not close to at all.

    He hates them. To bits. They threw him away like trash, nobody ever came to see him again. Neither his parents, nor his siblings. To him they aren't exactly dead but he wouldn't cry if they all suddenly disappeared. During the night. When nobody's watching. Murdered by a single man. That f-ing scum deserves to die! Imeanwhat?!
love interest image
LOVE INTEREST — Be his matchmaker. If it's someone he's travelling with or meeting later, it's all good. Or let him die alone. Totally fine, too XD (I'm a er for lovestories tho...)
AGE — Lorem
NATION — Lorem
PERSONALITY — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer nec odio. Praesent libero. Sed cursus ante dapibus diam. Sed nisi. Nulla quis sem at nibh elementum imperdiet. Duis sagittis ipsum. Praesent mauris. Fusce nec tellus sed augue semper porta.
RELATIONSHIP — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer nec odio. Praesent libero. Sed cursus ante dapibus diam. Sed nisi. Nulla quis sem at nibh elementum imperdiet. Duis sagittis ipsum. Praesent mauris. Fusce nec tellus sed augue semper porta. Mauris massa. Vestibulum lacinia arcu eget nulla. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.

"Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end."

Starting as someone who others barely can't be with for a long time because of his... very difficult personality, he'll step by step open more up and embrace the world with a less narrow-minded attitude. Or you go all dramatic: Kill him. I'd like to see him dealing with his family background, though. I don't mind if he can find peace or not with it.

QUESTIONS, COMMENTS, CONCERNS?  I kinda have the feeling I created a  Sasuke-Zuko-Kakashi weird- mixture... what is this?! XD
PASSWORD   What is the difference between and ?  is using a feather.... is using the whole chicken. 



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