100 questions

I'm sorry I forgot who I stole this from if it was you please tell me and I'll credit you 

also tagging whoever doing this 

Thanks :) 

1. Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora?
Heard Spotify was a good platform, but the only one I listened to is Soundcloud, so Soundcloud. 

2. is your room messy or clean?
Combine a dumpster and an abandoned garage. That's how messy my room is, times five. 

3. do you like your name?
Meh. No preference. I'm neutral. 

4. what is your relationship status?
Single and crushing on a guy who does not know of my existence. *fake sob* 

5. describe your personality in 3 words or less.
Introverted extrovert viceversa 

what color hair do you have?
brownish black? 

what kind of car do you drive? color?
I don't drive because I'm underage, but our family car is greyish blue. (Really pretty)

where do you shop?
I don't usually shop....but Muji. It has everything. 

how would you describe your style?
Comfy and cool, I guess. 

favorite social media account?
Facebook and instagram. I also surf through Reddit; it's really interesting. 

what size bed do you have?
I have no idea what size it is, but it's similar to the bed in the dorm I slept in during my France trip. 

any siblings?
None (I wish I had)

if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be?
In the woods. 

favorite snapchat filter?
Don't have snapchat. 

favorite makeup brand(s)
Don't wear makeup either 

how many times a week do you shower?

favorite tv show?
Definitely Project Runway. Korean shows, Hello Counsellor (Please invite VIXX again sometime soon), Family Outing? (I forgot the name; it's the show where Daesung, Lee Hyori and Yoo Jaesuk was in, where they take over some elderly's house for a few days and take care of it while the inhabitants go on a trip) 

shoe size?

how tall are you?
around 160~165 cm 

sandals or sneakers?

do you go to the gym?
I want to but no.

describe your dream date?
Somewhere dark and isolated; to explore a preferably abandoned place with someone I love. 

how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment?
Didn't check, don't know. About 100 HKD maybe. 

what color socks are you wearing?

how many pillows do you sleep with?
Two but one is always abandoned. 

do you have a job?
Still a student. 

how many friends do you have?
I have a small list of people I hang out with one on one so I'm not sure. (You don't usually count your friends tbh)

whats the worst thing you have ever done?
I don't know; there's a lot but I can't list them from best to worst...

whats your favorite candle scent?
I hate candles; they make my nose itch. I'm pretty sensitive to smells

3 favorite boy names.
Kyle, Alastair, James. 

3 favorite girl names.
Sylvia, Madeline, Claire. 

favorite actor?
Lee Joongki

favorite actress?
Jung Eugene 

who is your celebrity crush?
Zhang Yixing; he's my ultimate bias andddddd Cha Hakyeon (N of VIXX)

favorite movie?
Kill Your Darlings even though I'm not yet finished with it, and Mission Impossible

do you read a lot? whats your favorite book?
Don't have one; I love reading too much, but if you force me to choose....it'll be the Infernal Devices series by Cassandra Clare (tbh I like anything that's set in a historical background, have elements of literature in it) 

money or brains?

do you have a nickname? what is it?
Too many. And it's a secret. 

how many times have you been to the hospital?
At least once per year, haha. 

top 10 favorite songs?
Dean's Half Moon, Heize's And July, VIXX's Love Me Do, Light Up the Darkness, Lay's MYM, A.C.E's Cactus, Charlie Puth's We don't talk anymore, KREAM's Taped Up Heart, Rihanna's Desperado, Monsta X's Rush. (How dare you limit this to ten only) 

do you take any medications daily?
Yeah, for my hay fever. 

what is your skin type?
What even is a skin type. Normal maybe. 

what is your biggest fear?
Being abandoned maybe. 

how many kids do you want?
None at the moment. 

whats your go to hair style?
Just running a comb through and going; my hair's short. 

what type of house do you live in?
An apartment. Spacious by standards. 

who is your role model?
Zhang Yixing :) and Zhuge Liang (guy's dead but he's an amazing strategist and inventor, at least, according to history). Female role model would be Hyuna. (Don't judge)

what was the last compliment you received?
Can't remember. 

what was the last text you sent?
'What homework do we have' (I'm hopeless) 

how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real?
Around seven or eight? 

what is your dream car?
Didn't really think about that. 

opinion on smoking?
I'm against it and you should do it somewhere private, please don't blow smoke into others' faces it's annoying and please pay my medical bills if you plan to do so. Weirdly though, I like writing about my characters smoking. 

do you go to college?
In the future. 

what is your dream job?
Anything fun and not just being coped up in an office for ten hours. Preferably related to literature, history and language. Also theatre and music. I'm interested in that. 

would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs?
Rural area near the city but far enough to be peaceful at night. 

do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels?
No but my parents do whenever we travel. 

do you have freckles?

do you smile for pictures?

how many pictures do you have on your phone?
Too many. 

have you ever peed in the woods?

do you still watch cartoons?
If you count anime then yeah 

do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds?
Never ate at Wendy's so McDonald's.

Favorite dipping sauce?
None really. 

what do you wear to bed?
Home clothes

have you ever won a spelling bee?
Yea but I was in a team with two other people

what are your hobbies?
reading, writing, listening to music, dancing, singing if I even can, drawing (does sleeping count...?) 

can you draw?

do you play an instrument?
Yeah, more than one 

what was the last concert you saw?
Bigbang concert <3

tea or coffee?
Coffee is not really my cup of tea (get it get it) 

Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts?
Never went to Dunkin Donuts, so Starbucks. 

do you want to get married?
Only if I find the right person 

what is your crush’s first and last initial?
Z, Y. (Celebrity) 

are you going to change your last name when you get married?

what color looks best on you?
darker colours and somewhere along the blacks and whites and greys 

do you miss anyone right now?

do you sleep with your door open or closed?
Open usually because I like my windows open, but closed when I turn the AC on 

do you believe in ghosts?

what is your biggest pet peeve?
Noises and a list 

last person you called?
My dad 

favorite ice cream flavor?
Vanilla; it's the safest, and also cookies and cream

regular oreos or golden oreos?

chocolate or rainbow sprinkles?

what shirt are you wearing?
One of my mom's worn our ones 

what is your phone background?
Lee Jaehwan (Ken from VIXX) Shangri La concept photo, lock screen is Lay at a press conference 

are you outgoing or shy?
Mostly outgoing because people here never goddamn open up easily when they meet strangers (tbh they discuss for ten hours who should walk up to someone I mean Jesus that ain't so hard) but shy around certain people 

do you like it when people play with your hair?
Depends on the person 

do you like your neighbors?
Don't really know them 

do you wash your face?
If you count dunking a towel in water and scrubbing your face briefly to make it wet, then yes 

have you ever been drunk?

last thing you ate?
Rice and soup 

favorite lyrics right now?

"'Cause you and me live like birds on a power line
Hands slipping and our fingers fried
God bless those Northern lights
And our own devices, babe
Entropy multiplies
Clocks ticking and I'm mortified
'Cause in the back of my mind
In the back of my hemisphere" 

summer or winter?

day or night?

dark, milk, or white chocolate?
I hate chocolate, but milk is the most tolerable. 

favorite month?

who was the last person you cried in front of?
one of my friends, or myself, can't really remember 

Does your crush know you like him/her?

How are you feeling today?
Like but also accomplished something as well 

How many hours of sleep did you get last night?
Maybe four to five 


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