if this can be considered fanfic...

isn't this sad...back then when i'm so passionate about something...i could write fanfic in a flash...like Romantic & Idol fanfic that i completed in record time two months for almost 30 chapters...didn't even struggle or used much time bcuz inspiration flows....not just inspiration...i mean, i'm easily inspired....but more important...the writing, the plot flowed from my hand...but for the recent couple years.....i can only write super long random blogposts....ugh.

i still want to write...but it's becoming harder n harder...no matter how crazy plots throwing themselves at me in my brains......

but somehow yesterday, i kinda managed to made something that made me think...it's kinda like fanfic too...?

(Need to be watched with the CC btw) - my first time ever using this cc/subs feature on yt tbh...normally i prefer to do hardsubs...it's just the lyrics tho...no dialogues in this 'fic'...

haha, what were you thinking? of course still Voice related duh...

well, i need to run out now...but i just need to post this first...lol

I'm so excited bcuz this video actually has a plot. Although it's hard to make crazy interesting fresh original plot since i depend on existing materials that cause limitations....it's still amusing to be able to cook up a plot from a couple episodes clips which i realized i missed out when doing the first video.

This time, the plot is more Taegu centric...or...from his perspectives...though we get some glimpses and guesses of Kwonjoo's perspectives as well...

The plot is based on the lyrics of the song i used...surprisingly...it's easy to match the lyrics with the limited set of scenes i'm using...omg!

while doing the fanvideos for my Voice otp...i feel like i'm revisiting my love for Roller Coaster music...i'm surprised at myself that my first instinct when i want to make their vid...is to go listen to Roller Coaster song...xD...i guess their songs match bcuz their music have this edgy mysterious classy quaint feel to them...i like the singer's voice too...><...unnir sound so cool...

Anyway, after been reading this translation here....i never know kim jae wook does music too...(well, not like i ever followed his stuffs before other than his drama i happened to have watched)...no wonder lee hana mentioned in her interview that one of the topics she talked with 'Taegu ssi' was music...i always know she's very into music...though idk how did i know...lol. Anyway, they also mentioned about him grew up in Japan or something? well...i didn't know that...i remember seeing a clip of Park Gyuri's drama that also had him, in which Gyuri seem to be a Japanese girl...lol...the power of KARA's Japanese...but i still haven't found time/determination to watch that drama...even with KARA's Secret Love series...it took so long for me to watch...n so far..i've only watched Gyuri's (with Ji Chang Wook) and Jiyoung(with Bae Soo Bin)....as much as i love Gyuri n i kinda ship her with her partner after that little drama....Jiyoung's story is so so beautiful....the kind of pure love that gives you so so much emotion n pain...

wait wait waaaaiiiit a second! why did i suddenly talk about KARA's drama...? lol.


Anyway, back to the video above...i've tamed Taegu's violence so he appeared just like a bad guy/creepy stalker instead of psycho killer...and i feel so bad towards Kwonjoo bcuz i made the video-story a romance using scenes where she's grieving for her dad killed by the guy i'm coupling her with in the video...omg..i'm so messed up....T^T...n Jinhyuk totally got cut off from the scenes...yikes....><....i feel all sorts of guilty now. Remember when i lmao-ing at a video that turned the story into cheesy romance with Taegu as the hero(i never said it's not creative though..it's just kinda funny)...well, karma's back at me it seems...at least i'm not making him a heroic figure n he remains a bad guy...i guess? /excuses/...

But i can't deny that i'm so fangirling my own video...lol. no surprise, i'm always my own biggest fan....lol. i feel like i did a pretty cool 'fiction' there...

The song is about someone who couldn't get over their habits as a lover after breaking up...the break up thing obviously doens't exist in this video...but it's more or less about Taegu's habit he couldn't erase...(and no it's not crackling the jaw or punching people with those cute kettleballs or collecting hair souvenirs or keeping corpse)....you'll see if you watch...

Character setting is rather simple...bad guy n police woman...who can't be together bcuz they're different sides...well, we don't know if the police woman likes bad guy or not...but if you watch closely....you'll get that hint...but she's willing to let him go bcuz as a police her priority is on the justice side n hoping he would do the same so she could do her job properly...and he did try to do the same but somehow...he mindlessly keep coming back to her...bcuz it has become his habit...that he can't seem to stop.

Yay...i just gave away the storyline....no need to watch anymore....-_-

Kwonjoo's picture with her dad is such a great props to deliver stories tbh...the scene towards the end when she gets the photo back, it's supposed to mean he returned it n letting her go(though didn't she look regretful/somewhat sad in that scene that he's letting go? lol..maybe she is sad afterall...)...but the car scene when he fetch for something inside his suit...it seems he still keeps a copy of the photo bcuz he just can't let her go...n last scene is self explanatory...he came back...bcuz he can't let her go...it's an endless circle of trying to let go but can't and end up coming back...actually, if you look carefully at Kwonjoo's scenes...this 'story' isn't just about one side letting go of the other...but she definitely is the stronger one in doing her part. even if it makes her sad...lol. sappy drama alert.

Anyway, that story's too simple for a fanfic idea...i prefer more complexity...

i just can't write anything.

/that irony when you see bunch of words in this post alone/

i mean...fanfics.

i even started a kard fic recently but i had to take it down bcuz even though i've written a chapter...i've gotten sooo unconfident n insecure after such long period of inactivity in fiction writing(other than drabbles...)

ugh. oh well...done whining.


I've been reading bout ocn new dramas...and as much as i'm not a fan of crime/police/action dramas tbh....their upcoming dramas are sounding sooo interesting(not really talking bout Tunnel though...that one sounds pretty typical...time travel plot zzz)...watching dramas or worse....going crazy mode bout them/their characters like what's happening to me now...is no good....too taxing...time n energy consuming...the only way i can be saved is if they don't cast actress that makes me want to watch. (just like how i want to watch Siwan's next drama but i'm most probly going to forgo since the actress is....unless his character is so interestingly evil/morally conflicted...that i can overlook the main actress i'm not anticipating at all....or if the second lead actress/character is so awesome...)


Alright....going off now...continue shamelessly fangirling my own video...lol.


ps: sad that this vid too, is blocked in South Korea...boohoohoo....




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