Enchantress Moon Yewon's Love Lie


stormatsea • clara • cheatsheet turn in

Moon Yewon

remplace with face claim 120*120

birthnameMoon Yewon
other names

— n/a


— Yewonie - not the most creative nickname but Changsub likes to call her this espeically after they started dating. 
— Yennie - her ex-boyfriend used to her call her this while they were dating, He usually only used it when he wanted something. 

birthday January 1, 1993
birthplace Busan South Korea
hometown Busan, South Korea
ethnicity Korean 
languages spoken

— Korean - fluent - native language 

face claim Red Velvet Seulgi 
back up face claim Ahn Sohee
height & weight 167 cm & 52 kg

— Right now Yewon has long blonde hair that she recently dyed. She has long toned legs from her constant working and excerise. She also has a nicely toned body complete with a set of abs as she likes to keep herself in shape. She has an oval face with a promonient jaw, and dark brown almond shaped eyes. 


personality traits

(+) Calm, Dedicated, Mature, Responsible, Simple
(=) Dull, Impassive, Solitary, Tough
(-) Aloof, Cautious, Critical, Narrowminded, Resentful


— Yewon always has a calm exterior, and constly seems like she's in control of herself and those around her. When everyone else is freaking out about this or that she's the one who comes up with a solution and tries to make sure that it won't happen again. She doesn't let much emotion show through because of this and comes across as quite impassive, no one really knows what she's thinking or feeling because her face is always the same. She isn't one who likes to rely on others or have others worry about her so she makes a point to not show her emotions to anyone. She is aloof and appears cold  making it difficult for others to get close to her, and she prefers for it to be that way. She's extremely cautious of people and has a hard time trusting them so instead of hurting them because of this she prefers that they stay away to avoid anything unnecessary and painful. However When Yewon gets into something she's emmensely dedicated to it, the main reason she hasn't been fired from her jobs. She will not give up on it and will continue, no matter how difficult until she had finished what she started. 

— Yewon is seriously mature and isn't one to get caught up in petty fights amongst other people and if someone claims she's done something she'll check out all the facts first before deciding whether or not they were correct and if they were she'll apologize and fix what she's messed up. She's also responsible and will hold herself accountable for anything she does. If she screws up she'll be the first to say so and do everything she can, and then some, to make sure that the same thing doesn't happen again. She's not one who'll push tasks away just because something else seemed more important at the time, because honestly she's not doing much else. She's quite the solitary person and prefers to be on her own and work on tasks quietly because it's much better than the oppsite. People distract her from her work and often talk about pointless things so she likes being alone. Many think that Yewon is dull and boring because all she does is work and work some more, never taking off to have fun or visit her family. 

— Surprising Yewon is very simple. She's not one who cares for anything fancy or extragent and likes the smaller things in life. She actually gets a little uncomfortable if things get too expensive and big because then she's constantly worrying about making sure nothing happens to it or scared she'll end up breaking it. She can basically live off of nothing and be okay. She's also rather tough, and can take a hit just as much as she can dish it out. She doesn't get discouraged when she's pushed back and will come back twice as hard stubborn and refusing to give in just because someone told her she should. Yewon is actually quite narrowminded, and doesn't listen to many other people's opinions especially if she feels that she can come up with something better. Although she knows that she's not always right, she can't bring herself to go with someone else's decision before she knows that there are no other possiblities. She's also resentful to the max if someone does something that hurts her she'll remember it and never forget. She'll bring it up when that same person asks something of her and will refuse, and tends to let that experience to cloud her mind and refuse to let her get past it with another. 


— Moon Yewon was born in Busan South Korea on Januarry 1 1993, to an average family. She had a very average upbringing, allowed to do basically whatever she wanted within the bounderies that her parents had set for her. She had two older brothers but they weren't close since the both of them were already in college by  the time she started high school. School was average and she got really good grades, as she only ever focused on her school work hoping it would get some kind of reaction of of her parents who were always workding, when it didn't she decided that she would go to college in Seoul, and her parents let her as she had a scholorship and congradulated her but not much else. Seoul was a new experience and although she was a little homesick missing the beaches, she couldn't help but hide the excitement of a new adventure. It was here that she met Jaekwang, and at first nothing seemed wrong. He was a nice guy and really seemed interested in Yewon, who at the time was very happy to have the attention, she knows now how stupid it was, but then nothing seemed wrong. She didn't notice that he was just using her until it was too late, and the aftermath was horrible. Because she spent so much time with him and slacked on her studies she lost her scholorship and was ultimately kicked out of the college, whatever money she did have he used it all up on this and that, and when she was broke and didn't have any more money he left her with a wink and a smile, that still haunts her to this day. 

— After that Yewon became more cold and suspsicous of people. She had to work two different jobs just to afford a small apartment in the city since she then needed a place to live. She got a job as a barista in the morning, and as a cashier at a convience store later at night. She slept inbetween jobs and walked to both. It's been a struggle but she had been making it work, refusing to call her parents for help as she didn't think they would even if they did ask and would call her an idiot for being so naive, which she would wholeheartendly agree with. She had dyed her black hair blonde hoping that it would be a new start for her, even though she also knew how ridiculous that was it made her feel a little bit better. It was during her day job at the cafe that she was scouted by a man who explained this project and Allusion Entertainment. At first Yewon thought it was a sick joke, break a heart? Her's was already broken why would she do that to someone else when she knows first hand how awful it was. The man left her with a business card to call him back if she changed her mind. That night at her second job as she was stocking shelves she started thinking more about it. Although she'd have to break a stranger's heart for no apparent reason, she would be given a place to live, and money that she could save to get an apartment that wasn't breaking apart at the seams, and to her own horror the thought of being the one in control to call it off whenever she wanted, gave her a feeling of control that she never had, and a way of getting back at the feelings of resentment she's been harboring, even if it was on an inoccent person. So that next morning she called the number on the card agreed to the terms and was signed on as a trainee to Allusion Entertainment.


— Chai Tea
— Yoga
— Jogging
— Reading 
— Storms 
— Quiet Places 

— Love
— Bugs
— Super sweet foods
— Not being able to excerise
— People touching her stuff
— Her family

— Although she does need the money the main reason she agreed to this project was because she craved the control and felt that if she did this to someone else she could finally move on from her first relationship and start over
— Likes to keep her body fit and eats as healthily as possible on her budget as well as does a lot of excerise to keep herself in shape
— Is a very light sleeper
— Doesn't pay much attention to fashion, and really only ever wears her work uniforms or oversized sweatshirts and yoga pants
— Fall her is favorite season 
— Orange in her favorite color
— Hasn't spoken to her family ever since she first left for Seoul 
— Is allergic to chocolate 
— Hates sleeping in late and sets an alarm to make sure that doesn't happen 
— Currently lives in a less than stellar apartment, and lives off of the covience store food that she works at 
— Seriously hates seeing happy couples it leaves a knot in the bottom of her stomach, but she tries not to let it show 
— Taps her fingers on her legs or tables when she's irritated, or nervous
— Really cannot stand other people touching her stuff, just don't do it
— Isn't too keen on being an idol even if it's just a front, but still works hard to make sure that it's as believable as possible


— Btob Leader • Seo Eunkwang / 26 / Idol / Easy-going, Smart, Obnoxious, Bright / 4-10
Eunkwang is probably the person who's closest to Changsub in the group since they're so similar, and although he's happy for his friend he can't help but have a sinking suspicion that Yewon isn't exactly what she claims she is, but doesn't say anything since he doesn't want to upset his friend. However he's making sure to keep a close eye on her all while being nice and friendly.

— Future Close Friend • Lee Minyoung (Min) /  / Idol-MissA / Confident, Funloving, Abrasive, Childish / 7-10
Min was the one who decided that she was going to be friends with Yewon first, and much to the girls dismay at first she'll learn to enjoy the other gir's presence and become close with her. Although it'll be Min starting all of the conversations Yewon will answer and will even sometimes meet up with her whenever she's given the chance, slowly remembering that she enjoyed being around people and that maybe she needed to open up just a little bit more again. 


How do you feel about having to deceive and break his heart?

        — I sigh quietly and push the hair out of my face. "At first I thought it was terrible and a cruel joke. However the more I thought about it the more I couldn't let the opportunity go." I stop keeping the answer vague, they didn't need to know why I was really doing this.

What is love to you?

— "Love is an illusion. It makes you believe that you're on top of the world, but it then brings you back down to earth and reminds you that it's not actually real." I let out a small humorless laugh. "Kind of like what this project is doing."

How do you feel about YOUR "target"?

— "Nothing really. I've yet to meet him and from what I've researched it doesn't seem like it'll be that hard to fool him thankfully."

What is your ideal type and ideal date?

— I blink and sigh softly hanging my head slightly. "I had an ideal type once but now I really don't have the time to think about it. I suppose someone who's honest and upfront? Ironic I know since I'll be doing the opposite." I simply shake my head at the mention of an ideal date. "I haven't thought about that either, but something simple. Nothing too fancy."

How do you feel about the other girls?

— I look up at the ceiling thinking for a moment before answering. "We all have our reasons why we're doing this although most of us need the money like myself, but other than that I'm not particularly close to any of them. We do what needs to be done and that's about it."


love interest Btob Changsub
back up love interest 2pm Taekyeon


— Changsub is first and formost an easygoing guy. He doesn't let most things get to him and is always looking at life on a positive side. He believes that one shouldn't be too bitter in life and just let things go otherwise they'll hold you back and you won't realize it until you've missed out on something great. He can get along with just about anyone and make friends with them over something stupid. "You like coffee? So do I our friendship was meant to be." and that'll be the end of it. He also loves helping others and is always considerate to those around him, espeically his groupmates and will do just about anything for them. 

— However nice he is, Changsub can be quite over the top and his constant cheerful personality can be a bit much to handle as he's like that almost 24/7. He's also quite disorganized and can hardly find anything he's looking for. He'd honestly lose his head if it wasn't attached to his body. He can also be quite graceless and tends to put his foot in his mouth with the words he says. He doesn't mean it and it tends to just come out due to his lack of a filter, and will then do everything to try and make up for what he's said. Changsub is also quite childish in all of the games that he likes to play, but also doesn't know when to back off because he's pushing a person's buttons too far.

love story

— Honestly speaking Yewon was at a loss of what to do as to gain her target's attention. Many of the other girls had a plan one way or another some used their charm, some used their natural confidence, and she had neither of those. She admits that she agreed to this on a secondary whim without actually thinking much so when the time came to do what she promised she had no clue how to begin. Well luckily or not so much depending on where one looked at the situation, Yewon had went to get some air before their debut performance, inwardly panicking since so many others had already started their plans, that she had crossed paths with her own target Lee Changsub. He walked right up to her with his usual big smile and offered her the water bottle he had just bought. "You seem a little nervous? It's your debut right?" Yewon couldn't believe what was happening at first but quietly nods as she took the water bottle, there was no need for him to know why she was nervous after all. He had just grinned and patted her back. "No worries! You'll do great! Just remember to have fun!" He left her with those words waving as she watched him leave. She stood there shocked that he had approached her so easily and just walked back inside when she was called, finished her performance and was ready to leave with the others when she was stopped by Changsub again, who was still grinning. "I told you you'd guys do great! I never got your name, what is it?" "Yewon." He smiled and nodded before running off back to his group. 

— When she got back to the dorm she was told by a few of the other girls that she really needed to try harder otherwise it would never work and she was going to blow their cover. Yewon didn't respond and just went back to her bed and some music as she thought about how she was going to do this. She was caught off guard when he had approached him first but she wasn't going to let that happen again, if she was going to do this and she was going to do it right. When they had met again that same week for another performance Yewon, went to the Btob dressing room to thank Changsub for the water bottle and for the advice. Changsub, being the happy soul he was, was even more happy that she came back, worried he had scared her due to her lack of response, and was even more excited. That's how their 'friendship' had first started out. Yewon wanted to take things slow at first so that it wasn't too suspicious. 

— They would meet up every so often and would message each other more than that. Yewon was still herself for the most part, although she did play up the whole shy persona so that Changsub felt that he was the one in charge. Every once in a while Yewon would start to feel like the terrible person she was but then would remind herself that she chose this and couldn't back out now. She researched on flirting and playing coy, how to bring the guy to her during her off time, since she had no experience and didn't have a clue on how to make this guy fall in love with her. It took a long time, almost a year in fact, before he made the first move but he finally asked her out and Yewon said yes. He took her out for the perfect first date, just a nice and quiet dinner at a small diner, though to some it as too simple it was just right for Yewon. 

— It was a struggle when they were dating because Yewon wasn't sure what love really looked like so she never really knew when he had reached that point. Their relationship was a little strange since Changsub had spoiled Yewon to no end while she only gave him stuff on important dates. She would come to the dorm with flowers for her for no reason, and will often bring her some of her favorite snacks during practice or her free time complete with her favorite chai tea. She'd be a lier if she said she didn't like the attention, it was nice to be wanted and cared for without any other pretense, not needing to give anything up in return. It was then that she had discovered that she was falling for Changsub, and it scared her. That's not how it was supposed to turn out, she wasn't supposed to be falling for him and his stupid grin and happy face. She didn't know what to do, she didn't want to walk down that path again so she started distancing herself from him little by little hoping that he would get it. 

— Of course Changsub didn't get why his girlfriend was suddenly not answering his calls or meeting him at their usual spot and immediately got worried. It had to be one of two things, she was either really sick and didn't want to worry him, or he said something and upset her so this was her way of telling him. He bought a get well basket and a bouquet of flowers and went to her dorm. Knocking on the door it was someone else who answered and left him outside the door while she went to go get Yewon. She didn't want to go out at first and wouldn't have if she was given the choice but was practically shoved out of the door, with her hair up in a messy bun, a pair of short and one of her favorite oversized sweatshirts. She opened to say something but was beaten to the punch. "I'm sorry!" Changsub had yelled making Yewon's eyes only get bigger. "W-wwhat?" "I've done something to upset you right I'm really sorry whatever it was. I hate that you wouldn't answer me and I was so worried that something happened.. Oh! I got you a get well basket, but you seem perfectly well so it must mean that I said something stupid again. God I'm such an idiot!" Yewon blinks now noticing the basket and bouquet and just shakes her head smiling a little unable to help herself. Changsub stops his rambling when he sees the smile and immediately grins hugging her close and kissing her cheek. "Am I forgiven then? I love you too much to have you mad at me." Yewon blinks at the sudden affection and the words but nods silently not trusting her voice with the new knot in her stomach and just leans against him. She had her answer now.


— After Yewon knew that Changsub was infact in love with her it was time for her to tell him that this whole thing was a ruse, and she had to do it soon, before it hurt her too much to say otherwise. Although she already knew that it was going to hurt like hell, because he reminded her a lot of herself during her relationship and well we all know how that turned out. She no longer wanted this power, she was sick with herself that she even thought that she could do this without so much as a second thought. She also learned that this wasn't the way she had wanted to get over her heartache, but of course it was too late for regrets she had taken the money and already put down the first payment for her new apartment. So with a heavy heart and an even heavier head she set out to tell him the truth. 

— The perfect time had come too since they had already planned a date at their usual quiet cafe. She showed up in a black casual dress, and some boots, and of course had to show up early which only made her go into her head even more going over and over how to do this as painfully as possible, but when he showed up in a nice button down shirt and a small bouquet of her favorite flowers, she couldn't stop herself from the truth slipping out of . "I'm sorry I lied." Changsub stopped his smile faltering just a bit but shakes his head setting down the flowers. "I'm sure it's not that bad. Is that what you were worrying about? You're quite the bit more sensitve than you seem Yewonnie. Why don't we just talk about it?" She shaeks her head taking a couple of steps back. "No we can't because I lied about everything. Our relationship everything it was a lie. I was just hired to have you fall in love with me and then I had to break your heart." Changsub lets the words sink in for a moment before shaking his own head not really understanding. "What are you saying Yewonnie? You can't possibly mean that it's just a joke right?" "Don't call me that! No it's not a joke I can even show you the apartment I bought with the money I got from it. I have to thank you though because of you I've learned that not everyone is as terrible as I am. Thank you for that." "You're thanking me while you're breaking up with me? I don't understand." Yewon took a deep breath and willed herself to stare back at Changsub. "Understand this we're done over finished. There's nothing left for us my job is done and now I'm going to get back to my life." She left him after those words refusing to take another look behind her. 

— Surprisingly Changsub had tried calling her many times after their last meeting. Yewon ignored them and the even more messages. She had started getting back on her feet, going back to her barista and cashier jobs, because even though she had plenty of money saved up now she planned on keeping it that way. She's still quiet and prefered to stay to herself but now she wasn't as opposed to being around people and would occassionaly interact with her coworkers, which was very surprising. However the most surprising thing happened a few months after the truth had been revealed, she was working and just like that fateful day she had been approached by the staff member from that fake company, another man had come to visit her. None other than Lee Changsub himself who walked right up to the counter and grinned sticking his hand out for Yewon to take. "Hello I'm Lee Changsub." Yewon furrorws her brows in confusino and thought about running away but couldn't leave her post since her one other coworker was on break. "What are you doing?" "What does it look like? I'm starting over. I know that you couldn't have felt good about what happened and once I got over the shock and the hurt, I started thinking. You're not nearly as cold as you like to seem that much is true, and I know that what happened had to be killing you just as much as it was me. I tried calling but you wouldn't answer me so I had to go to extremes to find you. So again I'm Lee Changsub it's nice to meet you." Yewon stares at Changsub as he spoke not really believing what he was saying and even pinched her arm to make sure she wasn't daydreaming. What was she going to do? Take another chance that could end up hurting her or not and wonder every day. She wanted to move on right? This was her true chance and with a small smile she grabbed it by the hand and shook it gently. "Moon Yewon. It's nice to meet you too."

remplace with love interest 120*120

last comment I can't believe I've finished this app so fast XD but I really like the idea of this story and finally found the time to sit down and write this out. Also any kind of dancer position would be great cx

password Infinite, but Btob is definitely up there XD gotta love those dorks. 



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