Le Writer Feels in a Nutshell

Hey, it's asahdako. It has been seven days since the last time I wrote. It's not much of a record but somehow, my conscience had been pulling me back here for God knows what. But with the recent incident, maybe I was pulled by the cosmos for that particular reason.

With the come and go of some GGs, I wonder... what if I should write again? Which group would I star? Which pair would I ship? What would be the plot if I did formulate the first two choices? And what would the readers think about it?

I feel my author instincts boiling up that I want to just grab a pen and a piece of paper and start writing. Then again, I still have my midterm exams so I won't be writing until the weekends.

Note: That doesn't mean I will continue writing HAHAHAHAHA *insert devil emoji*

That's le wee thoughts of a writer whose dying to inspire other people's lives through her literary work... 

Hm...what do you peeps think??? 


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