



So i wanted to do a SATZU Fan fiction update but my phone's email failed me... I typed the story in my phone and now i cant get it into my laptop... So that will have to wait...


Another frustration is a rant about school. So bear with me. 


This girl, let's call her Lazie (Lazy LOL)


So she didnt attend lessons for an important module that requires the physical taking down of notes. Here is the conversation break down. 

Me: Aren't you going?

L: No

Me: What if you miss out? Who are you going to copy the notes from?

L: What do you mean? I can copy from you. 


#TRIGGERED #AF How can a human being be so unappreciative. Now i might seem like a selfish but it has happened throughout the whole semester!!!! 


Guess what! I found out that she didnt come for lessons because apparently her boyfriend was MORE IMPORTANT. 


People might say; So what? just let her fail. 

Damn jesus blessed her well because she is a really beautiful girl and her boy friend is rich AF (not forgetting that he is handsome.) 




I work hard with Minimal resuls...


Sorry for the rant. Gotta get it off my chest...


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unknownreader #1
Hey, bruh. Its fine.
There are days when we all feel so down and underappreciated.
But hey! There will be a day when someone will finally acknowledge your deeds and accomplishments, no matter how big or small they are.
And hey, that girl Lazie? She'll get whats coming for her.
That sounds dark.

What I meant is she'll soon see the consequences of not taking her responsibilities seriously sooner or later. XD

But anyway, just keep your chin up mate.
Someday, all the hard work you do will achieve the results that you rightly deserve.
You have my support :) *thumbs up*