tumblr questions (kindly borrowed from exocat15)



I tag everyone who reads this (。•̀ᴗ-)✧



Name: I don't ever use my real name online… but it doesn't matter because I'm one of those people who everyone always seems to want to give a nickname to anyways v(>ヮ<)v

Nickname: Miso

Gender: Female

Star sign: Taurus (I think *shrugs*)

Birthday: May 20th

Relationship status: Single 。・゚・(ノД`)・゚・。

Pets: I had a pet bunny named Thumpy, but she died a few years ago (╥_╥)

Height: 5’ 3” (I'm really only 5’ 2”, but my ID says 5’ 3”, so let's go with that X'D)

Favorite color: Rainbow ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌ (I can never choose lol)

Average hours of sleep: 3.4 hours a night (according to my phone) I don't think that's enough (⌒_⌒;)

Lucky number: 3

Last thing I googled: Oh no! (⊙.⊙;) *nervously goes and checks*.......

“callie's mountain novel” which is one of my favorite novels that got lost (•̪●) so I was looking for an inexpensive copy online to replace it.

Whew... *wipes sweat off my brow* that could have been a lot worse (⌒ヮ⌒;)

Numbers of blankets: Winter: Umm… 6 (´つヮ⊂) I like to cuddle up in a pile of fuzzy blankets! Summer: 6 lol!

Met a celebrity: Yes (>ヮ<;)

Favorite fictional character(s): Ares (from the Later Annals of Lystra series), Everyone from Harry Potter, and Peeta Mellark (♡.♡)

Favorite book(s): The Annals of Lystra series and The Latter Annals of Lystra series by Robin Hardy, Harry Potter, The Hunger Games, Empyrion I and II by Stephen R Lawhead… and so many more (^.^;) but those are my top favorites!

Favorite band(s): EXO

Song stuck in my mind right now: Mercy by Shawn Mendes

Last movie I watched: Furious 7 (Vin Diesel ♡.♡)

Last TV show I watched: NCIS

Last song I listened to: Elevate by Jayceeoh (feat. Nevve)

Dream trip: Getting to go to Korea!!! °˖ ✧◝(○ ヮ ○)◜✧˖ °

Dream job: Author

What am I wearing right now: Black yoga shorts and a gray and black leopard print tank top.

Time right now: 2:05 am… I can't sleep (⁝ꑦᴗꑦ)

When did you create your account: October 16, 2015

Current amount of subs: 3790 unique subs, and 5070 total subs ♡〜٩( ˃́ヮ˂̀ )۶〜♡ I LOVE EVERY ONE OF YOU!!

What do you write about: Pretty much Baekhyun… basically everything I write has something to do with him (>ヮ<) lol He's my muse (♡.♡)

Do you have any other accounts: Yes, a few… (^.^) My original account that few people know about (maybe someday I'll share it with you all, but not today ^^) and EmbersFalling, which is where I will be posting EXOxOC stories I write.

When did your account reach its “peak” (when did you get more subs, have a popular story, etc..): What on the what now? What is this question even! (´つヮ⊂)

Do you get comments on a daily basis: No (⁝ꑦᴗꑦ) I get them every couple of days when I update

Why did you choose your url: Lol this doesn't apply to aff X'D but on other sites I use my username so that it's easy for people to find me (^.^)b

Lemonade or iced tea: Tea!!!

Cats or dogs: Bunnies!!!! (>ヮ<)

Coke or pepsi: I can't drink soda because my my illness (╥_╥) The chemicals that make it fizzy could kill me (⊙.⊙;)

Day or night: I like both equally!

Text or call: Text

Makeup or au naturel: I love makeup but I can't use that either because of my illness o(╥﹏╥)o Maybe someday I'll be able to wear it again *trying to be hopeful*

Smile or eyes: Both

Light or dark hair: Light

Shorter or taller: Ummm… These questions are so vague (>ᴗ<;) Lol!!! I'm on the shorter side. I like anyone who is taller than me (which is basically everyone, even short people X'D)

Intelligence or attraction: Intelligence

City or country: I like to live in the county, near a city (the best of both worlds ^^)




This is the tumblr tag, revamped for AFF by Taehyung_Rose (⌒ヮ⌒)b

(If you use this, please give her credit for her hard work!)


I should be sleeping rn… La la la la °˖ ✧◝(○ ヮ ○)◜✧˖ °




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you will be able to use all the good makeup in this world, i know :)
omg stealing

but lol
your answers are so cute
happyabc #3
OMG, I can totes relate to your experience of a pet bunny dying! I literally cried for a week straight when my pet black mini dwarf went to heaven... T T... I'm also 5'2 who likes to think I'm 5'3 but I think we're a good height, not too short or tall, easy to hide in crowds if we were spies! Lol! :) Thanks for sharing!
I hope you recover soon from your illness and you get to do the things you want to do!
Do try to sleep more, its very important factor regarding your health. As a busy uni student, i understand it being hard >< But i have learnt to not sacrifice it, after many regretful events lol :P
Aryyyy #5
Your birthday is May 20?? Mine is May 21 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
6 blankets!? O_O i can't even sleep with one, don't ask me why xD, and you can sleep with so many
Edomoxniqueo #7
you're so adorable ^-^
3.4 hours a night
Whaaattt? Are u a college student?
You're so cute~ >.<
"3.4 hours a night" O_O
I'd either be hyper or looking like a zombie with only that amount of sleep.
Don't you feel drowsy during the day tho?
Your illness? Get well soon
When I uploaded this, I had to change most of the questions bc they were to do with tumblr....I completely forgot to change the url one xD
Oooh I'm going to do this one *--* I wanted to write a blog for my 1 year but yesterday was busy so I might use that for it *thoughtful*