Hehe, help?

Okay, so in the middle of this #weareonefandom I suddenly wanted to write and I have this one-shot -silly that it would maybe be 2 chapters- I have been writing on as a preparation for a English test and I want to finish it off. But I kinda need someone to write the 'embarrassing' part aka . Haha I don't know why but I don't know how to write a proper haha, so are anybody wants to help and write together with me as my co-author? I have some other one-shots who need to be finished. Send message on aff if you are interested~ I am done with it in not too long.

I also search for someone who wants to make those pictures people has on their fanfics. Like when you are looking through fanfics to read there are some of them who has pictures? Anybody who wants to make any for me? Of course there will be written who made the picture I don't take want to 'steal' others work. If I use something that have inspired me or helped me I always says who did it. It's not good to give all the credit to yourself when you haven't done it. 

So: a co-author and a artist to make masterpieces forthe upcoming fanfics since there are more coming up. 


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I recommend the shop from the user. NOLZA21
She made all my posters and she does it for free... also what about that story we wanted to write? ^^'