han sara

samasbananas• sam • 10/10


the basics.

name » Han Sara

nickname(s) » 
han solo- a nickname that only Sara and Minyoung use. It's a play on her last name and the fact that she's perpetually single. It also helps that she's a fan of Star Wars
bachelor's reject- a nickname she gained after being eliminated first on the first season of Bachelor's Paradise

birthplace & birthday » May 27th, 1996

hometown » Toronto, Canada

ethnicity » Korean

occupation » Student


face claim » WJSN's Bona

backup face claim » Red Velvet's Wendy

appearance » Sara is on the shorter side of average at 163cm (5"4') and 56kg (124lbs). She used to have personal issues with her skin tone, but now she's okay with her ability to tan. Her original hair colour is a dark brown, but she likes keeping it lighter. It's basically the only maintenance that she puts into her hair. 

style » Sara's style is very Western and casual. She's from Toronto, so she likes to wear a lot of red. Canada represent! Along with red, Sara likes to wear falls colours and earthier tones. Big sweaters, collared shirts, leggings, and lace-up boots make up a lot of her wardrobe. Sara would rather wear legging than actual pants. She would also take sweatpants or jeans over a skirt. (x) (x) (x) Her hair is either down or up in a loose bun. Sara puts minimal effort into her make-up, prefering to spend the time elsewhere.

" Just call me Han Solo. "

" What do you mean I can't film here? "




Cooking: 5/10    Cleanliness: 2/10     Sportiness: 2/10  
 Creativity: 9/10   Intelligence: 7/10   Alcohol Tolerance: 2/10     Musicality: 8/10


traits »

+ calm, intelligent, creative, thoughtful, passionate, musical
= quiet, perfectionist, rational
- careless, secretive, charmless, ritualistic, obsessive, critical

personality » 
Sara is a creative through and through. She's always loved being creative, but found that films were her real passion and what she wanted to do in life. This discovery happened when she first watched 'Pretty in Pink' at age 4. Sara's always been a creative and passionate individual. When she likes something, she throws herself into it 100%. This passion thought can sometimes go overboard as she becomes obsessive about it.

When it comes to her own work, Sara becomes even more obsessive than usual. She refuses to let anybody see her work until it's done to her satifaction. Her seal of approval is hard to attain as Sara is both a perfectionist and overly self critical. When Sara encounters a road block, she usually panics about it and becomes very emotional. It takes some time for her to calm down and think rationally to figure out a good solution, but once she does it's better than her first option.

Sara is also an introvert. She prefers to keep her business and feelings to herself as opposed to sharing with others. Sara finds it difficult to open up to people, so she'd rather stay quiet. She doesn't want to risk offending people, so she keeps things to herself. This can put some people off as they believe that she is silently judging them and that she's stuck up. Sara doesn't often realize that she's pushing people away and does it subconciously. Though she's not shy, she still likes to be private and keep things bottled up.


Sara grew up in a small sub division in Toronto with an older brother and a younger sister. Her father was a professor of geography at the University of Toronto, while her mother was a homemaker. At home she grew up speaking mostly Korean and at school she spoke English. When Sara was 13 years old, her maternal grandfather had a heart attack. Her parents decided to move to South Korea in order to be closer to her mother's parents. It was also to help Sara and her siblings become closer to Korean culture.

Sara had a very difficult time adjusting to life in South Korea. They had moved to the country in the middle of the school semester, so Sara was even more shy than usual. She didn't make many friends, so to compensate for her lack of social life, Sara threw herself into her school work. Sara worked hard and managed to rank among the top 5% of the country for her CSATs. After high school, Sara was accepted to Seoul National University. With her intelligence and drive, Sara could study anything she wanted. So, she chose film much to the disappointment of her parents.

As Sara got older, she could feel herself getting less and less inspired. She lived a very monotonous life, which made it difficult to find inspiration. When Sara first got to college, her inspiration block got slightly better. By the time she reached her second semester of first year, Sara could feel herself getting less inspired again. During second year, her inspiration was almost completely gone. In attempt to find a muse, she tried to put herself out there. Unfortunately, Sara's shyness made it difficult but she managed to find at least one friend. 

After she was eliminated first during the first season of Bachelor's Paradise, Sara was devastated. She really wanted to be there just to try and find her muse once again. She was also picked on by her school mates because of her early elimination. During the run of the show, Sara watched with baited breath every week as she watched the episodes. It was a weird thing for her because she was there and not there at the same time. The weird experience of Bachelor's Paradise did inspire Sara though and she was able to gain back some of her inspiration. She was able to create a short film and won an award from TIFF (Toronto International Film Festival) as well as small Korean film festivals.

Sara's short film: 'Strangers in Love' explores the dynamic of love at first sight. This is based on her experience in the house because she believes that Bachelor's Paradise is a bunch of strangers grasping at straws to find love connections with other strangers. How long does it take to fall in love? Can you fall in love with somebody you've only met once? The short film ultimately concludes that love at first sight is bull crap and that it takes a long time to know somebody and love them. 

The protagonist, Eunyoung, ends up stuck between two guys; the idealised version of a guy she only met once and her coworker that she sees everyday, but only sees certain sides of. The conflict lies in Eunyoung deciding how to pursue a relationship with somebody she connected to a a deep level, but only met once versus her coworker who she feels attracted to and sees everyday, but doesn't know him a lot. The film ends with Eunyoung not ending up with anybody and deciding that she's enough on her own.

❀rap music
❀classical music
❀musical scores
❀Disney films because nostalgia, good storytelling, strong female characters and good music
❀movies of any genre with good storytelling (Across the Universe, Mulan, Your Name, The Warriors, Rise of the Guardians, The Godfather, Fury, Breakfast Club, Skyfall, The Thing, Up etc.)

dislikes »
❀horror movies because they generally lack good storytelling
❀pop music
❀Korean dramas because they're predictable and cliche

strong points» 

❀analyzing things (especially films)
❀spoken word poetry
❀lip reading

weak points»

❀hand-eye coordination

❀dancing (she has the creativity/rhythm but lack the physical abilities)

❀drinking games




trivia »
❀her favourite movie is 'Pretty In Pink'
❀watches a lot of movies

❀bites her nails
❀legitimately believes in aliens
❀gets motion sick
❀plays the violin
❀knows how to bake bread
❀has a soft spot in her heart for 80s films

❀has never been in a romantic relationship


home is where your heart is.



LOVE INTERESTS » Chae Hyungwon, Son Hyunwoo, Lee Minhyuk

the reason you applied » Sara was on the first season of Bachelor's Paradise and was the first person eliminated. She applied the second time with her friend Minyoung, but now she's got something to prove. Sara needs to world to know that she is deserving of love.


strategy » Her strategy obviously didn't work the first time around, so she's decided to give it her all. Instead of trying to emulate other people like she was during the first season, Sara's decided to be herself. No holds barred! If a bachelor she doesn't like approaches her (especially Jooheon) she'll probably just clam up unless there's another person for her to focus her attention on. Sara's been in the house before, so she has a leg up on the other competitors.


The bachelors » 

  • jooheon » Sara isn't sure how to take Jooheon. He's the stereotypical wild child and Sara has never been a huge fan of people like that. She thinks that he's careless and frivolous, which she dislikes a lot. Sara just doesn't really like him and wants to avoid him as much as she can.
  • changkyun » Like with Jooheon, Changkyun is active in the night life scene and that's not really what Sara's about. He's all over the place, kind of like Sara when she's getting a project together. So they have that in common with each other. But Changkyun and Sara don't really connect to each other very well and they never know what to talk about when/if they're thrown together.
  • hyungwon » Hyungwon is everything that Sara wants in a guy. Sara is a hopeless romantic through and through; she thinks that Hyungwon might be the Blane to her Andie (Pretty In Pink), the Jake to her Samantha (Sixteen Candles), the John to her Claire (Breakfast Club). She's pretty smitten with him, but doesn't really know how to show her interest, especially when there's other people around. Sara tries to act cool and flirty around him, but it doesn't work and ends up failing. 
  • hyunwoo » Hyunwoo is the person in the house who makes her feel the most calm in the house. He has a very calming presence and seems to have his stuff together. Sara is always 100% herself when she's around him; her full on obsessive and dorky self. She knows what Hyunwoo won't judge her for anything and that's what she likes about him. Sara thinks that there's definitely the potential for her to fall in love with Hyunwoo.
  • minhyuk » At first, Minhyuk takes Sara off guard with his friendly and outgoing personality though. After observing him though, Sara notices that Minhyuk cares a lot about what others think and feel. Once she learns this, she feels herself warming up to Minhyuk a lot. The two are both in the film industry, so they manage to bond by nerding out about movies and film stuff. Sara thinks that Minhyuk is very passionate about what he does, which definitely attracts her to him a lot. It helps that he's passionate about similar things.
  • hoseok » Being quite good at analysis, it's easy for Sara to tell that Hoseok is kind of lonely and she wants to figure out his past. That said, she can't see them being a romantic pairing because of his baggage and dark past. She's never been in a romantic relationship before, so she doesn't think she'd be able to handle everything that she thinks Hoseok would come with. Sara does like the bachelor though, but just on a friend's level and not a romantic level.
  • kihyun » Kihyun kind of reminds her of her father. As such, Sara is not romantically interested in Kihyun at all. Though because Sara is close with her father, she finds it easy to talk to Kihyun and finds that she can't lie to him. Kihyun is like Sara's lie detector.

this is paradise.


"So...this is season 2 of Bachelor's Paradise. Interesting how people are still torturing themselves with applying for this show. Please, introduce yourself."

  • My name is Han Sara and I'm 21 from Toronto, Canada. You may recognize me from the first season of Bachelor's Paradise

"Why do you think you need this program to find love? Is there a reason you couldn't find love on your own?"

  • Love is a tricky thing to find and I was hoping to find love in the first season. I'm here to prove to myself and other people that I'm lovable.

"Why should we choose you and not someone else?"

  • I've got something to prove and need to redeem myself after last season!

"What do you think about people who gain a lot of money?"

  • Good for them, they probably worked hard for their fortune. Not that I want a lot of money, it must come with a lot of attention and expectations. I just want enough to live comfortable and chase my dreams

"Any hopes or dreams for the future?"

  • I'm still in pursuit of my dream of being a film maker. I recently wrote, directed, and produced a short film called 'Strangers in Love' which won an award at the Toronto International Film Festical (TIFF) and several smaller Korean festivals.

"Oh right... did you watch season 1?"

  • I was actually in season one. But after I was elminated, definitely!

"Okay, that's it... why are you looking at me like that? You want to tell me something else?"

  • Umm, it's nice to see you again Yoongi even though we didn't talk much. I hope everybody will be seeing myself and my best friend Minyoung on the screen soon!

last words.

comments/suggestions » I honestly didn't change much from Sara's original application; just the Q&A and what Sara did after she was elminated from BP Season 1. Hopefully I got the Bachelors' personalities right!

scene requests »
❀ group date to the amusement park or the aquarium!
❀ Minyoung and Sara getting in an argument about a Bachelor that they're both going for

❀ a heart-to-heart between Sara and Jooheon and her changing her mind about him

password » Jinyoung


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