HELLOKITTY10755 ★ Cortney

ahn Jisoo


// Jiji  a shortened version of her name that her best friend calls her and sometimes her brother will call her this to annoy her
// Soo-yah  older kids call her this after they meet her, but her brother calls her this the most


// Korean  her mother language
// English  she learns it in school - her skill level is conversational

HEIGHT, WEIGHT [ ★ ] 169 cm, 50 kg

BACK UP [ ★ ] IOI Sohye

FASHION STYLE [ ★ ] Her hair has already grown to the middle of her back and she refuses to cut it above her shoulders so she'll usually only trim about an inch off. She likes wearing really loose fitting clothing like over-sized sweaters or crop tops, or off-the-shoulder tops. Usually she'll wear leggings or jeans and she rarely wears shorts, sometimes she'll wear skirts if she really wants to. She has both ears pierced but other than that she refuses to wear any type of jewerly when she dances when she dances. A headband is fine and maybe a bracelet or two but necklaces just get in her way. Her shoe collection usually contains high tops and sneakers, maybe a pair or two of flats and virtually no high heels.

oc1NAME [ ★ ] Ahn Jisoo
D.O.B [ ★ ] May 05, 1996
BIRTHPLACE [ ★ ] Seoul, South Korea
HOMETOWN [ ★ ] Seoul, South Korea

DANCING [ ★ ] Twice Momo


// "I really want to dance on stage and I will be able to showcase my talents," she starts off. "However no one ever believes that I will be able to ever go on to stage. Especially my parents. But I never wanted to disappoint them so when they told me to forget that dream, I did and I went to college to study medicine. The dream however, never left me. I've continued to love music even to this day so for this type of opportunity to come up is just a dream come true."


// "I'm pretty sure that I can endure this. If you've ever had to study for school around the clock without much sleep, you kind of get use to it after a while. So I'm pretty sure I can handle this."


// "My dancing is my absolute best skill," she lights up, "I love to dance and to be able to express my feelings through dancing is something I would love to do for the rest of my life." She pauses, "I mean my singing isn't too bad I guess. I often go karaoking with my classmates sometimes so I'll say that my singing is medicore. I feel like my voice is more suited for ballad songs because I feel like I have a lower vocal range." 


// "Rapping," she grimaces, "is something I cannot do to save my life. I can speak Korean since I am a native but if you ask me to speak it twice as fast, don't bet on it souding like perfect rapping. It's going to sound more or less like gibberish."


// "I'm worried that my parents will think I'm crazy for doing something like this and get mad at me. I know that they think that doing this kind of entertainment is just rubbish, but I want to show them that I am capable of doing this and that I can get something out of this even if I don't make it to the end." She sighs and thinks, "Oh! And hopefully they will never get me to dance in high heels. Those are too difficult to dance in." She makes a face at the camera and smiles.


// "I'm happy to be given the chance to chase my dream. This is something I've been waiting my whole life to do and I can't wait to start. Please look after me and please support me!" She makes a hand heart towards the camera and then waves.

(+) bold, charismatic, outspoken, confident, caring
(-) bossy, greedy, fearless, fiesty

/ / Jisoo was born to be on stage. She has this charismatic aura around her that shows when she's performing. She's confident in what she does because she knows she can do it. However, it also means that she's very greedy for the spotlight. She always wants to be the center of attention because she feels like she deserves the attention since she's talent in what she does.

/ / Jisoo's a very bold person who is willing to take risks no matter the cost, which makes her also very fearless. She loves to try new things that no one else would try and do. She's willing to mix different types of music genres together or to take dance moves from different genres to try and match it all together. For example, she try mixing dance moves from modern dance with moves from rhythamic dancing or something crazy like that. But she mostly likes modern dancing the best.

/ / Fiesty and outspoken would be another way to describe Jisoo. Everything that's on her mind will come out of if she doesn't filter what she's thinking. However, she will be careful with what comes out of and what she's thinking, but there are times when she'll purposely let stuff slip out. Very fiesty is how she would describe herself as she'll jump into anything that she can do so she can show that she's the best out of everyone. However, she's also very kind to the people she cares about. She's the type of person who would do anything to protect the people she loves. 

// Jisoo was born on May 05, 1996 in Seoul, South Korea. Both of her parents are doctors so they were pretty busy during the week and sometimes they had to work night shifts depending on how busy it was at the hospital but they always made time to spend with their two kids. Growing up, Jisoo was always hanging around her older brother, Jiwoo, as he was the person she looked up to. She admired him for his personality and how he managed to get lots of attention without really doing much. 

When she was younger, Jisoo started watching her brother dance whenever he could, and when she grew old enough, she started tagging along to his dance classes to watch and maybe even learn a bit. When she was 10, she convinced her parents to sign her up for the same dance classes. Everyone was skeptical of her ability to dance and if she could even keep up with how rigourous the dance classes were. Well, she managed to surprise everyone as she managed to keep up just fine and maybe was even ahead of the class a little bit. On the weekends, Jisoo and Jiwoo would ride the bus to Hongdae and either go on the mini stages they have around the place for small talent shows, or they would go to a busy part of the city and just start freestyling and busk. With the money they got from busking, they would give half to their parents and use the rest to buy whatever they wanted like shoes or more CDs.

When she was 15, she told her parents that she wanted to become an idol and that she was planning on auditioning. However, she wasn't expecting the reaction that came out of her parents. She was expecting them to fully support her but they were completely against it. They told her of the dangers of becoming an idol and how she would have to work for who knows how long until she could have actual money and how being an idol would damage her health. Jisoo knew the risks of becoming an idol but she wanted to chase her dreams and her parents were fully against it. She tried everything she could to persuade her parents and even resorted to begging but her parents refused to budge. 

Finally, Jisoo gave up on trying and went down the path that she knew would make her parents happy. She finished school and went to college where she chose to study medicine. However, she never gave up hope on her dream. Unbestknown to her parents, she joined a dance group and continued to dance. Then one day, she happened to watch the commercial for JBTC's SuperStar BootCamp and it was like her dream came true so she signed up for it right away.

FAMILY [ ★ ]

// Father and Mother, Ahn Jiwon and Ahn Miyeon  56 ad 54  Doctor and Doctor  caring, strict  Jisoo is pretty close with her parents but because they're so busy with work, it's hard for Jisoo to bond with them at times so her opinions on things usually clash with her parents' opinions. However Jisoo knows that her parents work hard to give her a good life and so when they told her to go to college and study medicine, she respected their decision and went with it.
// Older Brother, Ahn Jiwoo  24  Student  quiet, laidback, fun  they get along really well and they never have any of those sibling fights that they hear other siblings mention. when they were younger, Jiwoo always took the role of playing the older brother who had to protect his little sister at all costs, so they get along pretty well. Plus, they both love to dance but Jiwoo doesn't have the confidence to be on stage so he handed that over to Jisoo.


// Best Friend, Jung Nara  21  Student  outgoing, quirky, cheerful  They met in preschool  These two are practically sisters since they've done everything together. Nara is older by two months so she often takes the role of an older sister to Jisoo and Jisoo is very thankful for that because it does help to have someone look after her at times. 

LIKES [ ★ ] 

// Anybody over 65: they love babying her and they'll always give her money to buy whatever she wants
// Attention: she loves being the center of attention and she'll always try to be in the middle
// Dancing: it gives her the the opportunity to show how she feels about music
// Music: she really likes music in general 
// High tops: the best shoes to wear for dancing


// Rock Music: she hates how loud it is and she basically hates the entire genre of rock music
// Timid people: she's always the one who tries something new and she doesn't like people who doesn't try to do anything out of their comfort zone
// Criticism: she never likes it when someone points out her mistakes. she feels embarrased when she makes a mistake and she doesn't want anyone pointing it out for the whole world to know
// People ignoring her when she needs somone's attention
// High heels: they are so uncomfortable to wear and to dance in


// Dancing
// Making dance covers
// Reading books
// Biting her nails when she gets nervous
// Often playing doctor to her friends because she studies medicine

TRIVIA [ ★ ]

// she taught herself how to dance the waltz just for the fun of it
// she would love to be able to learn how to speak japanese since she finds it such an interesting language
// when ever she goes shopping, she goes straight to the shoe section
// she's always wanted to try her hand at composing a song that will suit her but the farthest she's gotten is mixing two songs together
// she thinks her legs are her best feature even if she's not that tall
// she has a youtube channel called "JisooDance" and she often posts dance covers or videos of her freestyling 
// the only sns that she has is twitter @jisoodance but that's it
// she sees no point in instagram or snapchat, but she's debating on getting an instagram

She has no time for dating even if she really wanted one.

lo1NAME [ ★ ] here
FACE CLAIM [ ★ ] here
OCCUPATION [ ★ ] here
D.O.B [ ★ ] here

ANY LAST COMMENTS [ ★ ] Hi again~! Hope you like Jisoo! I made a few changes to this character that I thought would better match this story. Please tell me if I have any mistakes. I've gotten so used to your weekly updates that I just decided to go ahead and do this one. 


// Some of the girls from Vs making an appearance? I think that it would be really cute~! And maybe some of the guys from 21 as well?
// Jisoo trying to rap and either miserably failing or doing moderately okay

PASSWORD [ ★ ] Momo


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