Love problems T.T

I need help!! 


Well, it's going to be our 2nd year anniversary next week. It's nearing and I have no clue what to give him. He doesn't make it simple though. I ask him what he wants but he just replies with the corniest things (i.e. It's ok you don't have to give me anything. I didn't ask you to be my girlfriend for you to give me gifts, I just want you to love me back just as I love you <-- He said that I swear to God.) .


I'm the worst gift giver ever.... I just don't know what to do. Maybe I should just give him something like breakfast on bed? (Since we live close together and he practically lives in my room already XD). I was thinking of getting promise rings for ourselves, or a new amplifier since his old is currently broken... UGH so frustrating!! 


Any suggestions? 




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Pciture book of you guys? A puzzle, like with a picture of you twoo?
Dancemach97 #3
Food, GREAT FOOD always makes a man happy (:
Or you could book a tennis court, basketball etc if he likes sports.
Definitely not a cake or chocolates. Coffee buns, scrambled egg and bacon in bed hmmhmm yeah.
Hope that helped? ^^
I agree with 2min_shipper. FOOD MAKES PEOPLE HAPPY.
A peck on the lips would be alright unnie. Believe me he will jump off a cliff if you do that but maybe no. You wouldn't want your BF DEAD
Bridgette92 #6
With his favorite foods and deserts
Bridgette92 #7
Awww that's so sweet ;') mayb u cud do ur breakfest in bed idea. That sounds good. U cud cook him a nice dinner
vic2ry98 #8
Aww thats so sweet :D

Well, if he said he doesn't want anything and you as yourself is enough. Why not just go on a date with him? <3