Broken Eyes, doesn't necessarily mean blindness.

I haven't posted anything here in a while, nor my blog, so I just wanted to rant something personal.  


While I'm writing this, I literally crying, because you know what, I cannot take this emotional abuse towards me. As some of you know I am like literally sick, because my immune system is . Anyways, I was on my laptop doing some reading, because that's what I do. My aunt and uncle came in asking for my help, which I was happy to give, but then something happened. I was insulted. Maybe it wasn't intended, but I was insulted. My eyesight is bad, and I mean bad. I have 2.25 (left) and 3.00 (right) perscription. My uncle handed me a xerox copied document they wanted me to copy, so I do so, because I want to ing help. But then my aunt casually drops in, "You should hand her the original, you know she's blind. She probably won't see that anyway, she might make mistakes." 

Excuse me? 

I know that I don't have 20/20 vision anymore, but hell no. I have glasses, lady, you. I know I can't see well, but then she blatantly insults my intellegence. She subtely hints that I'm stupid. Or not, maybe I'm reading too much into this, but this isn't the first time it happened, she insults me about my weight because I'm not as skinny as the others, insults me about my imcompetence in not knowing how do things for the first time. What pisses me off more is that she had the gall to tell that in front of my family. Both my sister and brother were at work, so I had no one to go to afterwards, but it hurt, it ing hurt to be told that you're stupid, that because your eyes are broken that you're blind. 


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watwotwut #1
my eyesight is pretty much as bad as yours, and there is absolutely no problem with it. and also, why is your aunt insulting you if you're helping her? talk about ungrateful..