the elections




canada, i'll see u tmr




i just


i can't

im so

sick of trump

i just


... it's gonna be a gr8 4 yrs here in america


is jealous of everyone that's not in the great land of america ^^


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"great land" my
I just want to crawl in a hole and hide until the four years are over. I'm so disappointed in my state... and in the country in general. Remind me how the orange cheeto Hitler became a nominee in the first place???
I want to leave. I don't want to be here.
My friends and I are all just discussing where we're going to move to next, because this is just ridiculous. This is the saddest election ever. I'm so done with everything.
Nope I'm so done.
Why am I minor I can't leave.
I can't even right now.
Why are we voting for a racist, ist, piece of ? WHY.
Who even...Allowed him to get this far. I'm so done. ing save me. ;_;
I'm just over it already too. I mean, I know that he is just a "spokesman " for the GOP because the real people doing all of decision support really Congress.
*Sorry, I'm a AP Government student xD*
honestly im so done ?? i dont
think im even scared im just
dumbfounded bc like its gonna
be some five year old running
this country its just gonna be
stupid, not scary. but then stupid
can be scary in this case. agh were
done for. lets move to korea together.
Wait did he win? Damn...