\/s↮ Kim YeEun ↮ Singing

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Kim YeEun

Full Name: Kim YeEun

 The SM Girl   The other contestants refer to her as the SM Girl, judging everything she does and achieve by the background she has
 Yeri's Sister   The way judges or the public call her. She is rather known for being Red Velvet's Yeri's big sister. 
 Dictator/ Mommy YeYe  Since YeEun often tries to help others, so they can surpass her and free her from the shakles of the idol industry, others interpret it either as a caring Mommy or as a mad dictator who only shows off what she's made of and that she's better than others.

Date of Birth : 5th January 1997 (19)
Birthplace: Seoul, South Korea
Hometown: Seoul, South Korea
Ethnicity: Korean
Nationality: Korean

Faceclaim: Jeong Heyoon
Backup Faceclaim: Mamamoo's Solar

Appearance & Style:

What? Are you sure? This is Red Velvet Yeri's sister? But they look so different...

And YeEun is more than just grateful for it - even though it's not just nature that decided both had to look different. YeEun has a face that reminds you of your neighbourhood beauty, the girl next door that you secretely had a crush on. She looks feminine, she looks reliable, she just looks like a nice girl. She doesn't even look that outstanding in any terms as she wouldn't look that extraordinary next to a row of other girls considered as beauties in South Korea. However, what makes the difference is her body which - granted - isn't all natural at all. She is that slim and tiny kind of person that has forbidden curves nobody understands where she got them from. She'd say "I got it from my momma" but truth be told, she didn't. If you are skinny like that a full D-Cup and nice booty aren't that natural anymore, especially among Asians.

YeEun loves to rebel against anything the music industry forces on her. While her company dresses her in more feminine and lady-like clothes, she prefers her ripped Jeans and Timberland shoes combined with a simple black top. She also likes to wear leather clothes, jackets are her big love but due to the company's decisions and guidelines she has to be dressed neatly whenever she sets foot on a stage. Hence the reason off and on-stage she looks really different but when she is off-stage, she doesn't really care anymore if the company is happy with her outfits or not. Even on screen. It's just her. Not her sister. Not an SM trainee. A CT one. Someone that wants to look different from anything Red Velvet would do.


Defensive, sulky, supportive, headstrong, salty, polarizing, remarkable, noisy, impetuous, bossy, compassionate

ATTENTION! THIS IS ME. If you ever happen to hear a loud voice squealing, cheering or producing whatnot sounds, the chances are high that YeEun is the source of those noises. She's a person that just can't hold herself back. She's remarkable - if not through her sound production, then it's because she can't really stop talking. She talks a lot and she also interrupts people pretty often. She knows that if you want attention among a lot of people, the most succesful way to get it is to just go for it. Even though she looks like those typical, boring beauty queens, she does have a polarizing nature that attracts others' attention easily and keeps it, too. If it's not for her usually bright smile, it's definitely because of her 'I don't care if people think I am weird' - attitude. Random head banging, random touching of others, completely losing it and running around like a maniac...it's all possible. YeEun doesn't stop if she feels like doing something. If she wants to spank someone, she will do it. If she wants to randomly dance in the weirdest way ever in front of the cameras, she will do it. If she wants to prove to people that she is more than just Kim YeRim's older sister, she will do it. Anyhow, since she's not that fond of attenting Vs, she rather stays in the background (but gets attention due to her impetuous personality still). 

I GOTTA GO MY OWN WAY. Talking about Vs... yes, YeEun doesn't really like the idea of being forced into a program like that to help a company she detests. But when the big ones are forcing you to join, what can you do? In YeEun's case, she tried to fight them but lost. Hence the reason, she still is super salty about not being able to do what she wants to do. The past has left its marks on her and it is still haunting her. What do we know about YeEun until now? She is loud and attention-seeking. And? Anyone knowing her better would say, she makes pretty good leader material. She knows how to boss others around but at the same time support them and tell them the right words to encourage them. Yet, her will to help (which also results from her deep wish that the others surpass her skills and she'll fail and finally be free) is often interpreted the wrong way and gets rejected. Other contestants think she's acting up, putting herself over others and thinking she is far better just because she used to be an SM trainee. Whatever she says, it must be evil. They are in a competition, right? No one who wants to win would help others then, right? So why trust her? YeEun isn't stupid, she senses and partly knows about how the others feel about her and she is therefore often targeted by stronger contestants that are up to picking fights. When others openly pick a fight with her or start arguing or criticizing, she gets overly defensive and yeah... try to pick a fight with this bull-head. Good luck. If she goes down, she goes down fighting. But active fights aren't the only things she gets involved with. Since the others are really annoyed by her behaviour, her utterly bad jokes and freak outs because of the tiniest
scaring her, they tend to diss her by trolling her whenever possible. Even those who aren't that active in messing with others are making fun of her by joining he others trolling around.

DON'T MAKE ME LIKE YOU TOO MUCH. No matter how much YeEun is fighting against the music industry and the slavery contracts, she has a really strong weak point. Once she starts liking someone and opens up to them, there is no way back anymore. And she won't leave those people hanging for whatever reason. She's an 'All-in' personality for everything. No risk, no fun, you got me? YeEun has never been a person to be alone for too long, therefore trusting others too easily and also crying a lot when she's really sad or really happy happens every now and then. Basically, she's an emotional ticking time-bomb. And who knows how that will end up with 17 other girls together. By the way... did I mention that she doesn't like her company? Did I also mention that she's not that good in containing herself? Hmm... I wonder how that mixture goes...



TRY TO BEAT ME. Being one of four children made YeEun the person she is now. She was raised with 3 siblings who all wanted attention and to get some herself, she automatically became a very loud and outstanding person, her behavior easily attracting the attention of others ever since. And among the siblings, she and her sister YeRim both were gifted with what Koreans call 'Idol Charisma'. Both of them got into SM Entertainment at the same time when they auditioned together in 2011 and made it through the selection process. The siblings were trained together, both showing lots of potential but they never were meant to debut together, nor debut under the same label. Why? Well... the reason is Red Velvet. When it was decided that Red Velvet would add a fifth member, YeEun was the one chosen to train together with the four others. There were already plans for her to become officially a member of RV when for some reason SM decided to replace YeEun with Yeri. The reason why this decision was made, was never revealed, YeEun still doesn't know if her sister or parents were the ones behind it or if the RV members just didn't like her and asked the company to replace her. However, she was dropped out of the line-up with no perspective for the future. Let's be honest, would you have thought that there were still chances to debut after yor little sister debuts before you? Under SM? Of course YeEun pretty soon waved her dream goodbye and decided to leave the company. And she got offers... from JYP to join SIXTEEN. But SM wouldn't have been SM if they didn't know how to take care of that. YeEun was still contracted to them, so they used that to threaten her. Break the contract and they break your chances to ever find a job in SK. Did YeEun let them treat her like that? Heck, no! She wanted to sue them and maybe even leave the music industry for good... but there was her sister who debuted with Red Velvet. Her parents told her to stop her and get herself together for the sake of her sister and YeEun was left with no chance than obeying with not even her parents supporting her.

WHEN YOU LOSE YOUR RIGHT TO CHOOSE. After all the incidents and issues between YeEun and SM, the company transfered her to their pretty unknown sub-label CT Entertainment where she was a no one among no ones. After the transfer YeEun couldn't see any chances to debut but when ROMEO debuted with their accurate power dancing but still didn't get any recognition, she was positive that even if she'd ever debut she'd never be famous and would always have to fight to survive. Like that she watched how Red Velvet rose to fame. How TWICE became South Korea's new Girls' Generation. How her dream was step by step shattering until nothing was left anymore. And then CT and SM came up with their ridiculous idea of letting YeEun participate in Vs. Of course she refused, the companies still had their way to make her do it. When someone is telling you that you have no chance to reject and that you are not allowed to slack on purpose other wise your failure would affect your sister and the rest of your family... who in their right mind would say no?



Company: CT Entertainment (ROMEO)
Backup Company: Rainbow Bridge World (Mamamoo)
Trainee Years: 5 years
Trainee Life
Yeeun's trainee life?... huh, what would an ex-SM trainee say to that? During her time at SM she had to go through the whole cruel trainee program. Singing while running tracks, singing while doing sit-ups, singing while doing burpees. It was hell but she endured. Dancing until late in the night, barely time to focus on school, pressure from all sides. And plastic surgery. Come on, everyone knows what is going on in SM. And her sister Yeri got to be the focus of attention thanks to some pretty obvious plastic surgery mistakes as well. Yeeun underwent several, rhinoplasty, double eyelid surgery, enhancement. But psssth, let's be natural. It's all natural. Nobody ever mentioned that she's not 100% natural. How her life under CT changed? Not a lot... just that CT is unknown and her life looked even darker than before.

Why was she chosen for \/s?:
To be honest, she didn't want to attend Vs and was rather forced by CT and SM to join to help CT get some spotlight after their boygroup ROMEO wasn't able to grab a piece of the fame cake even though CT is a spin-off entertainment of SM. It's still unknown. ROMEO is unknown. And YeEun feels extremely mistreated for being forced to be a part of that. She was chosen because the company knows what she is capable of and that she will finally help the entertainment to get the attention that it is lacking. 

Talent Twins

Singing: Solar - YeEun knows how to sing. Oh damn, yeah, this girl really knows how to hit them high notes. Being drilled by SM Entertainment had its good and bad sides. This girl has a super strong organ that doesn't even get weak when she has to do sit-ups and burpees.

Dancing: Solar - She's not a main dancer, rather average, but she can memorize dance steps neatly and quickly thanks to the high competition in the music industry, she doesn't even have a lot of trouble with random play dances or dancing in extremely high heels. She knows that being better than others is everything. But she also knows that there are a lot more talented dancers than her, so she just tries not to slack next to them and presents neat dance performances, not trying to surpass them however. That's what her strong vocal chords are made for. She still is infamous for overusing random hair flips and head banging during dance routines.

Rapping: Solar - Yes, YeEun's also able to do what people call 'average idol rapping'. Going through training at SM didn't let her get around the fact that she also had to be trained in rapping, but since it's not as good as main rapper skills, she just does it for fun or whenever she has to. 


Household Item Drums - Here comes Dorky Queen YeEun and what happens whenever she gets bored!

'Molesting' - The girl doesn't know limits and she sometimes goes crazy enough to scare others. But when she gets the same treatment by others, she gets scared as well... yeah girl, get your own medicine and learn from it! (As if she would ever do...)



Q: Why do you think you were chosen to be on this show?
A: "..." YeEun looks all reluctant, biting her lower lip and reminding herself that she's not allowed to act like a sulky burrito again. But she feels like that. And she doesn't feel like answering those stupid lines the company told her to tell the executives. "...where would I know that from?", she answers. Okay, that wasn't the best answer. But it also wasn't the one she still wants to to tell them. "...I'm a singer, so they most likely would let me participate because I can sing, right?"

Q: What would you say your main talent is?
A: "Singing.", she replies very short-spoken. But it's the truth. YeEun knows that her main talent is singing.

Q: What are you most nervous about concerning the show?
A: There is a short pause before she answers. "I know one of the judges...", she mumbles, "...guess, she will be surprised to see me again." And YeEun already imagines how Hyunmi will mention YeRim the entire time whenever she has to judge YeEun. She doesn't voice out her thoughts, nonetheless.

Q: Is there anything else you'd like to say?
A: "Can you tell me where the restrooms are? I'm trying to figure out a way to escape from here. The restroom window seems legit." Oh. Well... so much to keep it low, YeEun. Your company will be so proud of your work. Idiot.

Faceclaim 90x90
Final Thoughts
Comments: So, yeah, I didn't intend to do it in the first place but yeeeeah, here's some kind of triple threat I have on my hands BUT she's that kind of person that is a salty, sulky burrito. I don't really know if you can count her into the rows of triple threats since her dancing and rapping is just average but I think it comes in handy with her background story as a former SM trainee. I am also not sure if CT Ent is okay... I mean it's fairly unknown but still... it's a spin-off company of SM (yet again, comes in handy with the background x'D).
Anyway, if her talent twin and the company aren't okay, just let me know and I'll fix it asap. (still I think it's interesting to see someone in a SURVIVAL show dearly wishing to die x'D).
tbh I am a little disappointed but also positively surprised by how YeEun ended up to be like. I planned to make her another bratty person just like Sora, just a lot more bossy and then she turned into a weirdo mom. WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU YEEUN?!
Anyway, hope she's alright and I'll finish it with how YeEun would recite Taemin in Sherlock "Soy un dorito!"

Scene Requests: 
- Hyunmi comparing YeEun to Yeri which will make her really mad
- YeEun finding motivation to stay in the program (maybe through a close friend she makes among the contestants or maybe...just maybe a minor crush she develops on Inho? XD I know it sounds crazy but it would be hella funny to see this weirdo over here trying to get recognition of that badass. Just an idea. Nothing you have to even consider. I am just imagining, hahaha. And YeEun is legal brahahaha.)


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