Neon Butterfly | Moon Cheonsa

Moon Cheonsa
Jaehime // Kim // 9 out of 10
» plotline five
— Angela Roux : This was the name she was given after being adopted by her parents. She only uses "Moon Cheonsa", her birth name, in Korea.
— Angel : friends : Just a short form of her post-adoption name.
— Eomma/Mom/Mother/Maman/Mamm : everyone : She likes to take care of everyone like a real mother does.
— Rapunzel : her friends : Sure, she wasn't locked up in a tower and she was actually free to do what she wanted, but her family was still quite protective of her, and never really let her do anything without their permision and/or supervision.
DATE OF BIRTH: May 18, 1993
AGE: 23 (International); 24 (Korean)
PLACE OF BIRTH: Seoul, South Korea
HOMETOWN: Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
— Luxembourgish : native : She grew up and was raised in Luxembourg.
— French : conversaional : As another language in Luxembourg, you really need this a lot, especially in the capital city.
— German : conversational : It's not as needed as French in the capital, but still pretty important.
— English : Advanced : Cheonsa thinks that this is something needed, especially in a modernizing world.
— Korean : Fluent : She makes few mistakes, and can hold long conversations in it.
» Showtime
STAGE PERSONA: The Angel Princess ("Angel" due to both of her names, and "Princess" due to her background)
POSITION: Main Vocalist, Visual
Tell me something i don't know
what is it about you that makes you you?

Cheonsa has such a vibrant, energetic, outgoing, spirited personality that she practically glows. Her witty remarks and go with the flow attitude make her variety gold. She's also pretty determined and passionate - causing her to do what she wants to do. She's also a warm and compassionate person who tries to help anyone she can. She also stands for what she believes in and cannot stand injustice. Cheonsa's also creative - she thinks outside of the box. She's very adventurous and likes trying new things. She's also very loyal to those who've earned her loyalty. She's also pretty quirky - in fact, she actually preparing for an apocalypse.

She's not all sunshine and rainbows though. She's very sensitive and emotional; this girl is the definition of a bleeding heart - she gets hurt easily, though she tries to make it not obvious; she also doesn't like it when other people get hurt and doesn't want to hurt anyone. She's also conscientious and insecure - even when she's on a variety show, she thinks of what the repercussions of her actions and words might be (though, she once again tries not to show it to not upset the fans). She doesn't like to make things obvious and bottles up things that bothers her, mainly because of her utterly misguided thoughts that it would just be a burdern to people. Cheonsa is also absent-minded - as passionate as she is, she has the tendency to daydream and forget about stuff. She can also be shy sometimes before her variety self kicks in.

» Background

Cheonsa was born as a healthy baby girl on May 18, 1993. Five months later, her parents were killed in a car crash and she was put on adoption, as both of her parents were orphaned, only children. A Luxembourger couple, Emil and Anais Roux, visited Seoul and fell in love with the baby they saw in the orphanage. Due to complication from their third son's brith, Anais couldn't get pregnant anymore but had always wanted a girl. Her husband, had the same dream as his wife, and so, they adopted Cheonsa and renamed her "Angela Roux". Their sons, Damien (11), Marco (8) and Simon (4) didn't mind that much, though there was a bit of hostility coming from Simon at first, since he thought that Angela would take over his place in his parents' hearts.

Growing up as the daughter and youngest child of Emil Roux, the CEO of Roux Industries, and Anais Roux, a famous fashion designer, made her a very lucky girl compared to other people. She grew up wanting for nothing and had everything she could've ever wanted or needed. She was practically a fairy tale princess come to life. Thankfully, Emil and Anais were level headed, modest people, so their children didn't end up becoming entitled, spoiled, whiny brats.

Angela's childhood was spent on school, her family, her friends and the lessons she wanted (which included dance, voice, acting, modelling, piano, horseback riding, fencing, archery, painting, cooking, baking, ice skating and gymnastics; some were prioritized more - like voice, acting, modelling, piano - while others were just hobbies so she only took lessons every now and then - like fencing, painting, horseback riding). Her parents could tell their daughter was a performer at heart and encouraged her to do whatever she wanted. She never got the best grades in school, but she wasn't the worst either.

After graduating high school, Cheonsa made a decision to go to university in South Korea. Despite living in Luxembourg, she still tried to maintain her Korean roots - which is why she's a big hallyu fan. Her family was reluctant because they wouldn't be there but her determination eventually made them agree. She got into Korean National University of the Arts to study vocal music. One day, while shopping, she was approached by an SM scout. He told her that she would make a great model or actress and gave her a card. Cheonsa was disappointed they saw her as just a beautiful face and a good body. Yeah, she does love modelling and acting, but she had always dreamed of being a singer. She decided to audition to be a singer and was accepted. One thing though, Cheonsa didn't tell her family that she would be auditioning (okay, maybe it was a bit of a rebellion, but she wanted to do what she wanted without being afraid). Man, were they (though more her parents) angry. They didn't want her to be an idol or singer because their lives were hard - there would be haters, they lack privacy, sasaengs, basically, it was just too dangerous. Sure, her parents encouraged her performing arts lessons but they didn't think she would actually be a singer. Her brothers were more understanding though. Cheonsa put her foot down and told them that this was her dream. It took a week of constant arguments before her parents relented.

And so, Cheonsa's life as a trainee started. It was hard and exhausting. There were the trainees who tried to bring you down so that they could climb up. The lessons which tried her patience and determination. The teachers who were unrelenting and strict. However, she managed to pull through and was chosen for Neon Butterfly.

Yay Or Nay
the traits that define you
» Likes
  • Sweet Food
  • Children
  • Animals
  • Stars
  • Art
  • Music
  • Travelling
  • TV Shows and Movies
  • Fashion
  • Leather
  • Chokers
» Dislikes
  • Betrayal: If it's for a variety show, a role for a show or movie or just a fun game, then she's actually one of the first people to jump the betrayal bandwagon (except towards her own group, loyalty is important after all). In real life, however, she thinks it's one of the worst things you can do to a person.
  • Insensitivity
  • Loneliness
  • Her periods
  • Thunderstorms
  • Hospitals
  • Insects
  • Prejudice
» Fears
  • Being alone
  • Thunderstorms
  • Insects
  • Needles: The injections ones, not the sewing or knitting ones
  • Dying before accomplishing her goals
  • Becoming someone she's not
  • The people she cares about getting hurt and/or dying
» Hobbies
  • Cooking
  • Baking
  • Archery
  • Ice Skating
  • Gymnastics
  • Playing the piano
» Habits
  • Having chic, cold look expression: It's not that she
    means it, but it's just her default expression.
  • Twirling her hair: She does this when curious.
  • Placing an object in and biting it lightly:
    This has become her default nervous habit.
  • Playing with her fingers: This is a telltale sign that she's
» Trivia
  • She hates it when people think she's a stuck-up,
    spoiled brat because of her background. Not every
    rich person is self-absorbed and entitled.
  • She is the Queen of Hairflips.
  • She is very fashionable - and not just her clothes,
    but also her makeup, hairstyle and more.
  • She doesn't mind getting down and dirty. She
    thinks it's a product of growing up with three older
  • Sometimes, she just puts on toner, brushes her hair
    and wears simple clothes.
  • She is really fond of making food for the people she
    cares about. It's seriously a good thing that she's
    good at it or there would've been a lot of people
    dead from food poisoning.
  • Her twitter is @AngelMoon and her instagram is
    Angel Moon.
  • Her blood type is A.
  • She's known for her y body. Like, she has
    generous curves and long legs.
  • She is a huge VIP.
  • She wants to try acting and modelling (her acting
    and modeeling lessons would be hugely
    beneficial here).
  • She knows first aid and how to survive in the wilderness. She says it's useful for a lot of things,
    like surviving an apocalypse
  • She has an obsession for leather and chokers.
    She thinks they can be worn at any occassion given
    the right kind of styling.
  • She thinks her best features are her hands. She has those pretty and dainty-looking pianist hands.
Look at me now
I'm all fashion and glamore
» Faceclaim
ULZZANG NAME: After School's Nana
» Backup Faceclaim
ULZZANG NAME: Rainbow's Jaekyung, 9Muses' Kyungri, f(x)'s Krystal, SNSD's Tiffany
what is love
we spend our lives searching for it
» the basics
LOVE RELATIONSHIP PERSONA: The Sunbae and the Hoobae (a bit of "The Idol and the Fan")
LOVE INTEREST: Choi Seunghyun (T.O.P)
BACKUP: Lee Seunghyun (Seungri)

Seunghyun is known for his cool, mysterious image. He's also known to be a firece performer and a charismatic and great actor. His strong features and deep baritone voice makes him look serious and intimidating. He's also known for being fashionable and a lover of art and wine.

Despite all of that, he is a sweetheart who is caring, gentle and kind. He's also a kid at heart so he can be pretty childish and playful. He loves toys and crazy hats. He's also a modest and sensitive person. Seunghyun is also very hardworking and passionate. He's also a funny guy despite his serious look. He can be insecure at times and he's afraid of showing too much of himself to people. He can also be awkward, clumsy and shy at times. Also, he can be extremely stubborn and speaks his mind. Oh, he can be erted too (understandable, since he's a man). Basically, he looks like a tough, manly man, but he's actually a manly, teddy bear.


FIRST MEETING: The first time they met, it was during Big Bang's fansign event. Cheonsa was young and looked different due to lack of idol styling and obviously, Seunghyun doesn't remember her now.

BECOMING FRIENDS: The next time they met, it was backstage during Inkigayo. Big Bang had just performed and the accidentally bumped into each other. They both apolgized and went their separate ways. But then, they kept bumping into each other - even outside of music shows and broadcasts. In the end, they ended up becoming friends and exchanging numbers.

AS FRIENDS: They end up becoming great friends, which is hard since the guys in Big Bang don't do friendships outside of each other much. They like to joke around and buy each other presents. Since they're idols (and Seunhyun is a pretty recognizable star), they just kakaotalk when they're not on a music show or broadcast with each other. Seunghyun even introduces her to Big Bang, who accept her like a sister.

DEVELOPING RELATIONSHIP: The way they developed feelings for each other isn't sudden. It just grew slowly, taking its time. They were oblivious to it at first and everyone around them thought they either had feelings for each other or that they're already (secretly) dating. They only realized while hanging out with each other and think, "Man, it was so obvious, why didn't I realize?" Seunghyun isn't the type for relationships, so he's pretty serious of his feelings when he asks her out.

AS LOVERS: Seunghyun is the manly and sweet lover. He's really considerate and caring towards Cheonsa. He doesn't mind her talking to other guys as he knows she's his and that she's a loyal girl. He also likes buying gifts spontaneously. Other than though, he would be the weird boyfriend, cheesy, silly boyfriend that would make Cheonsa laugh a lot. He's also a bit of a (but hey, practically everyone is). Cheonsa is a sweet and considerate lover who likes to send encouraging and "how are you?" messages to her boyfriend. She likes doing small, but meaningful things with him and appreciates everything he does and everything they go through together. They love each other - flaws and all. They aren't the skinship type of couple when in public but you can definitely tell they love each other. In private, they like cuddling and talking with each other a lot - it makes their relationship stronger. When they argue, they would go to another place to cool off. Once they've cleared their heads, they would apologize and make a compromise.

END GAME: They end up a strong couple. And they get engaged and married yesss

thank you
just a few last notes
COMMENTS: I would've been done 3 days ago, but I had a bit of a difficult time because of the code, and my toddler cousin kept on pressing my touchscreen laptop and deleting all the progress I made on the app (I had to republish this blog a lot of times TT.TT). Mianhaeyo...
Haha, I feel like Nana's visuals wouldn't fit Neon Butterfly so please choose the one you like best in the backup face claims~ :D
If the plotline I chose is already taken, I'm cool with my character being another plotline - just changing a few things like love interest, age and face claim to suit the new one. Just tell me~
I also switched between Cheonsa and Angela sometimes since she identifies with both.
  • For her love life, maybe you can include T.O.P's impeding military enlisment? Like maybe that when he confesses to her or they're
    already dating by that time and it's just so sad and angsty.
  • Maybe Cheonsa gets an acting and modelling career?
  • Oh My Girl's Closer as one of their songs please.
  • A lot of the girl's friendships
  • Ships!
  • Neon Butterfly having their own show
  • There's a thunderstorm and Cheonsa's really scared and the girls comfort her.
layout designed and coded by flamzfox at Cerulean Themes


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