Help please!

Hi! gosh it seems I’m always asking for help lately T^T sorry.

But today I’m really stuck. For those who don't know, I have a SHINee story where the members live on another planet. On the planet, all people have wings. a.k.a Na'vi (like a bird or angel). Humans invade the planet and take over, enslaving, murdering and selling the Na'vi. 

my problem is...what should I name the planet!?




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Wookachu8 #1
How about Aviari? Sort of aviary but with an "i" . A place where winged creatures fly.
A name thaf popped in my head was Navisiida pronounced nah-v-see-dah...? I don't know haha! Just thought of something similar to what they're called to relate it all :p
Dowonpilravi #3
Helios? Dunno but Na'vi always reminds me of avatar where the name is pandora and yeah.... Greek religion
''The Big Blue''? xD
I thought about this title since you mentioned people have wings, like angels. Since angels are tied to Heaven(?) then I thought of 'The Big Blue' as the sky where they live and fly owo
Also, that story sounds very interesting ;w;
skoreafan #5
I'm sorry but I just got to mention this:
I'm sorry haha that's the first thing I thought of when I read your blog post (it's gfriend's song lol)
Anyway you could always just do with Na'vi Land or SHINee Planet, or like ShawoLand, or like Shiny, I'm sorry if my ideas
rddenthusiast #6
I believe something to do with "Na'vi", like you should make the planet name and the people's name relate somehow, you know?
Blackswan1118 #7
something like " matrix"...:D:D Just saying......may be you have a better idea
'the SHINee World'


Alas is the Spanish word for wings, so maybe it could be that? It's pronounced like 'Ah-lahs', the 'lahs' is how you would pronounce the 'Las' from Las Vegas :P
but maybe that's too complicated lol