Stressful Life

Okay, so here's the thing. Last week our school had a holiday on Friday, and we were supposed to use that day to revise, but I got sick and had a fever. What would your parents usually do? They take care of you and let you rest, right? 

But, oh no, I had to do my homework and revise my notes at a burning temperature of 101 Fahrenheit, which by fever standards isn't high, but I was feeling really dizzy and hot at that time, not to mention a sudden fit of coughs and sore throat that just don't go away. 

And when I felt so sick that I had to lie down, my mom just came and told me to either 1) sleep or 2) revise and took my phone away, to make me 'rest properly', but the thing is, I couldn't sleep even if I tried. (I finally did after fifteen minutes) 

So I spent the whole weekend sick. Great! I actually have doctor's certificate to have sick leave for two days (yesterday and today), but since my temperature had gone down, my parents insisted me going to school even though my cough and throat still haven't healed, not to mention my nose sprouted legs and started running marathons. 

So, sorry if I sound like a spoiled kid to you, but.....yeah 


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I hope you feel better soon ^^
aw i hope you feel better soon :CC <33333 i'm cheering you on
Stopthis #3
Yep you sound like a spoiled kid because if you're THAT sick that you can't do homeworks then you should sleep and get proper rest to get better and sorry darling but using your phone is no where near having rest because it actually worsens headaches and makes your eyes sore especially when you're sick. I don't see why you complain about something as logical as that ...
Take good care and may u get well soon.