I auditioned for something!!!

Okay, so, I'm not gonna mention what I auditioned for but it is totally something out of what I usually do and like, I'm just nervous af guys. Like, I want it so, so, soooo much but I don't know if all this needy energy will just end up making me not get it which would but it's just like, nervous/anxious butterflies in my stomach rn. Like, it would be so cool if I got in and I really want in but at the same time I'm trying to prepare myself to not get any news from it but I want to hope for the best ;A; I am literally driving myself up the wall thinking about it and I only showed a few people my audition, but I've been talking to it about literally everyone I know. The deadline for it is the 17th, and I figured with most competitions they're gonna wait to announce who's in because there's limited spots and they want to take in everyone who applied into consideration. But the 17th is so far away!!!  Okay, so, like, not that far away like three days away but it seems so long! My friend is coming down on Friday though so that'll probably help me calm down and tomorrow I'm going to be busy with school and whatnot so hopefully I won't think about it too much. See, this is why I'm reluctant to enter anything because then I just overthink about it. People who audition for things like plays and stuff, how do you handle the stress!!! Like legit, I have never been so anxious to be called back, not even when I've done interviews for jobs. Ughhh, I'm just tired of thinking about it so much but I've never wanted something so much to the point where I actually like put myself out there. You see, I am just a ball of anxiety, and I just don't want my efforts to go to waste ;; I want to keep a level head but it's just...it's so hard guys. Becuase one part of me is like "cool it, if you get it you get it if not it wasn't meant to be" and the other part of me is like "I WANT THIS SO MUCH I'D KILL TO GET IN" and there's just two extremes and unfortunately they didn't split the difference between them so it's just like, the two thoughts at constant war. I always do this and it , but only with things I want a lot. I just need to reign it in and hope for the best, which would be easier said than done if I had a job OTL We're not gonna talk about that though...anyway, yeah, just had to get this all out. I hope you're all doing okay! My life has kinda just been this thing and school. Just...so much school guys I am dead tired like all the time -_- but yeah I hope you're all doing okay! I might try and update my stories this weekend so just fingers-crossed that I get myself together lolol


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Good luck!!
All the best :)