
So.... I was walking home when this song came on: 오르겔 (orgel) 

The song is just perfect. 

The soft vocals and Minho's voice.... 

Though I believe that I have heard this Song before many times I don't think I understood how beautiful it is, because I was focused on other things like writing or my mobile. But when walking home , where I shouldn't concentrate on my mobile but on the road, I noticed it. After it finished I got a bit nostalgic and played 'Replay'

When I listened to that song prior to that day, I just listened to itwithout actually listening. Like yes, I hear it, yes, I know who sings which part, but no, I don't hear the beauty of it. 

The only thing I have to criticise about it are Minho's lines, or more the absence of them. 

Minho gets less lines than the other members in every song I've heard. It upsets me because his voice isn't only for rap. He can sing very well.

Well... this turned from a simple blog about two songs into a rant because of shinee's line distribution. 



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" jonghyun confirmed awhile back that the song (red; Orgel) is a fairytale / horror concept about a girl who is turned into a wax figure and placed into a music box."
Also found this. I don't know if it makes Orgel more beautiful or not.
Orgel is a beautiful beautiful song and although Minho has been getting more lines recently, it's still a little hard to distribute evenly.
But I understand you, Minho has a soft, deep voice that is extremely calming.
And well - Orgel should be appreciated a lot more than it is because it's amazing.

(I will admit that until I watched SWC4 I wasn't that hooked on Better Off but it has now become one of my favorites. It's just .. beautiful as well)