jung dori is trapped at 1759hrs

Trapped at 1759hrs
 - this is Jung Dori . 2-A . adaptable. ioi's doyeon As faceclaim-
“Not all who wander are lost.”
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I'll let you in

ENFP, Free-spirit, Curious, Observant, Friendly, Creative, Adaptable, Inspiring, Open-minded

Ambivert,  Emotional, Sensitive, Selfless, Perfectionist, Independant, Idealistic, Not Practical


“No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world.”

Dori is imaginative and open-minded, seeing all things as part of a big, mysterious puzzle called life and always looking for a deeper meaning to everything. She is warm and enthusiastic, living in a world full of possibilities and can become very passionate and excited about things. Her enthusiasm lends her the ability to inspire and motivate others, always making it her mission to bring out the best in others. She's a natural people-pleaser, but thankfully has already balanced the need to be true to herself and her need for acceptance from others, making her very well-liked by most of her peers. She tries to understand others and resembles a 'chameleon' in how she changes her way of speech and actions in order to achieve a satisfying conversation with other people. This, though doesn't mean that she is 'fake' or 'pretentious' as Dori truly finds herself most satisfied when other people are. Dori however, also has her own moments where she wishes to spend some time alone, shocking most people to how calm and peaceful she could get at times. She values deep conversations compared to shallow ones. That's why even though she gets along well with almost everyone, she keeps only those who matter close to her heart.


"I want so much that is not here and do not know where to go."


It is actually very easy to cause emotional turmoil in Dori, especially when addressing a part of herself that she is either very proud of in a negative way, or addressing the parts that she's very insecure about. The reason is because she is already aware of this, or doesn't feel accepted, and it's like rubbing salt into a wound or denying her the right to be herself. Dori is unlikely to go push other peoples buttons like that, and will most of the time feel really guilty and  apologize for it. For that reason, she can overreact when someone  point out her flaws or what she perceive to be a personal attack in any case, as she would never cause anyone willingly that kind of harm.  She is a perfectionist and hates to admit any mistake she makes; this causes her to stick along to bad situations longer than she should have. She believes anything is possible to be done as long you put effort into it, making her blame herself for not putting enough effort when she faces with failure.She also loathes being micromanaged and restrained by heavy-handed rules, wanting to be seen as independant of her own self. If you ever want her to rebel against everything you say, just tell her what to do. I dare you. Look down on Dori, shake your head disapprovingly and tell her that she's not being 'proper'. I promise you, the reaction will be worth it. I'm just not sure you'll be able to handle it. She isn't one to do well under any authority.


"The wildside of the world found and consumed me, and then spat me out in fear of my mad point of views."

those with mouth will speak
Kim Nara

Dori and Nara are best friends, it's fortunate that both of them started their second year as classmates. They've known each other since middle-school. Dori has always been the chatty one while Nara usually listens. With Dori's enthusiasm always on the loose, Nara herself finds it easy to share her thoughts as Dori would listen with interest.

"I'd like to see Dori as my soulmate, a best friend that I could not live without. She understands me so well and she always sees beneath the surface, I really like that about her. She has a beautiful mind and this wonderful enthusiasm that always inspires. Also, magical things seem to always happen with her around."

student #1 (POPULAR)

Dori always has a knack of attracting attention to herself. The popular students themselves enjoy conversing with Dori as conversations with her are usually light-hearted and fun. Balance always seemed to be the key for Dori. When she's with loud people, she'll tune in to listen. As for the quiet ones, she'll initiate conversations.

"Dori? It's always fun around her. Dori is always filled with ideas and she's so random that it's funny! There are times where I don't really understand her thoughts because she really thinks out of the box. Other than that, she's pretty cool, I guess. Though, I must admit, she has random moodswings and shifts between crazy and calm."


To those who don't know Dori well, her attitude can easily come off as superficiality, fake engagement, and wishy-washiness - in short, being shallow. However, her interest is real, and so is her care. Honestly, it'll hurt her a lot when someone calls her shallow because she is far more deep than she lets on.

"Honestly, she seems a tad bit too naive and idealistic for my taste, shallow even. She couldn't stop yapping around with all the random thoughts that comes to her mind and is a real scatter-brain. I really couldn't stand to see her procrastinate. Well, I guess what's good about her is her creativity and spontaneity."

Student #3

The people who stuck around Dori long enough would sometimes feel confused because of how contradicting she acts at times. It's when they think that they know her, they actually don't. She's so open yet so distant at the same time. One minute she's all friendly and engaging while the nect she'd be so aloof and guarded.

"Dori is usually all smiles and engagement when I see her, but extremely difficult to get in touch with to plan getting together. A lot of time she withdraws from others and prefers being alone. I myself call it her 'recharge session', maybe she's tired always engaging? In all, I personally love hanging around her."

           A Slice Of Life

Dori was content with her life until she started messing up just recently this year.

She knew she was smart and it was possible to do anything just as long as she put her mind to it, so something was definitely wrong when she realized she was struggling in school. Procrastination became her worst enemy and she had to hand in almost all of her homeworks late compared to everyone else. The enthusiastic and energetic self was soon replaced by a tired and exhausted student. She hated the fact that there was no one else to blame but herself when it came to her results and homeworks.

She honestly hated school, but she still wanted education. Everyday was a struggle for her to balance her time as she found herself biting more than she could chew with her commitments. Plus lately, she wasn't feeling like herself anymore. Well, she still acts like herself but she can't get the thought of her messing up her whole life out of her head. Not to mention, the little things she used to enjoy are no longer appealing to her. Nara has noticed her unusual personality but chose to not mention it anymore as Dori requested privacy when asked previously. Truth is, Dori doesn't want other people to know her thoughts and her weaknesses, she wants to figure things out by herself and quickly cover up whatever mistake she had made. She's honestly very embarrassed when people start to notice how her grades are dropping so very badly and how teachers have to always chase after her for late assignments. She's a good student who likes to learn but it just seems as if she could never catch up with her current studies, there are just so many subjects to care about! Everything seems to come at her at once and it's really overwhelming, even for her.

She seriously feels unsuited for schooling environment but since everyone is doing pretty alright, she couldn't just give up and call it quits just like that. Plus, when she told her parents about her thoughts on hommeschool, they simply started talking about how other kids in public schools could manage and how she should be able to manage as well. The fact that her parents compared her to other people hit her womanly pride real hard. So, she endured and continued to struggle with school, hoping that she could actually reach the point where she finally get her life straight. Until that time comes, she'll continue to drag herself to go through a never-ending cycle of exhaustation.


“I won't let schooling interfere with my education. It's okay, I shall either find a way or make one."

So, you think you know me

01. If you want to truly understand Dori, read her favorite poem, 'The Invitation' by Oriah Mountain Dreamer.

02. She's born on the February 14th, 2000 but would usually lie about her birthday being the day before.

03. Dori is a single child who is going to be a big sister soon. Her mother who is a housewife is currently pregnant with a baby brother while her dad who works in a famous company is decreasing the time of his shift so that he could be there for them.

04. Dori loves music and literature very much. She has a peculiar taste of post-rock for music and self-learns the guitar. She likes thinking of story ideas and plotlines, so she makes sure she carries around a notebook and a pen with her to write down her ideas once inspiration hits her. Not to mention, she also writes her own lyrics, not really reaching the part where she could compose her own song yet, but she's working on it!

05. She has never had a romantic relationship with anyone before but has had countless of unrequited affections. For now, she has had enough dose of rejection and refuses to care about relationship matters as she has to focus on school instead. Sadly, the girl is a hopeless romantic and she loves all the possibilities of being in a relationship would bring.

06. Thriller and mystery movies had always interest Dori. She surprisingly find pleasure in guessing who will be killed and who the murderer could possibly be. She finds horror movie to be slightly dumb though as she doesn't exactly believe in ghosts. To her, thriller movies are scarier in the sense where the enemy is a real human being that you could see, hear and touch. However, if the movie has a total y plot, count her out. Dori would only watch movies with a good plotline and an interesting background.

07. A random funfact, Dori snorts if she laughs too hard so some of her friends call her 'Snorty Pants'. Speaking about nicknames and names, a lot people would make puns about the cartoon 'Finding Dory' in front of her because her name is pronounced the same way. This goes as far as some people actually singing the song 'Just Keep Swimming' whenever she passes. Of course, she would sing along and play along with them, laughing because she herself found it pretty cute and funny.

08. She's into a lot of fandoms. She's pretty crazy about animes, even up to the point where she stalks voice actors (seiyuus) and cosplayers. Not to mention, she also fangirls over K-pop boy groups, her favorite being EXO. Please believe her when she says she loves all members or you would have to bear with her giving reasons to WHY she loves all of them. She also has a certain habit of watching western movies as they tend to have plotlines that mindblows you compared to most of the cliche Korean Dramas (not saying that all of them are bad because there are a few good ones). Because of all the fandoms she's into, she might appear as someone who knows a lot of random trivias and facts.

09. Joel Lee intrigues Dori as he is like a puzzle that she wants to solve. She noticed he was usually always deep in his own world, but never really approached him before as he was a senior and there were scary rumours around him. Though being usually very fearless to approach others, Dori's intuition made her know when not to stick her nose into other's people business. It was when he took a break for year, she actually almost forgotten about him. When he returned back to highschool the next year,  the rumours of him being even nastier scared her a little, but like her usual idealistic self, she wishes to see the best in Joel, thus, making her never truly too bothered with his existance, just curious.

10. Dori feels and experiences life on an incredibly deep level – she is constantly picking apart new experiences to decipher their meaning and to determine their significance. She may seem wildly extroverted to others, but she often feel the most in touch with herself when she is alone. Her own solitary world is where Dori goes to make sense of the life she is living and process what her experiences truly mean. This is because to her, experiences are not ends in themselves but vessels through which she can uncover deeper, more complex truths about life. Therefore, the more experiences she draws in and process in a meaningful way, the more fulfilled she feels.


* P/s: Backup faceclaim is IOI's Pinky. ;)


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