Hello There...

It's really been a while....


I’m not sure whether I should start this blog by saying “I’m sorry” or by warning that this might not make any sense probably? I’m not sure.

So to start off, let me say that I haven’t forgotten about my stories or AFF at all. I still think about my stories a lot, so it kinda makes me sad that I haven’t been doing anything with them lately (seriously they all should have been finished a long time ago and I’m kind of ashamed at that >_<).

A whole lot has happened this past year. To be honest, some of what has happened hit me pretty hard.

Apart from drama that has been going on with my personal life, I also had something that was AFF related. (I already blogged about that, not gonna bring it up again here). It was really hard for me to write after that, and to be honest I kind of started to hate my stories. But some of you lovelies really got me out of my slump and because of that I was able to somewhat start wanting to write again.

But even when I started updating my stories, I noticed that I wasn’t putting as much effort into them as I originally was, and I was always so afraid to post the next chapter of whatever story I was working on because I knew that compared to what people were expecting, the update was pretty terrible.

So I took a “break”. And that break resulted in me never even trying to write or update at all.

My list of reasons why I haven't been updating could go on and on to be honest...

But I really do want to start writing again. But now I kind of have this dilemma going on in my head: I'm not sure as to whether or not I should just delete my stories and start all over, or continue the ones I already have, but putting them as drafts so I can edit them and make them a little better. I'll figure it out eventually.

I really don’t have much more to say than that. But I thought I should give a little insight into what’s going on so thanks for reading.


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Hey girl,

So I take it you're back from Nigeria? How was your trip? Was the wedding nice? Hope you had fun!! :)

Ugh, I understand your dilemma. Perfectly well. My temp. job (which just ended last week) took up all my time this past year, and I just couldn't find the energy/motivation to write after coming home from work. And now S.H.E's 15th anniversary is right around the cornerand I have /nothing/. T_T (I had thought about redoing "Omne Trium Perfectum" entirely, but that is definitely out of the question now. >.>)

And then there's the 5-10 plot bunnies always jumping around in my head... gah. *swats*

Anyways, whatever you decide to do, I'll support you! Good luck!! :)
Hello! I'm Corinne. I changed my username recently haha.
How have you been?