Good news and bad news...

So of course I'll start with good news.

School ended last week!!!! So as soon as I took my last final I headed out of town for some peace. But I'm back home now. I plan for this summer to be unbelievably stress-free. So that means, I have all the time in the world to update my fics!!!!

Uh bad news is, I have no computer...well, I haven't had one for a while, but that problem was usually fixed because I would just use the ones at school...but I'm free from school so see my dilemma? (And my piece of junk tablet completely died a couple months ago, so I'm borrowing a semi piece of junk, which would explain why this post may have a weird format.)

But I'll figure something out,  I usually do...I think... but my stories aren't forgotten, okay?!

And on a side note, please tell me that there are still Fly to the Sky fans out there?




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Ahhh, the irony. >.> We live in such a technological world nowadays that being without a computer is pretty much the death of us. Makes me wonder how us 90s kids even survived without 'em.

Does your school have a library that's open during the summer? Usually if you have an account to the school's network, you still have access to it even when you /aren't/ at school. (It's what I did this year, since...yeah. >.>)

But anways, I hope everything works out for you! Can't wait to see your updates! :)

P.S. Can't thank you enough for...well, you know. ^^ Really, thanks. <3