Writer was Brave - Brothers Were Brave Process Blog #5

Hey guys, it's been a while. How have you guys been doing? I've been aight. Did you guys like the latest update? I haven't received any feedback from either of them. Well, maybe they weren't such good chapters since the story lost a subscriber.... Ah, well, can't please everyone.

I'm not going to lie, while working on the latest chapters, BWB went from having 44 subscribers to having 42, then back up to 43, and now back to 42. It really doesn't bother me how many people actually subscribe to the story or not. If I cared about subscribers I would have made the story subscribers only. 

What I do care about is what you guys think. I suppose having subscribers tells me at least 42 people like to keep up with Eun Mi and Taewoon. I've noticed that the comments and hits on the story are larger when there is a chapter in which Zico is heavily involved or in which he interacts with Eun Mi. 

I've had a friend tell me that she still hopes Zico and Eun Mi will be together. Her statement shocked me so much that I couldn't write for a day or two. I'm sure I've said this before, but in one of the early drafts of BWB, Zico was supposed to steal Eun Mi from Taewoon. That didn't work out. That was too awful. 

In another version, Eun Mi was supposed to fall for Zico. It was one of the earliest ideas that never made it onto paper of any kind. 

Honestly, I'm upset and disappointed in how some of these chapters turn out or read. I've thought about giving up at least once since BWB hit the one year mark. I'm reluctant to work on it sometimes. But I need to keep going, right? 

I'm worried that now that the antagonists of the story are coming into play and previously inmobile pieces are moving, you guys won't like it as much. But like I said before and like I keep trying to remind myself, not everyone will like what I write and that's okay. 

I don't plan any major changes to the outline I have of BWB as of now. But as stories sometimes tend do do, the characters might oppose what I have planned and hit us with something unexpected. They have a life of their own. 

Write you soon, 



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