Writer was Brave - Brothers Were Brave Process Blog #3

So, I'm stalling. 

It isn't that I don't want to write BWB. I have so many ideas for BWB and I am not lacking inspiration. What I am lacking is courage. I've reached that point on this journey where I am beginning to question the existence that is BWB. Questions such as: Will this story matter to someone? Does this chapter convey what I want to present? Is this story really worth it? Should I even keep writing?

Honestly, I check on it every so often. I see the view count increase, but then I wonder: how many of these are readers? How many are bots? 

Have any of you ever had that thought before? I used to write a blog and the views increased drastically once. I figured out that bots could do that. That's scary. It means no one is actually reading. It means that some strand of binary code or whatever is simply passing by your words without registering them. That's the worst kind of thought. I hate it and it makes me want to stop writing. 

Because Eun Mi deserves better... Because Taewoon deserves better... Because Zico has yet a long road ahead and deserves better....

I love my characters. I love writing. But even then it is still so easy to feel discouraged. The same thing happened with Enchantress (thought that work is many times worse than BWB). 

To those of you reading this, thank you for loving BWB. I can't say it enough. 

BWB, please wait for me. I'm coming. 

Write you soon,



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