Writer was Brave - Brothers Were Brave Process Blog #4

Hey guys!

How is everyone? It is currently Saturday night/Sunday morning where I am. My sleeping schedule is all sorts of messed up, I really should work on fixing it. Did you guys hear the news about Zico and Seolhyun. Were you guys shocked? I know I was. One of my beta readers' soul left her body, it shocked her so much. Honestly, most international BBC were wishing him well, saying stuff like "He's finally out of the studio!" and such. I don't know how Korean BBC took the news. Or how International and Korean Elvis reacted to it either. Let's be mature, good, healthy fans and send them both well wishes, okay? 

I mean, isn't that what Brothers Were Brave is all about? 

Anyway, I recieved a comment on BWB29 (Who Are You?) from imemyself07 stating that they were very curious about Eun Mi's past. As a writer, I can say that I am very nervous about disclosing her past. It's been hinted at, heavily, throughout the entire story, yet it's never been addressed in a straightforward manner. Eun Mi's relationship with her parents was, and still is, very complicated. 

The duality in the story is also sometihng that has been present from the very beginning. However, we have only just begun to scratch at the surface of who Eun Mi used to be before she was Eun Mi, before she even was Song Ma Ri. 

Another thing that makes me nervous is how long this is turning out to be. When I started this story, I never imagined it would be this long. I am jittery and anxious. I see the end and that makes me even more anxious. What will I do once I finish? Will it continued to be read? It's been a little over a year since I started working on BWB... the reluctance to leave it behind is something that is weighing down and interrupting my writing. 

I have started the next chapter. Which is something. Hopefully, I'll give you guys good news this coming week.

Write you soon,



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