being only good at one thing

I'm like, constantly reminded of this phrase 'jack of all trades master of none' and I used to think that applied to me, but to be honest I'm only really good at one thing. And notice how I say good, not great because compared to a lot of people I just feel moderately adequate. And it because it's really the only thing I've defined myself as, through art and my artwork, because I'm not really good at anything else. I struggle with math, literature even though you guys probably would have never guessed, and honestly every subject that involves critical thinking or any technical aspect. I think that's why I like art classes like painting, drawing, photography etc...there's really no thinking involved. Well, I mean there is but nothing that's like required in math or science. As I'm getting older; however, I'm starting to wonder if my passion for art is fading. Lately, I've been feeling pretty 'meh' about evverything and disinterested. I'm starting to wonder if I could really make it in the art field but then I realize that I have no other talents or abilities to fall back on. It's just that one thing, this is it. And I've come to far in art to really quit or think about changing my degree but it's kind of scary to think about because I guess the future is just scary in general? Like, I don't know where I'll be in a year from now let alone five. I don't even know where I want to be, all I know is that I want to be okay and happy but I have no plan. And it freaks me out because I always hear about the key to being successful is that you should have a plan. You should have small mini-goals in order to reach your main goal, but I'm just getting by in life. I'm just kind of going with the flow and I don't know if that's good or bad. I don't know, I just feel really...lost? And bored. Yeah, I guess that's really the only thing I'm feeling, maybe also slight disappointment :/


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cgao753 #1
NO MAN i totally get it i'm kinda in the same boat right now >_< although i guess i'm a little different since going to college has really helped propell me up and helped get me out of that a bit... like now that i'm somewhere new, i am really enjoying the freedom and the new friends and especially getting involved in a lot of classes and clubs! but yea during the summer i really questioned yanno what i was gonna do with my life.... like i didn't feel that passionate about anything except for being a lazy and sleeping and eating good food and watching fun kpop stuff XD

so i'm thinking the best way to help inspire yourself again, is to look for the inspiration. change something in your life (significantly would be the best way)... try to make your life more than just a routine... yanno what expand your branches and you might actually find some other great amazing thing you're good at... and just remember, if you want something you want to be good at, working hard is definitely how some people got to where there are now! not everyone really needs an innate talent to be good at a certain subject... so really try your best! other than that??? uhhhhh (lol idk i'm kinda tired ;P)
You're probably older than I am but I would be lying if I said I never felt like you did. Like you, I struggle with math and depending on the type of science, sciences. I'm average at art, nothing would ever make my art more interesting than the person sitting next to you. I love to write but I am terrible at it, there are so much better people out there. And often times, my love for writing wanes and I feel like the thing I was good at is uninteresting. I'm in my junior year of high school with no idea as to what I want to do. My passions, like I said before, often wane and it upsets me. Sometimes I get back into them. Few times I never do. Often times I feel like I am forcing myself. I want to help you, I really do but it's a constant struggle for me as well. I normally do go with the flow because I hate stressing about things, it really only leads to more stress and problems.