Hunger Games Fic!

Hunger games

Interactive game that involves the readers choosing what happened in each chapter! Here how to help me write the story!!


Phase 1

Picking the characters;

12 bands, 2 from each band. This can be girl or boy; it does not need to be an even ratio of genders. This does mean however, for this story, solo artist cannot be picked *solo arties can be picked in sequel *read notes for more on that.


Phase 2

Picking the teams and districts!;

This is where we can mix and match the 24!

Eg; District 8; EXO Xiumin + BTS Jungkook

EG; District 2; SNSD Sunny + VIXX Ravi

I will put up the district names to help with choosing ^_^


Phase 3

Picking alliances!;

This is where a group could be bad, or could be good. Some alliances will break, some will hold. Who knows! Who do you want saving your biases ? Groups can be large but no more then 7-8 because we can’t have all 24 of them walking around with each other

Who should not be in an alliance? Should district teams be together or should they break up or should they stay together until one of them kills the other?


Phase 4

The deaths!;

I will make this story no more than 25 chapters! Each chapter will contain one or more deaths after The Hunger Games start (a lot may die in the beginning slaughter) only 2 will come out (following The Hunger Games story line)


Phase 5

Interact with the author!;

At the end of each chapter there will be 2 polls; 4 choices of who will die next AND a poll for how they die. Depending on votes, the top vote for person and death, will be the way they die! some will be horrible, slow and gore galore, others may be quick and sudden and not painful/ish

Votes may be done also in comments! Comment who you want to live! Who you want dead! How you want them to die! (But leave a vote on the poll too just to be safe!) If you don’t like ideas I have, comment on how you want them to die, I may use in another chapter. Comment on how you want them to be saved!! Maybe they don’t die, but almost!  This story is done by readers, if you want your biased to be saved, better share the story and pass it to friends to save their asses!


Note I; districts- this is a Hunger Games themed/styled story. HOWEVER, may I bring it to attention that it does not mean district 12 will win! The person who wins will be dependent on votes and story flow.

Note II; this will have squeals as hunger games is 4 books and 4 movies, it will contain 3 sequels involving 3 other hunger games. No so much to the story line of hunger games as this is not ‘The Hunger Games story’ but resulting in the winner being thrown into another 3 hunger games traumatizing the winner for life XD so if your biased didn’t get elected to play this hunger games, he/she maybe in the next 3.


Note III; Co-author? Leave comment ^_-



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This is so totally awesome!!!!!
This is a really cool idea :D I cannot wait to read and vote on this!
This is kinda cold! Good luck :D