CORONA || BIA || Kim Cheonsa || BIA's Main Dancer, Vocalist

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Kim Cheonsa

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✩ "Angel" - it's the English translation of her name.
✩ "Angelic Princess/Princess Angel" - Like her brother Jin, Cheonsa can be so princess-like at times.
✩ "Dark Angel/Fallen Angel" - Since she's in BIA, where the concept are darker, she's a dark angel/fallen angel.
✩ "Byul" - meaning "star"; originally, her name was supposed to be "Eunbyul" (silver star), which Jin picked. Her brothers had gotten into the habit of calling her "Byul" during their mother's pregnancy that even when she was named "Cheonsa" they still called her that.

✩ "Cake" - Jungkook calls her this, a reference to the angel cake dessert.


✩ Korean - fluent; native language
✩ English - semi-fulent; Cheonsa knows that English is very much spoken around the world and is a medium for many people.
✩ Japanese - conversational; Her love for anime and manga caused her to learn Japanese
✩ Chinese - basic; She just started learning, though she puts more effort in her English and Japanese than Chinese.


✩ Cheonsa has many features that Korean females strive for: an S-line, pale skin, long legs, honey thighs, 11 abs and large (but not too large) eyes. Her type of body is fit y/healthy y - she's not stick thin but a thin that she got from exercising and dieting properly. Also, she has similar, plump lips with her brother Jin.


✩ Cheonsa is a very fashionable girl but to be honest, she doesn't have a set fashion style. The style of her clothes depend on the situation and place - grunge if they're going camping, sweet for a charity, prep for a more semi-formal occassion. The color of her clothes depends on her mood - vibrant when she's feeling happy, dull when she's sad, and more. One things that's set though, is that she'll always have accessories on her - especially a choker since she has a strange obsession with them.

"Annyeonghaseyo! CORONA's and BIA's Fallen Angel, Cheonsa imdina." *bows and smiles* "I hope you love our performance! *sends everyone a playful wink"

BIRTHDATE: November 18, 1997
BIRTHPLACE: Gwacheon, South Korea

FACE CLAIM: Black Pink's Jisoo
BACK UP: Black Pink's Jennie, MAMAMOO's Solar
HEIGHT: 169 cm
WEIGHT: 51 kg

Let's knowing.


+ Creative, Confident, Big Hearted, Loyal, Vivacious
+/- Passionate, Hardworking, Honest, Competitive
- Stubborn, Secretive, Cunning, Perfectionist, Narcissistic

Cheonsa is confident in herself. She knows what she's good at and how good she is at it. However, this can make her a bit narcissistic, as it makes her focus a lot on herself and brag a little bit. When she's passionate about something, she'll pour her heart and soul into it and work very hard, sometimes so hard that she hurts herself. Because she's so hardworking and passionate, Cheonsa tries to be the very best that she can - causing her to be very competitive when there's competitions and contests. She wants to excel in the areas she's good at and perfect them. Her perfectionist side makes it hard for her sometimes, as she feels a bit jittery around unfinished or imperfect work. Cheonsa is a big-hearted girl, she doesn't like it when people get hurt, especially people she cares a lot about - physically, emotionally, mentally, etc. She likes helping people, always tries to understand someone and never judges by appreances alone. Sometimes, she cares a bit too much but people think it's one of her charm points. No matter, how big-hearted she is though, she's a cunning person. She knows what to do and what to say to make people do, think or say what she wants. She can be very manipulative as a result - it's a product of being in the entertainment industry: it's either learn to play the game or watch the game play you, after all. Because of her cunning, she's mastered the art of 'silent rebelling' - she knows how to toe the line SM makes and annoying them without even crossing it. And despite being a huge sweetheart, she doesn't like broadcasting all her secrets to the world. She's secretive and tends to bottle things up. It's a bit in a twisted sense though, like something bothers her, she wouldn't say it but if it's about other people she'll immediately say something. But now matter how secretive or cunning she is, she's an extremely loyal person. You know you can always count on her. Cheonsa is vivacious. She enjoys life to the fullest and is always enthusiastic. She is also very stubborn - it's very hard to convince her about something unless you have irrefutable or very convingcing evidence. This girl is an honest person. She always says how it should be - though never insensitively or tactlessly. Sometimes though, people don't like hearing the truth. Cheonsa's favorite part of her personality is her creativity. She values her ability to think outside the box, her innovation, her resourcefulness and her unique thought processes.


Cheonsa was born to a pretty rich family with two loving parents and two older brothers. Her birth was pretty complicated and littered with problems - the doctors (including her own parents) had said she had a very low probability of surviving her birth. However, she survived against all odds and her parents decided her name should be "Cheonsa" instead of "Eunbyul" because she's their little angel from the heavens. Despite the fact that she was 6 and 8 years younger, respectively, to Seokjin and Seokjung, they adored their little sister a lot. They were quite protective of her too, but never smothering.

Ever since she was young, music, singing and dancing were her passions - though she excelled best in dancing. She would watch soloists, rappers, dancers, practically anyone whose involved in music. Minho and Narae could see that, and enrolled their daughter in dance, singing, violin and piano lessons. Cheonsa was so thankful they understood that she tried her hardest in school - she never did get the best grades but they were good enough so that she could have a stable future just in case her future music career wouldn't work out.

When Jin ran away from an SM scout, Cheonsa couldn't help but feel amused - and slightly exasperated that her brother didn't even try. She would've taken the opportunity immediately if it happened to her. In July 2013, a month after her brother's debut, she was streetcasted by SM. Originally, they wanted to place her as an actress and model, but they discovered her dancing skills so she was placed in the idol program too.


✩ Food // Like her brother, Cheonsa loves food a lot. They share the common trait of never feeling fully full.
✩ Children //  Whether baby or in kindergarten, Cheonsa adores them. She'd like a lot of kids in the future.
✩ Nutella // This is Cheonsa's favorite.
✩ Chokers // She has a strange obsession with them. She thinks they're timeless and can be used for any occassion. She also has her own collection of these.
✩ Leather // There's just something about leather that calls out to her.
✩ Purple // She thinks the color can suit any theme the best, no matter the sahde or tint.
✩ Anime and Manga // She's a huge fan.
✩ Ice Skating // If her first love is music, then her second is ice skating. She's had lessons in this too when she was younger.
✩ Hip hop // She got interested at a young age and admires a lot of hip hop artists. She can't help but hope that CORONA, specifically BIA, can have a hip hop sound.


✩ Hospitals // Cheonsa's truly grateful that hospitals exist but she just hates the fact that a lot of people are dying/have died in hospitals. She's afraid that the next time she comes to a hospital, it would be because someone she cares about is really hurt.
✩ Needles // Needles from syringes are the worst. Even if her eldest brother and parents are in the field of medicine, she would never touch it with a ten foot pole.
✩ Insensitivity // Cheonsa doesn't like it when people are being insensitive and inconsiderate.
✩ Being Lonely // She thinks being lonely is one of the worst things to happen to a person, even someone surrounded by friends can be penetrated by loneliness.
✩ Betrayal // Using someone and discarding their trust is one of the most despicable things a person can do to another. She's okay if it's for comedy and variety like in Running Man, but real life is a huge no-no.
✩ Haters // Why hate on people? It just creates another cycle of hatred.
✩ Making Mistakes or Doing Something Imoerfectly // Her perfectionist nature doesn't like doing any of the two.


✩ Cheonsa twirls and twists her hair when she has nothing else to do.
✩ She draws on her skin - washable markers, pens, the like. It could be a full on drawing or just a random doddle.
✩ She is prone to cleaning and arranging stuff when stressed, nervous or agitated.
✩ She is prone to tapping her fingers on the nearest surface when she's waiting for something/someone.
✩ She likes to cuddle someone when she's feeling down.


✩ Cooking
✩ Baking
✩ Photography
✩ Drawing/Painting
✩ Exercising
✩ Composing


✩ A lot of people thought she would've been in HEBE if she did get into CORONA so many were surprised that she was placed in BIA instead. People think she looks too sweet to be in a fierce group (she proved them wrong though :D).
✩ Her face is very versatile - light or no makeup makes her look pretty and beautiful while darker and heavier makeup makes her look fierce and strong. (Think EXO's Baekhyun)
✩ Nail art is something she's always liked.
✩ She has two diaries: one which is a normal diary and the other is her songwriting one.
✩ She wants to try songwriting, composing and producing in the future. However, since she's in SM, she knows it's a long shot for the management to let her compose and produce her group's tracks (but that doesn't mean she doesn't try).
✩ She really looks up to her older brothers, seeing them as both guardians and confidants.
✩ Her ideal type for a guy is older than her, who exercises, can draw well and likes music. For girls, it's a girl older than her, who likes sports, cooking and music.
✩ She loves sports and exercising.
✩ She likes to steal her group members' clothing and wearing them.

✩ Cheonsa knows a lot about her friends, even the littlest things. She knows that everything about them matters and tries to incorporate her knowledge into their interactions (like if someone is hungry and just had a demanding day, Cheonsa would whip up their favorite
✩ She's a skinship monster.
✩ Cheonsa's biual, though she leans more towards guys.
✩ Cheonsa donates to charities, though it's not much yet since she doesn't earn anything yet. She's hoping that once she's more successful, she can donate more money to many charities.


Father - Kim Yunho (56 - Korean, 55 - International) / Doctor / Funny, Protective, Caring / Yunho doesn't mind that his youngest children want to become idols. As long as they finish their education and save money from their idol career, then he's pretty mich okay with. Like practically everyone in the family, he's protective of Cheonsa. She loves him a lot.

Mother - Jang Narae (55 - Korean, 54 - International) / Doctor / Sweet, Kind, Caring / Narae is a kind woman who encourages her children's dreams (even when her two younngest chose the rather tumultuous career of idols). She just wants them to be happy. Cheonsa absolutely adores her mother.

Eldest Brother - Kim Seokjung (27 - Korean, 26 - International) / Surgeon / Caring, Funny, Protective / The dependable eldest brother, Seokjung cares a lot about his siblings. He reminds them to take care of themselves and that his phone will always be available if they need advice from him or just wants to talk to him. Cheonsa's always kniws Seokjung as her guardian angel above all else.

Older Brother - Kim Seokjin :: Jin (25 - Korean, 24 - International) / Idol in BTS under BigHit / Caring, Gentle, Protective / Jin is Cheonsa's favorite brother. He always protected her and is very kind and loving. He's told her that if she needs any advice or if the world of an idol is being hard on her that she can call him. It makes Cheonsa feel better that she has someone outside of her group and idol friends who she can understand the hardships of an idol.

Pet - Jjanggu / Family Dog / Lovable, Hyper, Protective / Jjanggu is the Kim family's pet dog. He loves Cheonsa the most (shhh... don't tell the others in the family) and is protective of her. He growls and barks at anyone not family and/or having dangerous intentions.

✩ Close Friends - Bangtan Sonyeondan / Idols in BTS under BigHit / varies / Cheonsa loves these lovable dorks. She thinks of them as her older brothers (with Jungkook being her best guy friend and crush). They're also her main inspirations in the idol world.

Close Friend and Group Member - Kim Minsoo / Idol in CORONA and BIA under SM / Funny, Easygoing, Boyish / Minsoo is one of Cheonsa's favorite unnies (though she claims to have no favorites). She unconsciously seeks Minsoo out a lot and looks up to her a lot. Minsoo is also one of her usual targets for skinship. Cheonsa also has a huge crush on her. Their pairing, Cheonsoo/Minsa, is pretty popular.

Close Friends and Group Members - CORONA / Idols in CORONA under SM / varies / Cheonsa's a pretty easygoing character so she's gets along with everyone. Sure, she's closer to some than others but she makes sure she has strong friendships with everyone.


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Stage Name : Cheonsa
Sub-unit : BIA
Position : Main Dancer, Vocalist
Back-up POSITION : HEBE's Main Dancer, Vocalist and Sub-Rapper
Persona : The Fallen Angel - angels are pure and innocent, not fierce and mature like BIA. There's also the fact that Cheonsa can be quite the narcissist, which contrasts an angel's humble nature.
Talent twins :
     ✩ Vocal twin - SPICA's Jiwon (Girl's Generation's Sooyoung); for back-up position: Oh My Girl's YooA (Red Velvet's Joy)
     ✩ Dance twin - BoA (missA's Min, f(x)'s Victoria or TWICE's Momo); for back-up position: TWICE's Momo (Red Velvet's Irene)
     ✩ Rap twin - for back-up position: Oh My Girl's Mimi
   ✩ Speak twin - TWICE's Nayeon (TWICE's Chaeyoung); for back-up position: TWICE's Sana (Oh My Girl's YooA)
TRaining year : July 2013 - August 2016 (3 years)
Training life : Originally, Cheonsa was placed into the acting and modeling programs but one of the dance teachers saw her dancing in an empty practice room. She was then placed in the idol program. It was a bit hard, since her brother had already debuted in Bangtan Sonyeondan and everyone knew it. SM is a pretty cutthroat place, so many viewed her as competition - after all, debuting a girl whose related to an idol can give a group so much publicity. She made her modelling  and CF debut in the year 2014. Despite having popularity as a model and a new CF face, music's her passion so she didn't attempt to drop out of the idol program. She was also placed in the SM Rookies.

Past Experience(s): 

✩ SM Town Live World Tour IV - As a part of SM Rookies.
Nikon Imagine Korea - Model for the new Nikon 1, J5
✩ Samsonite RED - with actor Lee Minho, both in tv and in print
✩ Angel Stone - CF

"School Oz" - Supporting role


✩ She and Jin dating? - Christmas 2014 // Jin and she had met up and just hung out with each other. A couple fans saw them and took pictures with captions about Jin going on a date with a mysterious and unknown girl in a baseball cap. All hell broke loose of course, as immature ARMYs called for her blood and hurled rude names at her on forums - though the mature ARMYs just took it in stride and congratulated Jin, albeit teary and sad. Jin had to explain on the group's fancafe and other social media accounts that the girl was his younger sister and that he did not appreciate what some called her. - false

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BTS' Jungkook (Jeon Jeongguk)

CORONA's and BIA's Min-U (Kim Minsoo)


✩ Jungkook's a shy kid at first but he can be pretty crzy and unpredictable. Lately, he's been opening up more and showing more of his personality to the fans. Like his group members, Jungkook is full of fun and energetic. He's a mix of a 'Golden Maknae' and 'Evil Maknae' in the sense that he's good at everying and that he can be such a savage towards his hyungs aka 'maknae on top'. As a maknae, he likes getting what he wants from his hyungs and would complain if they don't give it to him. He's a hard worker, as he started training young. He's also pretty competitive and cunning. Despte being quite childish and rebellious at times, he's a pretty sweet and caring guy. He's also full of charms. He also likes art, music and exercising.


✩ Cheonsa and Jungkook met when Jin introduced her to Bangtan Sonyeondan. They clicked immediately (much to Jin's utter horror and the rest of BTS' amusement) and hung out a lot that day. They exchanged Kakao IDs and would contact each other a lot. Much to BTS' and CORONA's frustration (and a hit of joy on Jin's part because 'that girl is my sister you guys'), both seem to be oblivious to each other's feelings, though they are quite aware of their own. Both are afraid to mess up a great friendship with confessing.
✩ Finally, Jungkook plucks up the courage to ask Cheonsa out (well, after asking permission from Jin, who rotated between 'protective oppa' and 'proud hyung'). She agrees and they decide to do a trial of two months, as they want to make sure that they can stay together for a long time and not because of some whim. They also decide to tell the public after the trial period, as they don't want to lie to their fans. The only ones who know about their whole dating thing is BTS, CORONA and their respective managements.
✩ BEFORE REVEAL: Cheonsa has a bit of a hard time convincing SM, before she takes advantage of their love for money. She reminds them that BTS is very popular and that they can gain more publicity for it. SM agrees and Cheonsa is a bit disgusted at them, but ultimately happy that she and Jungkook can stop being each other's secrets OR SM doesn't agree but Cheonsa and Jungkook still see each other and try to force SM's hand to let them date.

STATUS: Best Friends (for now); Not sure about the ending, you can choose. Heck, you can even let Jungkook and Cheonsa break up and get Cheonsa and Minsoo together if you want. Though I do prefer Jungkook and Cheonsa being relationship goals and staying together until the end but hey, it's you story.


Jungkook actually calls Cheonsa "Cake" (from the dessert angel cake) and she calls him "Kookie" to tease each other.
✩ Cheonsa actually tells Jin which members she thinks are cute. Her first bias was Suga before she decided that V was more her type but then Jungkook stole her heart.
✩ They Kakaotalk when Jungkook has the opportunity to.

✩ Jin's warming up a bit towards the idea of them dating each other, though his 'oppa' instincts want him to place Cheonsa far away from Jungkook while his 'hyung' instincts want to help his group mate get the girl.
✩ They have a lot of skinship going on.


Jaehime ✩ Kim

So it took me a few days to make it cause of school taking up most of my time. I had to make up a couple of stuff about Jin's family, like the parents' names, their ages, and their and the older brother's jobs. Some stuff was also guessed from various mentions of his family.
I'm also really torn over the face claim - Jisoo looks like she could be Jin's sister but she's too cute to be in BIA (she looked fierce in the MVs though) and I wanted Jennie cause she can balance being fierce and cute and I also love Solar so much. So since I'm ridiculously indecisive, I'm letting you decide author-nim. Seriously, I am.
And yes, Minsoo's her backup love interest ;D


✩ CORONA bonding moments

✩ One of the members in We Got Married

✩ CORONA in many variety shows (Running Man, Law of the Jungle, etc)





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