activity: seven out of ten
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zhang wenjing
//// compelling intoduction ////
full name / Zhang Wenjing ( 静张文)
other names / 
► XiaojingJing- used by almost everyone who know her personally- Jing means "quiet, still, gentle", a nickname that was given by her parent since she was a baby and soon used by everyone, though her friends often joke about how it don't suit her.
► Jingshen- used by her fans- Jingshen means "goddess jing", a nickname that was given by the devoted fans for the young girl.
► Juhua- used by Yixing- Juhua means chrysanthemum, the daisy-like with a typically yellow center and a decorative pompon flower symbolize optimism and joy, and that's what Yixing hinting Jing as.
Vampire girl- used by the members and ocassional by fans- she is originally very pale, with or without make up
AGE / 17
birthdate / 12/03/1999
BIRTHPLACE / Wuhu, Anhui, China
hometown / Wuhu, Anhui, China
FACECLAIM / Zhao Jiamin of SNH48
//// first impression ////
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visuals / Jing stands at 166cm and the last time she weight herself, she was 48kg. Average height for an Asian girl and skinny enough to be an idol. One thing to say about her is that her visual may or not be your cup of tea. Super natural. She has confidence with her bare face and often went out with only sunscreen and lips balm. Where did she get such confidence is unknown but she isn't totally ethereal as well, like she's on a blank canvas, or paper or something, she is very pale in contrast to her very dark hair and eyebrows with hint of brownish eyebags under her eyes. she does look like a ghost at some moment. Last but no least, may I add she have the 2 sets of sweet dimples on her cheeks.
Her style gives off calm and chic aura.  She have it simple with a single piece of statement, earphone and with or without sunglasses while out.  She dislikes those complicated style with bunches of patterns all over the places. Rather than mini skirt, short pants or anything revealing skin, she resorts to long pants. If it's hot, she will wear thin clothing of sleeveless tops, the pants still there. Becareful, she may gives off oppa vibe too.
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languages spoken / 
► Chinese- fluently- native language, this need no explanation, she was born and lived in area that spoken in mandarin, she also speaks cantonese but her mandarin is better than cantonese
► Korean- semi fluently- she has always have interest in Korean language and Kpop, so she had been learning the language before being a trainee, it didn't help when her cousin is a k-pop idol himself, for now she still get mixed the formal and informal way of speaking
► English- basic- she learned from daily life and random english lyrics in songs, there might be time that she will say, "oh -", "crazy", "this is no no no", "hello baby", "how do you?", "night!"
//// deep impression ////
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I wish I were a glow worm, a glow worm never glum. Cause how can you be grumpy, when the sun shines out of you bum?! Jing brings out the obnoxious in the group. She’s one of the funny member, the one that makes the tough times better with her lame jokes and loud rambunctious attitude. She is the boy-crazy, like the flirty girl in class that you sometimes wanna roll your eyes at but laugh at her silly antics. That's Jing from the first layer.

Trying to tame a free spirit is like telling the wind to stop blowing The key to her personality is that she is a free spirit. Conformation is her curse. Rules and regulations are made for other people. Restrictions will blow out the creative spark that is ready to flame into life. She must be free and uninhibited. Jing takes thrilling risks and burns the candle at both ends so she is fortunate to be blessed with good health. Not the most domesticated, Jing is more content out and about rather than at home. She is very adaptable and is fit for various things. Jing works hard, but would rather gives orders than receive them. She is attracted by the bizarre. She enjoys challenges, the feel of adrenaline pumping through her veins is a heaven. She keeps a very realistic perspective and tends to be carefree - perhaps too carefree. 

Don't be a , be a smartass Her pictureque appearance and natural beauty will probably make people underestimate her. Which is one of the biggest mistakes they can make around her. Jing is quite imaginative and always able to see new paths where others may run into brick walls. She is quite strong and she’s smart, she can easily come up with various plans to get out of certain unpleasant situations. And due to the fact that she’s patience, she always can wait long enough to make the right move at the right time. She has a very charming nature, and she knows how to use it when she needs to. Jing also has a very cunning side, shown when provoked. For example, if she gets too angry the tears begin to flow and never seem to stop until she is satisfied with bringing something down. 

Everything gets to me, I'm very sentimental Jing is sentimental at heart. She is quick to fall in love, but does not surrender her independence easily. Those who truly know her knows she is a loving soul who will become your best ally in times of need. Once Jing has given her friendship, she will not let her friends down and will never falter in her allegiance to them. To her, a friend is a friend for a lifetime. Jing is known for a trusting soul among her friends and members. Because of this honesty, she doesn't realize others may not demonstrate or uphold the same codes of ethics. 

Duh duh duh duh duh duh duh Jing is an extroverted bundle of energy, gifted and utterly irrepressible, also she is egotistical and love to be the center of attention. Modesty is not one of her assets. She is confident and fearless in the face of challenge. Because she usually makes it to the top. However, if anything don't go the way it should, her pride always impede her from accepting the kind of help from others. Jing hates being talked down to. It makes her feel like she is worthless and can put her in a state where she is completely frozen and feels as if her body is made of led. Sometimes she can overcome the words that are being thrown at her but other times she can’t. Adding that, she won’t be able concentrate really well after that.

I'm crazy, outgoing, single and freaking amazing Jing has good variety sense and her fans love her personality. Although her personality is not everyone's cup of tea simply because there are moments where she really has to turn it down a bit before she borders audacious, but overall she does seem rather cheery among others. Aside from her insanity, she is described by others as cute, sweet and patient. In fancams especially, others see her retain a smile even around the most annoying fans.

► One of ROTR’s biggest prankster. Please becareful with her, she is up to join forces for fun intention.
► Her favorite food is takoyaki. Although she is a chinese, she is really into that japanese dish, she used to buy takoyaki everyday.
► She came up with the stage name “Jing“. She thinks Jing is more promotable and commercial compared to Wenjing.
► She wants to pursue a solo career as an actress in the future. Although she love performing, she had a thought that an actress is good for far future.
► She attends art school and major in dance. She did hip hop, jazz and latin, as she still hadn't finish her major, she might be lacking.
► Her image is that of face and she’s known for her crazy, hyper, playful acts. The cliche reality of idols and the trainees.
► Her ideal type is someone who is kind and wise, and looks like the actor, Kim Soohyun. That's what she always say during interview.
► She likes to drink banana milk, and because of her there is a lot of banana milk in the dorm.
► She is very interested in composing. She composed few songs already since she started her training but never ever show them anyone, at least not yet.
► Her prized possession is her diary she keep.  In it she wrote down all her love, achievements, struggles, sadness, happiness and dreams.
► She once met Kim Soohyun during You Who Come From The Star promotion fan meeting. She was so happy that she ran around the parking lot after the meeting ended.

Hello world Jing was born in Wuhu on March 12th, 1999. She is the youngest child from three. She has two older brothers. She is close to her parent and they support her in everything she does, talking about being supportive and spoiling. Aren't there just thin line in between? 

Keep calm, it's elementary my dear Jing attended elementary school at Sacred Heart Convent since her whole family is Christian. Her concentration was Business Chinese. Jing was a cheerleader and she enjoyed participating in extracurricular activities including school performance. That's how she fell for performing art. She was mischievous but still a good student. She is active and she challenges herself and try to achieve whatever she want, any outdoor feet is actually expected more from her than from her brothers. It's a shame that she can't do any better in her academic field.

Modelling as a stepping stone Jing was scouted by a modelling agency from a young age of 6 though her interest is more into dance. She started to model for an online clothing shop. She gained moderate offers and was told to have a natural modelling talent. 

You're my first love The start of middle high school is totally unforgettable by her since she claimed to have met her first love. It was a feeling that she never experienced before. When she first saw that person, her breath stopped, she literally forget how to breath, that person was just too much for her. As cliche as it is, the extroverted Jing began to act differently around that person, being shy and giddy as they began their friendship. In the end nothing extend than friendship.

Everyday is a new beginning After graduating from middle school, in 2015, Jing went hiatus from modelling as she wanted to focus on her study first. Also, it's not a lie to say that she chose this because she've grown exhausted mentally and physically after having involved in modelling since a young age. She enrolled in the art school and major in dance.

I hated every minutes of practicing but I said don't quit One thing make her arrival in the school hype is that, it was known among the others that Jing is Zhang Yixing's sister, the truth is near, she is his cousin. She received love a hate for this. She is neither hiding the fact or even publicizing this to anyone, but fans are fast. Jing decided to work harder, to not disappoint her parents and to prove self. Hardship aside, she improved with sweats, tears and blood

All your hardwork will pay off in the end The latest she made her first television appearance after months free from modelling. She acted alongside EXO's Lay aka her cousin, for China's Cornetto ad. After the ad was released in May, ROTR's staffs got interested in her. 

relations / 
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► Cousin || Zhang Yixing (24) ||  Idol - EXO 
Yixing has a tendancy to trust people a little too easily. His parent had raised him to care about everything and everyone with sincerity. So even if someone has done wrong to him, he will forgive them easily. He can also get emotional easily. Certain things can trigger him to shed tears without a reason or he can get excited. He tends to hide from others whenever he’s upset. His mind is sometimes easy to wander into random thoughts when he feels bored, which is quite common for him. Also he is no so conscious of how people see him. 
Yixing is overprotective when it comes to Jing. He treats Jing with love and affection. Jing is one of his close and loved younger cousin after all. The girl is treated like his own sister. Except that Yixing is the best oppa, Jing often compares and brags about Yixing in front of her biological brothers.
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Mentor || Huang Zitao (23) ||  Idol - Soloist
People's first impression of Tao can be to so utterly, completely, horribly wrong. Especially one that wasn’t really keen on the ‘bad boy’ attitude. When the truth is Tao is hands down the most emotional boy in real life. He really seems to carry an awful lot of pain from his past, and this is all abundantly clear since he really can’t hide his emotions. He is a guy who just lets the tears flow when they come, and refuses to be fake. Everything you see of Tao is 100% real. He wears his heart on his sleeve, and is constantly raw, open, honest and vulnerable. 
The fact that Jing is Yixing's cousin does mean something to the unit leaders, but it isn't that big or obvious. Tao at first try to not be too close, and act like it isn't awkward. But as time passes, Tao sees Jing as a much younger sister, like how he thinks of the others in performance unit and Jing sees Tao as a much older brother who is easy going and the girls sometimes took advantage of that. Tao doesn't seem to mind much. 
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► Bestfriend || Ju Xiayi || 17 || Student
Xia is extremely shy, but always give her love and care to close ones. She adore music and dancing. She is eventually very open to new knowledge and experience. Kindness. Xia too grew up looking at the good side in people, since the dark side never  interested her. She is always helpful and naive, it isn't all good for herself since she will be used occassionally but she failed to realize. 
Definitely, Jing is the first one to talk to Xia but they don't have any trouble interacting afterward.  They grew as close as sisters, despite being the opposite. They share the same love for music and just like puzzles, completing and filling in each other. Eventually Jing will scared the people who were using Xia before, she don't give a shxt to what they said, isn't bullying deserve to get hate more than protecting a friend?
//// own the stage ////
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PERSONA / The Chrysanthemum
UNIT / Performance
Talent twin / Zhou Jieqiong - vocal + dance ( Chou Tzuyu - vocal + dance )
vocal skills / 4 out of 10
rap skills / 2 out of 10
dance skills / 8 out of 10
name of company / Mnet Audition
Training years & training life / Jing was contacted by ROTR staff for June 2016 audition, truth to be told, it wasn't only because of her visual and talent, but her status as the cousin, MNET can be sneaky and ruthless, say what you want, but they wanted one or more things to boast their rating. The were many possiblities but Jing decided that she should join, it's a golden chance. She dances Full Moon and sang The Sakura Petals.
past experience(s) / past scandal(s) / 
► She was a model and appears in television several times, but not that super popular, there's many pretty ones after all.
► She was the lead girl for Cornetto ad in China, it was out since May 2016. one two, this was the period when more people know about her relationship with Yixing.
//// i love you ////
love int / one of the oc in ROTR
backup / i just swoon by how gay produce101 was
nickname(s) / 
► n/a
personality / 
► n/a
trivia / 
► n/a
love story / 
► n/a
status / friendzoned
//// grand final ////
final words / Feel slight guilty for using another layout- but then I'm relieved to finally done with the app! Hahahaha I hope she is not that perfect or mary sue, I'll wait for your review and try my best to fix things!
scene reqs / 
► jing had serious stomachache that turns out to be gastric and she need to go to hospital for check up.
► one of the contestant hear song from a practice room but see no one there, when she peaks inside, she sees jing, sitting down hugging her knee at the corner, crying. she is frustrated with her practice. (let it be the ship ;;)
password / i'm in love and I need to recommend this to you xD
cheat sheet


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