❊ ARORA ❊ Plotline #4 ❊ C-Rin ❊







C-Horse - Her attitude on camera reminds people a lot of J-Hope, hence the reason why fans call her C-Horse. (C-Horse also stands for a "sea horse")

✩ Canimal - Because she imitates animals a lot. Her favorite imitations are seaguls, seals, dolphins and horses.

Weirdo - She's not only the Happy Virus on Stage, backstage she has some pretty weird habits that caused her to be named a weirdo by not only her friends and co-members, but also the bighit staff.

Busan Squad Girl - Among the BTS members, Jimin and Jungkook are called the Busan Duo. Together with Chaerin, they are the Busan Squad.



Korean - She's Korean... do I need to say more? Oh well, she sometimes love to speak Busan dialect.
English - Intermediate, maybe a little better. It's not perfect but she could survive a week in the US.



✩ Chaerin can definitelly be counted into the rows of average looking idols. She's neither chubby, nor she is too skinny. As a dancer she has a pretty muscular body, though. She also doesn't have the typical ideal idol face. People don't consider her as overly pretty but she has her very own charms. Her expressions make it easy for people to read her mind. She's basically like an open book. A derpy, open book.


"My clothes?"

✩ Anything that's comfy. Chaerin loves it comfy, so she can move freely as she is dancing 24/7 and can't stay still. She also loves snapback caps and the color combination black/white. If she doesn't wear comfortable clothes, she can be most of the time seen in either Jeans clothing or leather. Her favorite fashion accessories besides snapback caps are choker necklaces and a pair of beautiful sneakers, combats or Converse High. 

BIRTHDATE: 05.2.1994
BIRTHPLACE: Busan, South Korea


FACE CLAIM: Lee Ho Jung +  gallery
B/U FACE CLAIM: Ham Eunjung + gallery
HEIGHT: 1,63 cm
WEIGHT: 50 kg





° [ + ] passionate EMOTIONAL cheerful bubbly | LIVELY

° [  compassionate derpy | SASSY persistent hard-working 

° [ - NOISY naive clumsy acts before thinking things through | emotional



WHAT'S THAT WEIRD SOUND? OH, THAT'S JUST CHAERIN. Fluffy weirdo - ball Chaerin is best known for randomly jumping around, making the weirdest noises and either laugh or sing 24/7. She can't stay still, she can't be quiet...oh yeah, she can be absolutely annoying to her band - and also labelmates. She's a 5-year-old kid, captured in an adult woman's body. Okay, sometimes she can be just like her age as well... but she prefers being all lively, happy and - of course - weird. It's level Chaerin. Anything but normal.

ON THE ROAD TO DISASTER. Among all the Arora members Chaerin is probably one of the most emotional ones. She's not crying a lot but 99% of whatever she does happens because she doesn't think about what she's doing and instead does whatever her heart tells her to do. And if it calls out to start a fight with someone, oh yeah, she can even do that. It's her best and worst trait at the same time as she can be a person fully devoted to something, being all loving and caring but at the same time her weakest point as it makes her really vulnerable and sometimes even predictable to others if they know her well enough. If she gets seriously mad, she needs someone to calm her down again and hold her back, otherwise she might go berserk and do stuff that will have a bad backlash on her. 

I'M NOT A GIRL, NOT YET A WOMAN. Even though Chaerin is one of the older members, she acts like one of the youngest. She is noisy, playful and naive. Really naive. Naive and compassionate. People can easily prank her and tell her stuff that's not true, she would still believe it. She once found an article on facebook about Yoongi wanting to leave BTS and when she asked him, he took advantage of her naivity and pretended he really was planning to leave the group. Chaerin believed in it for almost a month, being all wrought up because of that. Besides that she's a person who cannot be serious for too long. She is a natural derp, open to the extent that people can read her like a book AND she is clumsy. Oh yeah, hella clumsy. She might be overly skilled in dancing and gaming but she is able to drop anything. Knives, phones, food. Good thing something like the 3 seconds rule is existing. Otherwise Chaerin would be starving to death.

WORK COMES FIRST. There's just one thing she's absolutely serious about: her dream. She would work overnight, skip meals and whatsoever everyday if it would help. Her life motto is "Get rich or die trying", so she thinks that everything can be achieved with hard work. The bad thing with it is that if she fails, she falls into a deep whole of despair and depression, not knowing what to do and what the sense of her life is anymore. Whenever moments like that apear, she tends to do really stupid stuff. Stuff she regrets later. Stuff that could change her life.


I'M NOT LIKE THE OTHERS. Chaerin grew up in Busan, raised by loving parents and besides an older sister, Chaeyeon, who stanned boygroup H.O.T. Thanks to her Chaerin got to know about K-Pop groups during a very young age. And she found her destiny in it. As she had never been a very diligent student and her grades were pretty average, maybe even a little below, there was no hope for her attending one of Korea's top universities and neither her nor her parents knew what to do about her future. Anyway, there had always been her passion for singing and dancing. Therefore her parents let her audition in 2010 and sent her to Seoul to be a trainee under Bighit Entertainment.

DREAMS VS NIGHTMARES. As there has always only been Bighit Entertainment for Chaerin, the fear to fail and not to debut was huge. Chaerin never attended any university, she barely made it through High School. After years and years of training but never having any success, her parents started worrying a lot, asking her to come back to Busan. But Chaerin never gave up. She once wavered, contemplating about maybe joining her boyfriend's road in life but luckily things came different. However, the fear of not being successful is still deeply anchored in her.



✩ Dancing & Singing, the two best things existing
✩ Eating & Sleeping, right after the two above
✩ Rapping, wherever, whenever, at any time
✩ Getting to know new people, because everyone has his or her own story
✩ Youtube videos, she loves funny things and videos - best combination
✩ Video Games, her weak point. She loves gaming.
✩ Ez Twins and Kinjaz, her favorite dancers
✩ Valentine's Day, White Day, the whole super cheesy program. She doesn't look like it, but these romantic things are bae.
✩ Pokémon. Yes, definitelly Pokémon.
✩ Huge fan of male actor Kim Jisoo (she would kill to get a meet&greet with him)


✩ Red Beans
✩ Buses in Seoul... she rather goes on a rollercoaster trip
✩ Superficial people
✩ Being compared to others, it gives her the feeling that her skills are lacking big time 
✩ Monkeys, OMG stay away with these animals, she's got a giant phobia!!!
✩ Horror movies. Who can sleep after watching them?!
✩ Malicious comments; oh yeah, this gurl over here as a fake account to comment back!
✩ Cooking & Cleaning, she can't cook at all and she hates cleaning
✩ Driving, she's just not made for it and when she's driving, she screams and scares the others in her car
✩ Winter, too cold, too wet, too bothersome


✩ Queen of random soundeffects
✩ Beatboxing, even though she's not that good at it
✩ Video games are bae; she plays them whenever she's got a free minute
✩ Social media junkie, she spams almost as bad as TOP. Her instagram, twitter and snapchat are basically overflowing with videos, photos etc
✩ Chaerin tempts to overdo things and goes over the top a lot, like for example undressing herself when she's asked to be y
✩ She randomly starts reading out fanfictions about people she's with right now (if they're idols)
✩ Always late. ALWAYS.
✩ Her not so hidden talent and habit is to imitate animals
✩ Singing. In the rain. In the morning. In bed. In the shower. On the toilet.
✩ She runs in circles when she gets nervous and talks to herself


✩ She cannot eat properly and drops everything if she doesn't smear it around
✩ 24/7 broke
She bought a pet for the members and herself. A plastic goldfish in a glas of water which they call 'Kim Jong Fish'.
✩ She can fall asleep everywhere
✩ She doesn't understand irony or sarcasm
✩ Once randomly started singing "What does the fox say?" during a variety show and changed the lyrics to "What does the seahorse say?" because she was wondering what it actually sounds like
✩ Since she's one of the older members and the girls know she's dating Bongyoung, they often ask her for advise with males or tips and tricks how to make your boyfriend happy.
✩ She's super bad at calculating and maths in general
✩ If she ever gets a dog, she'll call it 'Simba' and sing 'The Circle of Life' while carrying it around
✩ Messy, oh yeah...really messy. Her room looks like someone robbed her



✩ Boyfriend - Park Bongyoung (25) / 1Million dance instructor & Bighit choreographer and dance trainer / open-minded, kind - hearted, hard - working / couple since 2012

It had taken Bongyoung like forever to convince Chaerin to join him at 1Million to teach a choreography together to his students. Especially a couple choreography like Justin Bieber's "Company". All the time Chaerin had refused to come out that way as she had claimed that "something like that is no good for my career. It might cause disadvantages if the company finds out. And what if anyone finds out about us dating? I don't want to make it public...!". Why Bongyoung had asked her at all? Among all the trainees she was one of the best, that was for sure. But Bongyoung already had seen a lot of trainees' dreams shatter... and as it seemed for Chaerin, that certain dream of debuting moved further and further away from her. Many times he had already asked her to drop out and start as a choreographer, just like him. But she never gave up. She was a fighter. All the more he was surprised when she suddenly agreed, seemingly haven given up on her dream of becoming an idol for good. And that meant that she was maybe ready to go the next step in their relationship as well. The age difference wasn't even that big but as Chaerin was still in her early 20s, Bongyoung could see the end of his 20s very soon. And he had always wanted to marry around age 27/28 the latest. If she was ready now, why not? They had been dating for quite some time anyway and he couldn't imagine being with someone else ever, either.

So, just like always he made his way to the Bighit training quarters... just with one difference. One addition within his bag. A ring. He had decided to pop the question, get her out of the cruel idol industry and start a decent but happy life together with her. 

"Hey everyone!", he greeted the group of female trainees, each of them already being busy with their warm-up. His very own girlfriend in between the trainees, of course. A giggling was like always running trough the rows when he was smiling at Chaerin before they started. The Bighit trainees were like a little family, therefore Bongyoung's and Chaerin's relationship was a pretty open secret. And since Chaerin was one of the older trainees and just like Bongyoung the others didn't really expect her to ever debut, nobody had ever complained about them dating in secrecy. And nobody had yet the urge to go and tell one of the other staffs about them. Because nobody expected her to be a serious rival in the competition to debut. However, today would change everything. Unfortunatelly not the way Bongyoung had planned.

When one of the Bighit managers suddenly interrupted his class and called some of the girls out, he was already preparing himself to comfort Chaerin after today's schedule because he was sensing them to be dismissed from Bighit. But then also some of the more promising girls were called out and it slowly dawned on him that maybe something completely different would happen. The girls soon entered the dance room again with shocked expressions. "What's wrong?", one of the other trainees asked curiously. "They'll let us debut!", Chaerin voiced out, still too shocked to realize what the girls had just been told. Bongyoung's mouth dropped open the moment the news reached his clear mind as well. They would debut. That would mean...

A relationship with an idol. He wouldn't be able to propose to her. For now. And it wouldn't only be Chaerin who would struggle with the question if she could go on dating Bongyoung or not in the future. It was also Bongyoung who would have to ask himself: Would he fight for their future together? Or would he back out to let the love of his life rise to stardom and fame?


✩ best friend - Jeon Jungkook (18) / BTS member / Who does NOT know the Golden Maknae? / best friends since trainee days, they act like brother and sister and even share food and drinks

"Hey, I just found something super interesting!", Chaerin mentioned when she was sitting next to Jungkook, Hoseok, Jimin and Namjoon in the BTS practice room. It often happened that they ended up spending time together after schedules were done and the BTS members were still practicing in their room. They were just taking a break when Chaerin was browsing through something on her phone. "New rumours?", Namjoon asked, Chaerin already being prepared to tell the others what was catching her attention. "Jungkook was looking at Jimin with big eyes. 'Give it to me, hyung.', he begged, the sweat pearls on his chest glistening in the dimmed light of the room. 'You want me to go de-?!'", she was reading out loud when Jungkook already jumped onto her to cover with his hands. "OH MY GOD, CHAERIN!!! NOBODY WANTS TO LISTEN TO THAT!", he complained about her. "Your addiction for fanfictions is unhealthy!!!", he even hissed. "And why is it always us...?", Jimin whined. "Why are you only reading our fanfictions?", "Excuse you?", Namjoon chimed in. "Do I need to remind you guys about her reading out that story about Seokjin and me in the kitchen?" The guys all made faces. "NAMJOON, NOOOOO!" 

The guys started to break out into a war-like discussion about the different types of fanfictions existing when rescue arrived in form of Yoongi, Taehyung and Seokjin. With bags full of popsicles they had returned from their small trip to the convenience store nearby when they just ran into the fanfiction discussion. "Oh no, not again!" Yoongi was almost halfway out of the door again when he caught the words Jikook, Namjin and Sugakookie. "Chaerin, don't you want to buy some popsicles for your group as well? Jungkook, go together with her so she doesn't have to go alone!", Seokjin rescued the guys by sending the troublemaker plus best friend outside. Jungkook was about to protest as he wanted some popsicles they had just brought but Yoongi knew how to handle the maknae and just threw two popsicles towards him, he and Chaerin could eat on their way out.

"See what you did, because of you we got kicked out! Will you ever stop with these fanfictions?", Jungkook complained, taking  a bite of his popsicle. "Never!", Chaerin answered with a big grin. "Don't you think it's interesting? I think it's cool to know what fans think about us." She shrugged and also took a bite of her popsicle, then both of the youngsters looked at each others eyes and without even needing to say it, exchanged their  popsicles to try the other one's flavor. "I swear if I ever find a fanfiction about us two I will kill myself.", Jungkook suddenly mentioned and broke out into a shiver. "Ewewew! Why do you say that! Oh my god, Jungkook, you're gross! That would be like...!", she agreed and also shuddered. "But you never know what fans think... maybe we will make a lot of people's ships float!" Chaerin started to laugh again and shook her head about Jungkook's assumption. "Aww, Kookie. You underestimate the power of BoyxBoy. There is nothing more floating than these ships. Just accept the fact that you will always be imagined all sweaty in bed with-" - "STOP IT FINALLY!"

rising stars be like...



POSITION: Main Dancer, Sub Rapper, Sub Vocalist
BACKUP POSITION: Lead Dancer, Lead Rapper
VARIETY PERSONA: If there's something Chaerin doesn't know how to do then it's how to shut up. She talks a lot, especially during variety shows. And she doesn't really know her limits and often starts talking about random or weird stuff, resulting in others to laugh about her behavior. She also randomly dances and raps and is (in-)famous for her many derpy expressions which she cannot control. People easily read her mind because of that and during variety shows, she's often seen with those 'What the heck?', 'Oh please nooooo!' or ''Awwwww, dayum!" faces.

PRODUCTION TALENT: Chaerin will mainly work on the choreographies and every now and then help writing lyrics or try harmonizing background vocals etc. Besides the dancing and music aspects, she will be more likely to represent Arora in a lot of variety shows.


✩ SINGING TWIN - yayesther
RAPPING TWIN  - yayesther
✩ DANCING TWIN - 1Million Tina (the girl dancing with Bongyoung)



Chaerin started as a trainee around the same time as the BTS members (except for Jimin who joined only one year before their debut). Therefore she is very close with all of them, especially Jungkook since both are from Busan. In the beginning Chaerin had a really, really good time, being full of hopes and her dream of becoming an idol. But after BTS debuted and her debut still seemed far, far away, training got harder and harder for her - even with her boyfriend right by her side. The Happy Virus got step by step more and more frustrated, keeping a smile on her face but feeling all sad and disappointed in herself deep inside. She thought about dropping out multiple times but stayed and when she almost gave up on her dreams, Bighit finally announced that she would debut. 

The young girl always got along pretty well with other people, at some point believing that she was only kept as a trainee at Bighit because she was a genius in brightening the mood and helped encouraging the other girls to stay and work hard. At some point she even thought that Bongyoung asked the Bighit staff to keep her as a trainee and not kick her out. In fact he never did something like that but after a while of not having any success, Chaerin started imagining the wildest things.



✩ After she was informed about being able to debut, Bighit offered her to take part in many projects. Therefore she appeared in Zico's "I am you, you are me" MV, in K.Will's "You don't know love" MV feat. EXO's Chanyeol and also took a photoshoot with VIXX' N.



✩ Before debut, she released a dancing video together with 1Million's Bongyoung which caused a lot of people to wonder if they were dating and who she is. After she appeared in several MVs and photoshoots, fans already figured that she must be a soon-to- debut idol. However, there are lots of people who still claim Bongyoung and Chaerin are dating, while others keep defending both of them (mainly Bongyoung fans). Chaerin officially states that they are not in a relationship (which will make him pretty angry, though. He understands that she has to say that but still... love isn't easy and makes people mad easily.)

✩ (if you decide to let Bongyoung propose to her and she accepts at first) After accepting Bongyoung's proposal, Chaerin is seen with an engagement ring and people go crazy over who her fiancé might be, the rumors about her and Bongyoung reappear over and over again. Nevertheless, after she breaks up with him because she's not ready to marry early and the ring disappears again, fans are going berserk over the fact that she used to be engaged but is no longer. 

✩ Because of her close relationship with Jungkook, people start thinking she and her labelmate are in a relationship. She'll receive a lot of hate from hardcore ARMY's, especially Jungkook stans, to the extent that Jungkook has to officially make a statement and ask people to stop bashing her.


What i am


Please introduce yourself:

✩ "AAYYYYYY, C-Rin back in tha hoooouse!" - "DON'T EMBARRASS US AGAIN, CHAERIN!!!" The yells from the other members behind her were cutting her off before she could even finish her planned introduction. "Uhm... ohmaaaaaaaan! Now I forgot what I wanted to say...dayum..." Her expression was like always showing how she felt. (D:) " Ahhh...whatever. Hey, I'm Arora's Dancing Machine C-Rin!"

Why have you decided to become an idol? Why have you chosen bighit ENTERtainment?

✩ "I can remember my older sister stanning H.O.T like crazy. She was listening to it throughout the whole day, so I started a liking for K-Pop as well. I liked how the people were celebrating and singing and dancing along to H.O.T's songs, so I also wanted to be like them. I can remember that back then in elementary school when all the other girls wanted to be a princess, I just wanted to be a singer, dancing on a big stage." Chaerin sighed and drifted away into her thoughts about the past, obviously enjoying it. ( ゚ヮ゚) "Oh! Uhm...yeah! Why I chose Bighit? Because they accepted me, of course! There were just a few companies even giving me a chance, maybe I was too ugly...who knows." (-゜) "Oh god... I hope it was not because of that..." (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)

How do you feel about debuting? Do you think you're ready?

✩ "Uhm, hellooooooo? I would have even debuted with BTS if I could have. Of course I am ready. Excuse you? Hahaha. Everybody, beware! We're coming and we will slam open the doors to your hearts!"♪~ ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ

there are some controversies regarding your debut. People are saying Arora is trying to ride on the success of bts, and that arora is modelled to be bts' female copy. Any thoughts on that?

✩ "Oh, wait, WHAT?!" ┻━┻ ︵ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵ ┻━┻ "Nooooo, we're not a female copy! We've worked just as long and just as hard as them and even though if we're similar doesn't mean we're a copy! People should first check out what we do and then judge! And who knows if we even get popular or not? Nobody can tell until it happens. But I guess even if we flop, people will say it was because we were a 'female BTS copy'. That's how it is. There will always be people to say stuff like that. But we will do our best to prove them wrong!" ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ

is there anything else you plan for your idol career other than arora?

✩ "Acting!", one of the other members shouted ironically with Chaerin immediately looking back at her in pure devastation.           ( ⚆ _ ⚆ ) "Oh my god, please noooooo! My acting skills are horrible! If I just imagine trying to keep a serious face or stuff...I can already feel my face muscles protest! But I would love to be a MC. MCing always looks fun! But besides that I think I will be so busy with Arora, I doubt I will have enough time to do anything besides that."

anything else you'd like to add?

✩ "Please give Arora lots and lots of loooooove! We've been working for this for so long, we will try our best not to disappoint you! - This was it, over and out! This was Arora's C-Horse!", she shouted enthusiastically and imitated a horse in the very end. The other members suddenly jumped up their seats, running towards her and jumping onto her to cover and drag her away. "CHAERIN! STOP IT NOW!"




who i love





✩ On stage Jimin can be some y beast, his overflowing charisma stunning not only fans. But how does he act when the cameras aren't around? Being forced to fully stick to his image, Jimin is exhausted by his idol life. He is a rather quiet guy who loves staying at home and relax. He is not that out-going and when he has to work the whole time and doesn't get a break from his 'second personality' he gets really, really exhausted and moody. He's young and has not a lot of experience in life but his calm personality makes him often look more mature. He needs someone older with experience to guide him but at the same time is a calm personality to take care of someone as noisy and lively as Chaerin. That's how they are matching: They are balancing out each others personality traits. 

Jimin, by the way, is pretty jealous. He hates being unreasonable and he especially dislikes hating people who don't deserve to be hated. But nowadays there is someone he really can't stand.


✩ Even though Jimin was the last among the BTS members to get to know Chaerin, he is one of the closest to her. Because of their same interests and same hometown they practically clicked and to some point Jimin developed a crush on her. But because of the lack of experience he has with girls and he didn't know how to approach her, he missed the very moment to confess to her when Bongyoung was quicker and snitched her away right in front of Jimin's eyes. A little frustrated he tried to distance himself from Chaerin but failed because he started missing her a lot and Jungkook made sure that she was around at any time possible. 

Their love only - and ironically - get a chance when Bongyoung proposes to Chaerin and she is put into the very tight spot to decide if she really wants to get married or only chase her dream of being an idol. She still isn't ready to marry early and Jimin will be the one she will talk about her problems with. He will encourage her to follow her dreams and tell her that she's still young and needs to experience a lot of things. This will ultimately lead to her breaking up with her long-term boyfriend and after that Jimin will try to approach her again, confusing her a lot because until some point she thought of them only as friends but realizes herself that there is more than meets the eye.

Fun Fact: He really, really dislikes Bongyoung and even more that Bongyoung is a nice person that doesn't really deserves to be hated.

"Heeeeeey, are you ready?" Jimin rushed straight into the Arora practice room, all ready to pick his female friend up so they could stop by McDonald's to grab something to eat and hang out a bit. But when he arrived, he found Chaerin talking to the one person Jimin didn't want to see like ever. Bongyoung was arguing about something with her, his usually smiling face being disgruntled even when he saw Jimin approaching. "Fine!", Chaerin huffed and looked at Jimin. "Sorry, Jimin. I can't tag along today... Mister Bong over here decided that we have different plans..." We. Ugh. Jimin's toe nails started curling when he heard her calling herself and Bongyoung 'we'. "Oh...but I waited the whole time and the others are already out.", he tried to convince her and next to Bongyoung, who was a lot taller than him, tried to gain some centimeters of height by tip-toeing a little. How could this guy be tall like that? How unfair! "Ah...Bongyoung...can't we postpone it just for today?", she asked her boyfriend who only sighed. "Fine. Just do whatever you want.", he told her all huffy and left. "Bongyoung? OPPA?!" Chaerin desperately moved on the spot, her hands forming fists. She was torn between staying with Jimin or following her angry boyfriend and her whole body was showing the conflict she was kept within. "Oh ...!", she mumbled before she started running after him.

Oh yeah... Jimin really hated that guy.


STATUS: friends but maybe getting more?



Jey-chan✩ Jey

LAST COMMENT: Thanks for allowing me to apply for the dancer spot even though it's already completely full :) But I think you will agree that my character makes absolutely no sense without the dancing background as her whole life and issues are about the dancing thing x'D I hope you like her^^


✩ Of course some fanfiction reading stuff xD Would be funny to see how her bandmates react to that! :)

✩ Chaerin either stripping in front of the cam or imitating animals and the other members try to get her out of the camera.

✩ If Arora would get a show like Bangtan Bomb, that would be awesome! I could imagine it being called Arora Splash or something like that.

✩ Anything that includes scandals. I love scandals xD

PASSWORD: #DCE775 - 2EYES - Don't mess with me




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I've looked through it briefly, and I'm so glad I let you apply. She's amazing! I'll read it throughoutly and post a review tomorrow ^^