Weird Creepiness SHINee

I just browsed google pics a bit and... I found THESE. Creepy much, those boys...


Let's start with the oldest leader first!


He looks at me like he knows a dirty secret of mine! D: HELP!


Aaang~ Isn't that just...


Aaaaaw don't cry... Chicken's near!


Someone wanted to go as the evil witch on Halloween. With Nail art and EVERYTHING! (Btw is this just me or does he look like 2NE1's Minzy here. >.>)

Ok Onew, despite me not being able to help fangirling over those effing hot exposed arms and collarbone... GET SOME SLEEP.  :3



Ok on with the next! Dadadadaaaaa TAEMIN!


It looks like something's gonna jump out of his eyes and EAT YOU. Alive.


... Oooook I have to admit that it's the only near creepy pic I found of Taemin. HOW CAN A PERSON BE WONDERFUL ON EVERY PIC? =_= Sorry Taem, but my selfconfidence's gotten a total blow. If it was ever existing in the first place. So I'll have to have Taemin on hold until I find more creepier ones. 




This is not so much creepy because of a creepy face. I'm creeping out cause Key looks like he's gonna faint any second now! T~T


I can't explain why... but it looks greepy to me. xD


Hmmmm. I haven't found many of Key either... damn you guys!


Next up is THE Jonghyun!


... That's almost self-explaining, no? That FACE and that POSE... ...


I know some find this cute. But for me it sends shudders down my spine. HE SLEEPS WITH HIS EYES OPEN. Let alone those nostrils.


Cigarette, please? He looks so uncaring...


And this is just... wrong. Entirely wrong.




I'm glad I wasn't the reason that caused this. >.>;


Good for you Minho. Yoogeun takes all the attention. Because your forehead somehow freaks me out...


That's just... not Minho. This is actually freaking me out the most. I might be weird...


Hairstyle. 'Nuff said?


One word. RIBBIT.


I know you won't understand this one at all. Yes, I agree that at first I was... recovering from fanspasming. But then I looked again and... EEEEK RIBS.

Ok, Jjong and Minho together... it's more amusing than creepy xD


Ok, so this was all the creepiness/weird things I could find. I know this hasn't turned out really creepy at all - most of them are actually rather cute. But once you see one little creepy thing, that thing will keep coming to your head when you see the pics. xD I might look too closely too, though. 

I never thought I'd find so many Minho pics that creeped me out. >.> Onew I was expecting, cause he's, well... Onew. xD

And cause I couldn't find even ONE DECENT (well, the one I found doesn't REALLY creep me out that much) creepy/weird pic of Taemin... I'ma just give one cuteness extra. :3



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