NASCENT • sparkles



 i. hyunjin disliked sangah the first time they met. call him superficial, but he despised how the girl carried himself. he could see she was beautiful, but the dreary aura and the tired expression fully showed she didn't care nor take care of herself. 
hyunjin does not appreciate anyone who doesn't cherish beauty. 
he did not appreciate sangah. he left the room when she entered for her audition and clearly stated to jiyeon that nascent was not going to have a girl like that as their vocalist.
to his chagrin, jiyeon was enamoured by sangah's voice and insisted on having the girl no matter what. jiyeon was rarely so adamant on something, and seeing her smileless face, he backed down reluctantly.
and that is the brief story of how a band's producer came to hate his band's own vocalist.

ii. a producer cannot produce without listening to his own band. because of his immense dislike towards sangah, he put off visiting the band practice until jiyeon assured him that the performance was absolutely perfect. he walked in with low expectations and a disgusted sneer on his face before he heard sangah. jiyeon sniggered at his change of expression when his eyes turned wide and his mouth formed a small surprised 'o'.

sangah was definitely not the best vocalist he had ever seen. she wasn't even an exceptionally good vocalist with correct techniques either. but anyone with slight knowledge in music could hear the raw talent and the emotion in her voice. the despair, the sadness, the longing. hyunjin could understand why jiyeon so desperately wanted sangah in the band.

iii. hyunjin went from feeling distaste to curiousity. why was this talented girl who could accomplish so much more such a mess? out of sheer curiousity and seeing sangah as a lab rat, he started approaching the girl. offering vocal lessons and taking her out to coffee where the two sat in maladroit silence. but sangah is easy to break down, and after weeks of clinging onto her, conversation flowed between the two and everyone, especially jiyeon, was surprised at the sudden advance in the relationship between them.

at practice, sangah usually sings with her eyes closed. the members have always coaxed her to try singing with her eyes open but she's never had the courage to. 

iv. fast forward to their first performance in hongdae. the band is playing the intro, sangah is closing her eyes to immerse herself and hyunjin is frowning. he now has newfound respect and affinity for the girl, but she needs to open her eyes to give a strong first performance. and so he says it. out loud. "open your eyes.

her eyes flutter open. poises. 

and hyunjin is absolutely enamoured. 

her eyes are sparkling, and instead of melodies, life flows out of . it's stunning and he knows he's fell for her. not her voice. just...her.

v. kiwoong comes to pick sangah up from practice. hyunjin's heart drops and everyone else throws him worried glances because he's made it so obvious after their first performance. this is the first time anyone has ever seen kiwoong in ages and everyone had thought they had broke up. 

hyunjin notices that the two walk next to each other further than most couples do and they don't touch each other.

vi. he sees miso and kiwoong hand in hand in front of him. he sees them kiss. kiwoong turns around and throws a glance at him. he doesn't recognise me, hyunjin realises. he follows them, taking pictures. 

he shows sangah.  her expression doesn't change. "I know." she murmurs. "you know? and you're letting him?" he cries in disbelief.

"why not?" she shrugs. fury bubbles in his chest and he slams the table, scaring everyone else in the cafe. "why are you doing this to yourself? so many other people care for you. why hold yourself down with a bastard like that?" 

"he's not a -" "he is a bastard. let him go."

hyunjin is met with stony silence before sangah pushes back her chair abruptly and leaves.

vii. he sees them. again. across the street. 
he tells her. she rushes out.

"we're over. happy?" she collapses in tears. he holds her, he pats her back and whispers reassurances in her ears. 

he's sorry.

viii. nascent likes having beer parties in hongdae. 

kiwoong and miso like dating in hongdae.

the two parties run into each other in hongdae.

miso smirks, kiwoong gasps, jiyeon winces, hyunjin glares, and sangah feels the tears welling up in her eyes. hyunjin notices her trembling body and slides an arm around her waist. "move." he whispers. she shuffles down the street and the rest of the band follows, and sangah has never felt as much support as she had right then.

ix. he drops her off at home. she thanks him for that moment.

"I'm just doing it for the one I like." he states bluntly. she looks up at him sharply, a bewildered expression in her eyes. she blinks. "let's go out tomorrow." 

she nods. he is over the moon.

that night, he dreams of her singing, zoning in on the sparkles in her eyes.

x. he takes her to karaoke. 

she sings. she shines. and his heart beats faster than normal.

xi. he does everything he can to see her eyes sparkling. he wants vibrant sangah, dynamic sangah, radiant sangah.

xii. it's always easier to fall for someone who already likes you, and even easier if you've recently gotten hurt.

sangah falls. he's walking her home and he's cracking jokes and a smile spreads across her face before a laugh erupts. he's smiling proudly. "you look smug. why?"

"I made you shine."

she pulls him down holy he's tall and presses her lips on his. he stiffens, but he smiles against her lips and wraps her in his arms. 

they arrive to practice hand in hand. the room erupts in cheers as jiyeon yells that she'd never thought she'd say hyunjin date in his life.

xiii. hyunjin believes that he's made sangah happier, but he disregards the fact that she has lots on her plates and there's a reason why she's always tired.

he pushes her to have fun, he frowns when he's tired, he gets angry when she fails to laugh. 

she's had enough.

"do you love me, or do you love the sparkles in my eyes?"

a/n: these are just snippets of what happen to them. feel free to utilise and expand them or use them as a basis for...things. I don't know.


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