〈 ◍ gotta catch 'em all! ↷ naru, masaru [80% i think lol but who ever finishes examples--]

_totorosan. bao. 7. 積読本.
replace with fcreplace with fcreplace with fc
naru, masaru
maybe you should try and turn your weaknesses into hm04...!
FULL NAME — naru, masaru
• megumi; what she goes by bc her name is a dude's name
• mimi; what her family calls her
• momo; what her father insists on calling her
• gumi ; taken from the last syllable

• gummy ; white-ified pronunciation of gumi
• pinky ; code name 
UALITY — straight like a wooden ruler
DOB + AGE — 07 • 04 (16)
BIRTHPLACE — viridian city, kanto
HOMETOWN — viridian city
ETHNICITY — japanese
• japanese + ooo a japanese speaking japanese dang
• english + basic, taught by parents 
FACE CLAIM — kuriyama mirai
BACKUP — ^^^
let's play who's the main character with big amber eyes, short pink hair, pale skin, high nose and a small frame, what else would you expect of a "typical" asian girl? she has small hands and feet and a scar at the end of her right brow.
OTHER — 2 piercings on both lobes; simple ruby red rose  pearl studs
HEIGHT & WEIGHT — 152 cm & 47 kg
• she has an affinity for things that are light, simple, cute, oversized or all of the above. not really a fan of dark colors, or anything too loud. soft, simple, and put-together is her style. loves skirts and has somewhat of a school girl tumblr style ish.

on the daily | winter (the very last one on the right) | contest | it's too hot | #these were such a pain in the to find lol

PLOTLINE  the healer

[ + ] persistent, realistic, thoughtful, humorous, patient
[ - ] push-over,  uptight, insecure,  timid, judgemental
[ = ] witty, discreet, outspoken, ditzy
• [ + ] - "just laugh at my jokes."
• [ - ] - "wdym i am nOt judging her hairstyle?? 
• [ = ] - "
wutevr u guys suk." 

• on july fourth,  2000, naru masaru was born in viridian city. she's always lived a very peaceful and happy life. you could say there was nothing wrong with her life, and you would be right. she grew up in a loving family and couldn't ask for anything more. her childhood mainly consisted of loud and lively roadtrips as well as the mini adventures she always had with her older brother, but that all stopped when he entered the trainer school for the "advanced" because "he was too cool to do childish things". not that she was super offended, she eventually entered as well at 13, just a few years behind. he never really abandonded her, because he'd always check on her and mess around with her too. she always layed low, hoping to never draw attention to herself as a way of avoiding unneeded drama. turning 15, her parents finally let her go on her own adventure, following in the footsteps of her brother when he left, in hopes to catch up to him someday. 
• just before her journey, she was scouted by looker, a spy that travelled from a farway region, recruiting her to become a spy for the kanto branch, persuading her due to the lack of spies in the region. the only reason that she was recruited was actually because she's so small and tends to be discreet, which was perfect! she was reluctant at first, however upon hearing that team rocket were to come back yet again, she had thought about it. it was until looker talked about salary that won her over. 
• father - naru ryuu (48) - trainer school teacher - loving, outspoken, rash, obnoxious - "the cool and fun dad". self-proclaimed, ryuu never fails to embarrass his children in front of his kids. ryuu often goes out of his way to research about the slang that's being used these days and even music and tries to talk to his children with the newfound knowledge of slang, making everyone laugh. he's the type to dote on his kids and ask questions about their lives. it may come off as annoying from time to time, but he only wants the best for them. - fc: sakai keisuke
• mother - kosaki rin (46) - breeder - softspoken, thoughtful, caring, patient - much more low-key on the cool parents image that her dad  have tried coming up with as a joke. she definitely uses the slang less more often than ryuu. not to mention, though she she's the most supportive and caring parent you'll probably ever meet. she's kept all her kids' drawings, photos and awards stashed away in several albums in her room. her maternal instincts are every strong and will not lay down to see her children upset. she goes out of her way to make them feel better, even making a gourmet meal to cheer them up. - fc: sakai mahiru
brother - naru kameko or katsuro (18) - rash, impatient, outgoing, loyal - honestly best of friends. they super close and care for each other more than they would like to admit. they're the type of siblings to be going to each other for everything and just randomly announce if she's on her period or if he's got a . a very honest relationship and only insults and stupid fights are their way of communicating. - fc; matsuoka rin
sister - naru hoshi (4) - obnoxious, hyperactive, blunt, playful - though she's still very young you can tell that she loves her siblings a lot. she shows it through being that one annoying sibling that's always running their mouths and laughing about it afterwards. she's always looked up to her siblings and hopes to be as great as them, but for now, she'll stick to being the whiney, nosy, loud-mouthed brat that everyone still loves and finds super funny somehow. - fc: anzu from hanamaru kindergarten
• she can heal pokemon by touching them but it makes her vv sleepy
• high key a foodie and so are her pkmn lol
• she has a habit of saying things like "lit?" or "bless up!" etcetc
• habits include: rolling her eyes. biting/ her lips, pouting in concentration, fake hyperventilation when anxious, and daydreaming
• hobbies include: gaming, anime, baking/cooking, stargazing, drawing, reading, guitar/piano, and training
• she loves to cook and bake
• ^ skills r a1
• ^^ bless up
• ^^^ thank her mom for teaching her
• she effin loves coffee, boba, teas and fraps
• claustropobic (like deathly) 
• she has an attention span of a magikarp :(
• she has horrible jokes up her sleeve that she finds hilarious
• she was dropped as a child lmao

• she actually wasn't even supposed to exist whoops parents #mistakekid
• fries and junkfood r her fave bc high blood pressure and stuff
• fruits r her fave too bc gotta balance out the blood pressure fam
• she smells good all the time according to peers

• she practically named herself megumi and only her family knows her real name (for now)
• same w kameko tho
• hoshi is the only kid to have a correct gender name for some reason idk
EEVEE or EVE ♀ (lvl 30) — it was a family pokemon, but when masaru started her journey, eevee just wanted to tag along so she let it. her eevee has rather a reserved, yet caring nature. holds an amulet coin (which gets traded out for a twisted spoon)
moveset as of now: 
MAREEP or MA ♀ (lvl 25) — one of her first pokemon she got as a child when her father gave it to her when his ampharos bred. mareep is the ring leader in the team, and without mareep, masaru would probably go crazy trying to manage the others.  holds a magnet
MUNCHLAX or ITSUPPORTGUY KABI ♂ (lvl 25) — yet another family pokemon that she let tag along, despite it meaning that she has to cook way more for her pokemon. munchlax holds a silk scarf
DRATINI or RYU ♀ (lvl 20)— first met in celadon city's arcade. at first, it was a total pain in the to raise just because it wouldn't listen to her at all despite her having the rainbow badge in her possession. holds a dragon fang
SEEL OR AOI  (lvl 30) — first met on the seafoam islands. she definitely didn't catch it the traditional way, it only followed her because it kept smelling and seeing food around her. no matter how much food masaru gave it, seel kept following her. she eventually gave in and let it follow her, which became one of her companions. holds a never melt ice
GROWLITHE or GARDIE  (lvl 21) — first met on route 7.  holds a charcoal. knows firefang, fire wheel, bite and roar
BOX POKEMON — caterpie, pidgeot, poliwhirl, and whatever else idk i'm too lazy for this to list out individual pokes
note: the ones that my chara caught are lvls u can find them at... the others i wasnt so sure was reasonable lol and obvs wip lelel
TRAINER — she's definitely about making the first move and to have absolutely no mercy on her opponents, hence all her offensive attacks. she doesn't believe in lowering stats or attempting to give the opponent a status problems as she feels it's a complete waste of a move, which is also why she has no two-turn attacks. very merciless and competitive. though her specialty is water/dragon, she'd like to experiment with other types as well.
LOVE INTEREST — akihito kanbara from kyoukai no kanata 
— 17
PERSONALITY — traits: flirty, passionate, careless, lazy, lies (exaggerates a latte), cocky, af
• flirty; he sees a pretty girl. he has to get her pokegear number, name, where she lives, how old she is, does she have a boyfriend, what cup size she is and everything a normal friend would know. of course, he has this creepy erted attitude (and if you're "hot" then he'll probably touch your when he first sees you) when flirting with girls. it doesn't matter if the girl is younger or older, all it matters if she's pretty and it's got a pulse, he'll flirt with her all day. he has no intentions of getting into a relationship, he just wants to flirt. a player, if you will. unless he finds "the one" he'll flirt with that one girl only, and he becomes a lot smoother if you're close to him for some reason idk.
• cocky; he belives he's the best and no one can be better than him (unless it's red, green and blue senpai). but he's right. he is one of the best trainers out there, but just because he saved johto twice, doesn't mean he's almighty and everyone should worship him (i mean he saved it with two other trainers). he is very proud, and has powerful pokemon to be proud of, though he lets it get to his head just a little too much, which results in him losing in a battle usually because of his cockiness, but he is passionate about his pokemon and battling style.
• passionate; whether it's his friends, family, pokemon, his looks, expect him to defend himself very terribly. his intentions are good and has a strong sense of justice, but he doesn't do a good job on reflecting it seriously. he always says the wrong things, or they just come out wrong. when something or someone he truly cares about, he'll go out of his way just to save them, even if it means risking his life. he's is very reliable for help in setting up defenses, and is very persitent. but if it's his looks, don't insult him on that. he'll go ape on you, and then fix his appearance.
•  af; even though he doesn't admit it, he's high key (erted for the less informed) despite him showing obvious signs of lmao. he also has a huge for glasses
• they met in the trainer school. she honestly only caught his eyes because she was a bespectacled beauty 
RELATIONSHIP — skinshippy w a cup o' awk
STATUS — super single
RELATIONSHIP STATEMENT aye little mami lemme whisper in yo ear everytime & run with me
• i am getting a squirtle on my team somehow kk (if u guys want, u can put like idk maybe u didn't catch the pokemon "properly" w a ball. idk be creative w this!!)
• mainly for my reference
ooooh what could it be??!?!
replace with l/i or starterreplace with l/i or starterreplace with l/i or starter


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