〈 ◍ gotta catch em all! ↷ chara name

username. nickname. activity. 積読本.
replace with fcreplace with fcreplace with fc
character name
"character quote / catch phrase"
FULL NAME — last, first
• name + explanation
GENDER — m / f
UALITY — everything under the sky!! straight, bi, gay, ace, pan, etc.
DOB + AGE — mm • dd (#)
BIRTHPLACE — where did they grow up fam in this format: city/town, region
HOMETOWN — also where did they grow up yo
ETHNICITY — refer to cheatsheet!
LANGUAGES — at least japanese and english
• language + explanation
FACE CLAIM — anime face!!
BACKUP — ^^^
• what tf does your face look like because us authors can only see from their neck up. 
OTHER — difference between your face & your character??
HEIGHT & WEIGHT — healthy would be cool but yknow ppl aren't always healthy 
• pictures would be ok but pictures and description would make me swoon. nd keep in mind this is pkmn lol they wear the same year round. so maybe 1 outfit a season?? and ofc if ur a coordinator then well ye lol but if ur character rly likes fashion then its coo nbd

PLOTLINE — name of plot
PERSONALITY TRAITS — include an equal balance of both positive and negative or i'll call u out on it on the review lol
• oh yes writing that's my favorite thing
• i definitely need to know their life's story 
RELATIONSHIPS — only describe those relevant to the story bc istg i do not want you doing extra work for my story
• relation - name (age) - occupation - personality - interactions w/ your character
• gimme something to work with fam like yo i need some important details about your character
• also i would like to be entertained
STARTER NAME — if u wanna nickname it, put it here pls! and also a brief desc of how they interact w other pkmn and their personality like r they a or wha?
BACK UP STARTER — oh specifying gender is loved too
PKMN #1 — how did yall meet? did it attack u for food? if it's a starter just put met in (prof) lab lol 
PKMN #2 — copy and paste if according to ur desired team. oh and lvl and ability would be much appreciated
BOX POKEMON — list em here AND A NOTE; when changing the headings, the bold lettering thingies that r ur pkmn names, keep em caps pls :) too lazy to tweak the code anymore lmao. also include ones that will be caught in the future (@the catchers... since the goal for yall is to catch all of em, just put when u completed or will complete the pokedex)

TRAINER — battle style! offensive, defensive or both? type specialty? no specialty? noob or nawh? the whole shabang!!
COORDINATOR — same as above! this option is slightly more work bc i need both battle style and how u compete in contests. but pls choose one and delete the one u didn't choose
LOVE INTEREST — last, first if you please (but if they don't have a last its coo)
BACKUP — js this ain't necessary, but gold is taken hue. just specify if li or nah
GENDER — m / f
PERSONALITY — tbh it's up to you whether you wanna write traits or paragraphs, but just know i'm not universally adept to all girl groups / boy groups
• start here jsy
• here is where you actually have to do some writing!! yay!! just tell me what their relationship is, how it started, interactions, all that cute sappy .
RELATIONSHIP — are they friends? together? what??!?!?? also add what type— like if it's all skinshippy or like super awkward
STATUS — are they single or taken or always on n off with a gf or like? ? ??w ht
RELATIONSHIP STATEMENT — basically just describe to me their kind of love in a phrase of yours, or like a qoute or a song??? it can be anything really. strike through this whole section if not applicable
questions? comments? concerns? anything at all?
i know it's slightly confusing (or at least i think it is), so feel free to ask!
• i mean i won't get them all done but i'll attempt it and i really love these js :)
ooooh what could it be??!?!
replace with l/i or starterreplace with l/i or starterreplace with l/i or starter


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i rly didn't need to do this but this is for our benefit lmfao ;)